What Is Your Communication Style Interview Question

How to answer - What is Your Communication Style? - in an Interview

When interviewing for a job, you will likely be asked about your communication style. This can be daunting, but don't worry - with the tips below on how to answer this question you can impress your potential employer. Read on to learn more!

What is Your Communication Style?

Before we get into how to answer this question in an interview, let's first define what communication style actually is.

Communication style is how you tend to communicate with others. There are four main communication styles:

  • passive
  • aggressive
  • assertive
  • passive-aggressive

Most people fall somewhere in between two of these styles.

For example, you may be mostly assertive but also have some qualities of passivity. It's important to remember that there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to communication style - it simply depends on what works best for you.

That being said, in most professional settings, it is generally best to err on the side of assertiveness. This means that you can effectively communicate your needs and wants while also respecting the needs and wants of others.

If you are passive, you may have difficulty getting your point across or asserting yourself in group settings. If you are aggressive, you may come across as confrontational or bossy.

Keep all of this in mind as we move on to talking about how to answer this question in an interview!

How to Answer This Question in an Interview

The best way to answer this question is to give a specific example of a time when you used effective communication to achieve a goal.

Here's an example:

"I'm usually pretty good at communicating my needs and wants without being too pushy or coming across as confrontational. For example, last year I was part of a team project at work where we had to create a presentation for our boss. I knew that I wanted credit for my ideas so I made sure to speak up during our brainstorming sessions and clearly articulate my suggestions when we were putting the presentation together."

This response shows that the person is aware of their communication style and how it might come across to others. It also gives a specific example of a time when they used their skills to achieve something positive at work.

In conclusion, remember that communication style is just one aspect of who you are as a person - there is no right or wrong answer!

Just be honest about your strengths and weaknesses and give specific examples of times when you've used effective communication skills in the past.

With these tips in mind, you're sure to impress your potential employer in your next interview if they ask you the "What Is Your Communication Style" interview question!