Do you think crowded places are caused by poor city design?

Do you think crowded places are caused by poor city design?

IELTS Speaking Practice, topic: city design, do you think crowded places are caused by poor city design?
IELTS Speaking Practice | crowded places, city design, sample answer

Do you think crowded places are caused by poor city design answer

Well, although I think crowded places can be caused by bad city design, it’s not the only factor. In many cities, the layout was designed years ago, before traffic and population growth were even considered.

This outdated design has led to roads and public spaces that are too small for the number of people living there nowadays. For example in some cities public transport hasn’t been expanded properly so more people are forced to drive. As a result, streets get congested and so do public spaces like parks and shopping areas.

Another factor is the lack of green spaces or social areas. When people don’t have enough parks or outdoor spaces to spend time in, they tend to gather in the few public areas available and make them overcrowded.

If city planners focused more on creating diverse open spaces and better infrastructure these issues would be reduced. Some cities like Tokyo have managed this well by developing efficient public transport and planning for growth.

Personally, I experienced this during a trip to a big European city. The public squares were overcrowded because there wasn’t enough space for so many tourists and locals in one area. The narrow streets and limited public transport options made it worse. In contrast, cities with better design like Copenhagen felt more relaxed even during peak tourist season because there were plenty of places to go.

So although population growth is a factor, poor city design or urban planning is also a big factor that creates crowded places. Maybe the solution is to focus on a more holistic approach to urban planning in the future.