What types of music do you like to listen to?

Describe a Style/Kind of Music
You should say: whether you like this type of music (Why or why not?), what kind of music you like best, what role music plays in people's life, and say how important you think music is for people.
IELTS Speaking Topics

Describe a Style of Music

One particular style of music I like listening to at the moment it’s what I call ‘epic’ music.

It’s probably easiest to describe it as that kind of rousing music you hear in many movie soundtracks, especially movies like Lord of the Rings and such like.

You know, it’s a mixture of haunting melodies and grand orchestral or symphonic crescendos.

A lot of people call it motivational music as well, because they listen to it in the gym or while exercising – it kind of lifts you up and gets you going because it conjures up all sorts of powerful images in your mind.

One reason why I like it is that every piece is different - there’s more variety than in a lot of pop music or other genres and there’s often no lyrics involved. I can sometimes listen to it for hours on end without getting bored with it.

As for my favorite type of music – well it all depends on what I’m doing or how I’m feeling. Sometimes I watch videos on YouTube or you know sometimes how you just hear a song in a movie or on the radio and you like it so you check out the artist and maybe listen to some more of their stuff.

I also like some older styles of music like blues and so on, as I said it just depends – I kind of go through phases. But I guess recently I’ve been going for more music that I hear in movies than any other type, so it’s not a case of just liking pop music or heavy rock, rap or any one particular genre – it’s more a case of liking a particular song rather than preferring one genre of music.

Music is important for most people because some people feel a connection with the lyrics of a song. Or if it’s an instrumental piece it may remind them of another place or remind them of something while they listen to it.

Each person is different but obviously, some music is pretty universal.

For example, a good pop song with a catchy melody will no doubt be immensely popular all over the world. People identify with it, or they just feel good listening to it, or they enjoy dancing to it, or in some cases, a particular song may be especially poignant or associated with an event or experience and so it becomes a classic.

There are many reasons why music is important for people – but probably the biggest one is – like dance – and art – music is universal in how it touches people.

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What kind of music do you like?

There are many different kinds of music to listen to. Some people like listening to classical music, while others prefer rock and roll. I like all kinds of music, but my favorites are classical and jazz. I love the way they make me feel emotional, and I find that they're very relaxing and enjoyable to listen to.

What kind of music do you like to listen to while working?

I like to listen to a variety of music while working, depending on my mood. Sometimes I'll listen to pop music or upbeat rock music to get me pumped up and motivated. Other times, when I need more focus, I'll listen to classical or jazz music. Whatever the case may be, I find that listening to music helps me stay productive and focused throughout the day.

What kind of music do you like to dance to?

I love to dance to electronic music! It's so upbeat and makes me want to move my body. Plus, the rhythms are often very catchy and can get you hooked on dancing for hours. I also enjoy salsa and bachata music because of their passionate rhythms- they make me feel like I can really let loose on the dance floor.

Here are some sample answers to give you some ideas and inspiration:

Sample Answer

I'm all about pop music. Of course, sometimes I enjoy playing a musical instrument too!

My favorite type is pop music - songs that come on the radio for everyone to sing along with that's perfect for playing in the car, getting your workout off to a good start, or chilling out at home.

But of course, there are so many other fun types of music I love as well. Whether it's jazz and rock from my high school days or songs by bands like The Beatles or Nirvana I listened to back in college.

Sample Answer

It depends on my mood and what I find more entertaining. Generally speaking, I tend to listen to pop music or rock because they are easier to get into.

My preferred genres of music break down into a few categories: indie, metal, acoustic instrumental, rap, and R&B/soul. And sometimes I listen to other types of genres like EDM (Electronic Dance Music), Pop Rock (Top 40), Alternative Rock (Indie), Hip Hop and Country & Western and Soft Rock.

A lot of people will have only one genre that they like best but I like lots of different ones depending on how I feel at the time.

Sample Answer

I like listening to all sorts of old-timey music. From the 1927 Carter Family hit, "The Storms Are on the Ocean," to fiddle-legend Kitty Wells' 1959 country classic, "It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels."

But I always listen to my favorite Country Western songs every day and love listening to some of them over and over again. I spend all my time singing my favorite tunes!

Sample Answer

I like listening to everything from country music and classic rock to musical theater.

Music is a big part of my life, from singing in choirs to spending time at local concerts or paying attention to new tunes on the radio and developing a good ear for what sounds good.

The variety of musical experiences I've had is what keeps me coming back for more, whether it's listening to an orchestra performing Beethoven or seeing diverse artists perform live.

The sound, mood, tone—all these things can change how you hear music so much that every time you listen it feels like something new.

Every concert feels like the first one all over again! My favorite genre has always been classic rock.

Sample Answer

I like listening to all sorts of music. Sometimes it varies depending on my mood, and other times it changes for no particular reason. But overall, I think I lean more towards the more mellow and instrumental side than other types of music.

While studying, more often than not I listen to live streams from the University of Chicago lectures currently online - that way there are no distractions in between subject matter or following along with a lesson plan.

And when I want to just unwind through some live music, The New Movement has concerts throughout the year that don't get old at all because they never play a setlist twice.

For exercise music while running or biking outside, Spotify has the perfect playlist for me. I set that to shuffle and it feels like a never-ending soundtrack while going through my routine.

Sample Answer

I like listening to instrumental music since it teaches musicians about different genres. For example, jazz is a very expressive and passionate genre of music, with incredible improvisational ability. Orchestral music makes you think about the structure outside of what's formally written on the page.

Rock n roll can feature full bands or just one person - each genre has unique challenges and structures to address musically. And because there are so many ways you can play any stringed instrument, an introspective look at how someone else addresses the same instrument will always be valuable.

If I'm looking for something more upbeat, then I'll turn to some of my favorite pop songs as well as playlists that put together a variety of styles.

Follow up questions

Where and when do you normally listen to music?

The easy answer is - whenever I can and wherever I can. While I'm travelling for sure and also while I'm walking around in the street. When I'm on the internet, maybe researching and sometimes when I'm studying also. I'll either listen to music on my phone or on my laptop depending on where I am and what I'm doing.

How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

That's quite difficult to measure because I often listen to music while doing other things, but if I had to guess I reckon it would be around four to five hours a day on average.

Why is it easier for children to learn to play a musical instrument?

Well, I suppose it's because it's easier for children to learn most things. Their minds are like little sponges and soak up all kinds of new information very easily - but it might also be because they have fewer inhibitions than most adults who get very frustrated easily when they try to do something new or different. Children have fewer habits or fixed routines to overcome so doing or learning new things, in general, comes easier to them than a lot of adults.

Are there any benefits from learning to play a musical instrument?

Yes, I can think of a few; you need to learn or develop discipline and patience, learn and practice a new skill set depending on the instrument you learn to play and I suppose certain instruments might help develop physical and mental coordination, too.

How would you answer these IELTS speaking questions about music?

  • Do you listen to more music now than when you were younger?
  • Why do you like your favorite music, how does it make you feel?