Choosing a Career - Advice for Young People

What advice would you give a young person about choosing a career

Well, a lot would depend on the person, their ideas and personality. If you are passionate about something, be it sport, music, art, or anything else, I would advise you to first explore the career possibilities and opportunities in that particular field.

Too many people choose a career which might be popular or offer good employment prospects, but they later find that they are trapped doing something they don't really like that much - and would prefer to be doing something different.

During your working life, you will spend thousands of hours at work, you should choose something you will enjoy doing and are passionate about. After all, it'll be the biggest part of your day, every day, for the rest of your working life.

If you have no idea about what you want to do - then it's a little more tricky, isn't it? You could always choose a career with good prospects, pays well, is easy, or is in demand in your city or country.

What would I do? I would draw up a list of things that are important to me. For example, flexible working time, creativity, variety of work, being well paid, scalable, or with prospects. Then, based on my priorities and personal preferences, I'd try to choose a career that seems to satisfy as many of my preferences as possible. It'll take a bit of time and research - but hey, if you're going to spend thousands of hours dedicated to this career, it pays to choose as wisely as you can, right?

Most importantly - enjoy whatever work you choose to do. No matter what other people may say or think, it's your life, do what you want - follow your dreams!
