Describe a Recent Change in Your Life
Interview questions about:
- Your job
- Public transport
- A recent change in your life
- Changing jobs
- Accepting change
- Mentoring children
Interview Questions and Answers
Are you working or studying at the moment?
Right now, I am working. I'm a web developer, so my job is mostly to sit in front of a computer and write code all day. It's not the most exciting job in the world, but it pays the bills, and I like it.
That said, I'm always looking for ways to improve my skills and learn new things. In my free time, I like to read tech blogs, watch videos on YouTube, and experiment with new programming languages and frameworks. I also try to get out and do some exercise whenever possible—it's not great for productivity, but it's good for your health!
What does your job involve?
It's mainly writing front-end code, which means JavaScript and CSS. I've also done some back-end work in the past with PHP and Python, but not recently.
I tend to do a lot of client-side stuff these days—making AJAX requests, building web components with frameworks like React or Vue.js, etc.
What do you like best about the work you do?
If I had to choose one thing, it's how much creative freedom I have. The only technical requirement for my job is that what I write works, so it can be really interesting coming up with creative solutions to problems.
Even if you're not super creative on the inside, then at least you are free to explore new areas of technology without having a manager breathing down your neck.
Do you think you will remain in the same job in the future?
It's probable, but I might try my hand at freelancing or starting a company. I'm not sure yet.
What is the most satisfying part of your work?
The best thing about my job is getting to solve little problems every day because it isn't assembly line production. It's more like crafting one-of-a-kind items where each piece is different and needs to be customized.
How often do you travel by bus?
Not very often, I prefer to ride my motorcycle.
Do you prefer using the bus or the subway?
Neither, but when I have to, I take the bus. I'd love it if the seats on the bus were more comfortable, though.
What do you think about the number of children riding bicycles?
I think it's a good thing, but I've seen too many accidents from kids being distracted or not looking where they are going. Still, it's a much better alternative to sitting inside a car for hours on end every day.
What are some common problems related to public transport in your country?
The biggest issue is probably overcrowding on buses and subways. They simply can't fit as many people as would like to ride them. So many people resort to driving their cars or riding motorcycles, which leads to traffic jams and pollution.
What changes should the government make to the current public transport system? Why?
One change it could make is to improve the urban infrastructure. Maybe they could redesign it so that there are fewer cars on the road, and more subways, trains, and sidewalks.
One frequent complaint is that subways are often not air-conditioned (even during tropical summer days), which can make traveling by train rather tiresome.
Describe a recent change in your life
What was it? When did it happen? How did it influence you? Was the change positive or negative?
About six months ago, my boss promoted me to a position of greater responsibility at work. It's been a lot of extra work, but it's also been rewarding to see my efforts translate into tangible results.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to have grown in my career, and I'm excited to see what the future holds. This recent change in my life taught me that if you're willing to put in the hard work, good things will eventually come your way.
How did this change at work influence me?
When I got promoted at work, it was a great feeling. It meant that all my hard work had paid off, and my boss recognized my dedication to my team.
I'm very grateful for the opportunities that have come my way, and I know that I'll continue to work hard to be a valuable member of the team.
Overall, the recent change in my life was positive - and I've grown as a person. My colleagues were also glad that they now have me as their boss!
It's been less than a year since this big step forward, but I can already see the results, which is great. I feel more motivated at work, and because of my commitment to the team, I'm now able to provide much better assistance than before.
Follow-up Questions
What would you change about your job?
I suppose I would like to see more opportunities for career advancement, especially for other company employees. In my job specifically, I'd like to change how tasks are assigned by management - I think it would be better if there was more discussion and collaboration before deciding who should do what on a project.
Who accepts change more easily, young people or older people?
Young people are more adaptable to change because they have less emotional ties to the past.
Older people may be more set in their ways, but they also have a wealth of experience and knowledge. And this can help them navigate change successfully. They often have strong support networks that give them the strength to face difficult times.
Why do you think that is?
In general, young people are better at dealing with new information, while older people are better at dealing with difficult emotions. These different abilities make both groups of people valuable assets in a changing world.
Why do you think some people find it difficult to accept change?
I think some people find it difficult to accept change because they fear the unknown. Change can be unpredictable and scary, especially if a person is comfortable with the way things are currently.
I also think that some people resist change because they like to be in control. When things change, it can be tricky to maintain control, which leads to feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
Ultimately, it's important to remember that change is a natural part of life. It's ok to be scared or anxious about change, but it's also important to be open to new experiences and opportunities.
What might be some of the reasons why some people keep changing jobs?
There could be many reasons why someone might keep changing jobs, but some of the most common ones could include the following:
- The person doesn't feel challenged or fulfilled in their current job and is looking for a new challenge.
- The person is unhappy with their current boss or work environment and is looking for a new one.
- The person doesn't feel like they are reaching their full potential in their current job or doesn't like their job responsibilities.
- The person wants to earn more money and believes that a new job will provide them with a higher salary.
- The person is no longer interested in the industry or field they are working in and wants to explore other career opportunities.
How can children be encouraged to find their talent/passion?
One of the best ways to help children find their talent or passion is to provide them with opportunities to try different things.
How can we do this? By signing them up for activities outside of school, like music lessons, dance classes, or sports teams. Or by exposing them to different experiences, like going on family vacations to new places, trying out different kinds of food, or visiting museums and other cultural attractions.
Most importantly, it's vital to let your child know that you support whatever they decide to do. Celebrate their accomplishments and offer encouragement along the way. Encouraging them will help your child feel confident in themselves and motivated to continue pursuing their interests.
How important is it for young children to be mentored by older people?
Young children need to be mentored by older people because they can provide invaluable wisdom and support that children wouldn't ordinarily have access to.
Children are impressionable and often look up to older people as role models, so having a mentor provides them with someone they can aspire to be like one day.
Additionally, older people often have life experience and knowledge that children can learn from, which can help them navigate through life's challenges. Ultimately, mentoring relationships are beneficial for both the mentor and the mentee and provide a valuable opportunity for growth and development.