Describe An Event That Changed Your Life | Speaking Topics

Describe an event that changed your life

This is an example of an IELTS Part 2 Speaking Test Cue Card question that asks you to describe an event that changed your life forever.

Describe an event that changed your life forever

You should say:
  • what the event was
  • why it changed your life
  • where and when it occured
And explain who was with you when it happened.

Describe an event that you believe has changed the way you live, and explain how this event changed your life.

Sample Answer

Each of us has a story that encompasses an important life-changing event, but the main difference between people is that some are more willing to share their stories than others.

By talking about an event that changed my life and made me who I am today, it’s like telling my story so that it helps others to understand me as the person I am.

So I’m going to explain what defined that moment and why it was so important.

Have you heard of a near-death experience or a close brush with death? Something that happened that brought a person to the brink of death?

There are a few events that I believe have influenced and inspired me so much that I know they have changed my worldview and affected me forever. This event is one of them.

During a trip in 2015, I learned a lot about the importance of family and the need for a strong sense of community and family values. It gave me an understanding of how big a ‘family’ can be.

My father and I were traveling in our car to another city; he was driving at the time.

Suddenly, without warning, a large truck on the other side of the road veered across and smashed into our car. It was terrible! The impact destroyed our car and seriously injured my father and me.

After the accident, the EMTs arrived and took us to a nearby hospital for emergency treatment, but, unfortunately, my father died shortly after because of the serious injuries he had sustained.

His death was a life-changing moment for me. I became the head of the house and had to take on many new responsibilities.

It made me grow up very quickly, but I also learned how well-loved my father had been in our local community.

Everyone rallied around to help us in the first few months following his death, which was a great help. It was like having a super large family – everyone looking after us in our moment of need.

It was a moment that changed my life, as I could have died that day too. Something I’ll never forget. So now I never take anything for granted.

I’m fortunate to have learned these lessons at a young age and to have come to appreciate the ideals I grew up with as a child.

There’s nothing better than to learn by looking at your life experiences over time.

Some people may have extreme events in their lives that might worry them if they revisit them. The person I am today is partly the result of all that has happened in my past. All the events that have affected my life have all contributed something.

I’m constantly reminded of how lucky I am to be alive – and so I try to use the experience as a springboard to successfully overcome obstacles rather than think of myself as a lifelong victim of sad circumstances.

Can you describe an event that changed your life in a good way?

In my sophomore year of college, I decided to study abroad in Europe for a semester. It was an amazing experience that completely changed my perspective on the world. I got to travel to so many different countries and see so many amazing things. I also gained a lot of independence and confidence from being on my own in a foreign country. I would definitely recommend studying abroad to anyone who has the opportunity to do so. It changed my life in a good way because it broadened my horizons and made me more independent.

Can you describe a significant event in your life and the impact that it had on you?

I remember the day my grandfather died. I was only eight years old, but I felt like the world had ended. My grandfather was always so full of life and laughter. Even though I was young, I knew that he was special to me.

The day he died, everything changed. The house felt empty and cold without him. I didn't want to leave my room or see anyone. I felt like I had lost a part of myself.

It took me a long time to adjust to his death. But eventually, I realized that even though he was gone, he was still with me in spirit. He had left behind so many happy memories for me to cherish. And I know that he will always be with me, in my heart.

How would you answer this question about an event that changed your life?

  • Describe a country in which you would like to live/work for a short period of time
  • Describe an event you organized

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