How Many Seasons Does Your Country Have? IELTS Speaking Practice

Sample IELTS speaking exam from an IELTS interview in Pakistan

IELTS Speaking Test Pakistan | Part 1

What is your full name?

My name is...

May I see your ID?

Yes, here's my passport

Do you work or study?

I work. I'm an accountant with a national firm based here in Islamabad.

Where are you from?

I was born in Faisalabad, that's where my family are originally from.

How many seasons does your country have?

My country has four distinct seasons each year.

Can you describe the seasons in your country? (Tell me about the seasons in your country) (Does weather change from season to season in your country?)

Yes, there are four different seasons in my country, winter, spring, summer, and then the monsoon season. Winter is usually from December to February and it's typically cool and dry. Spring runs from March to May and is normally hot and dry and then comes the summer rainy season which lasts until around September and is followed by the retreating monsoon season during October and November.

Do you like when it’s raining?

No, not really. It's a nice change from the heat of spring, but the rain brings many problems and makes daily life a little more difficult. I prefer the spring season personally, even though it can be very hot some days.

Do you like cold or hot weather?

I like warm or hot weather best. Ever since I was a child it's been my favorite season and I look forward to it every year after the winter.

Do you think there was a major change in climatic conditions recently?

There's been a lot of talk about it but I'm not sure if the changes have been more dramatic than in the past or we are just monitoring them better than we used to. History shows us that the Earth has gone through various climatic changes and long periods of cold and hot weather. I think it's probably a natural weather cycle that takes place over a long period of time.

IELTS Speaking Test Pakistan | Part 2

Talk about your favorite subject at school/university.

You should say:
- what the subject was
- what you learned about
- why it was your favorite subject
And explain what you like most about it.

Model Answer

When I was at school my favorite class was Geography. I used to have an excellent teacher who made everything seem very interesting. I also enjoyed learning about many different things related to our lives such as where we live, how we are affected by weather, farming, and other topics, and how we can learn so much from rocks, trees, and other items around us which can tell us about past events many thousands of years ago.

I can distinctly remember many lessons about agriculture and how it was developed in many different regions of the world. The difference between farming needs in different parts of the world and how the produce could be exported from one country to another.

I also remember learning about rock formations and how rivers can form valleys and erode rock, and the earth, over a long period of time and change the landscape. I thought it was fascinating at the time how you could learn so much about something that seemed to be so simple.

My Geography classes made me look at everything differently. What I had previously seen as just a river or rock became something much more interesting when I realized how much information it could tell us and how many different aspects there were to them.

Even now, I think I still look at things and think about what's beneath the surface, what's behind the visible parts, the parts we can't see or never think about. There's always so much more involved than what we can simply see every day.

Really, I think it was my favorite subject at school because it dealt with real things. I mean, we learned about mountains, rivers, countries, populations, social migration, and many other things like that. You can see these things in life, it all seemed relevant.

I can remember I didn't like Math much as a school subject because I couldn't relate it to everyday life. Solving all those mathematical problems didn't seem connected to real life.

Another reason I liked Geography as a subject was because, as I said, my teacher was great. She made everything seem interesting and had an excellent way of explaining things to her students. The time always seemed to fly past in those classes because they were so interesting.

IELTS Speaking Test Pakistan | Part 3

What do you think about new methods of teaching children?

They seem to be okay. I mean, teaching methodology continually evolves and changes to meet the needs of children and society. Today, children get to interact more with the learning material. There is a lot more technology used in the classroom. And the children are encouraged to discover through exploring the subject not just memorizing facts the teacher tells them.

If you want to evaluate the newer methods, unfortunately, it takes a long time because the results are not evident until much later after the children have grown up and probably entered the workforce. But it is important to constantly innovate and encourage children to become self-learners, so the current teaching methods being used seem somewhat better than those used in the past.

What are those methods?

As I mentioned, teachers depend a lot more on technology to help them present material. There are classrooms equipped with projectors, portable tablets, and other technology that let children interact with the learning material in a better way.

There is also more emphasis on children working together in groups, and on projects regarding the topic being studied. This is more interesting than simply reading information from a textbook or listening to an explanation from the teacher.

The encouragement and motivation teachers give to students to develop their skills and experience with their creativity are also important factors that are much stronger now than in the past. The whole learning environment seems to have become one of discovery rather than simply receiving knowledge from the teacher. This is good I think.

Do you think the current education system will change in the future?

Yes, like everything else in life, education has changed since the past and will continue to develop and evolve in the future. The education system must meet the needs of society. The needs of society change over time, so it's only logical that education and teaching pedagogy, as well as other aspects of life, will also change accordingly to meet those changing demands.

With the advances in technology, many more children may become home-schooled but through the state education system and not privately. This would make education more accessible for many children and reduce the need for increased infrastructure such as additional schools as the population grows.

With the internet and collaborative tools, children could still work together in virtual classrooms. This would be a cheaper option for the government and would be more in line with the globalized working environment of today and the future in which many people do not always work in the same building as their colleagues.

How do you see the role of parents changing in the evolving education landscape?

As technology makes it easier for parents to access and be involved in their children's education, I believe the role of parents will become more important. Parents should use technology to stay informed and help guide their children with their studies. They have the opportunity to provide support in areas where school may be lacking, such as encouraging self-learning through exploration and independent study.

What potential challenges and opportunities do you foresee with increased reliance on technology in education?

While the implementation of technology in classrooms presents numerous benefits, it may also pose certain challenges. For example, technology could create a more competitive environment as students compare their progress with that of their peers. Additionally, digital distractions such as social media can become a major issue if not managed appropriately.

However, the opportunities of using technology in education cannot be ignored. Technology can provide an immersive learning experience for students and give them access to resources and information that they would not have had access to otherwise. It can also help teachers in their work, by providing new tools and resources for planning lessons, assessing students, and managing classrooms.

Do you think the current education system is effective?

It depends on many factors such as the curriculum being taught, the resources available and the dedication of teachers. Generally, I would say that the current education system is adequate in providing students with basic knowledge, however there are areas where improvement can be made. For example, more emphasis should be placed on creative thinking and problem solving skills to ensure that students have the tools necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world.