Why do people visit historical buildings? | IELTS Speaking Practice

IELTS Speaking Practice: Why do people visit historical buildings?
IELTS Speaking Practice | Questions and Answers | Why do people visit historical buildings?

This IELTS speaking practice question and sample answer are based on the frequently asked question: Why do people visit historical buildings?

Other related questions include:
  • Are historical sites in your country popular with visitors?
  • How do people in your country feel about old buildings?
  • Why do people like to visit historical places?
  • Why are historical cities popular?
  • What do you think will happen to historic places or buildings in the future?

Why do people visit historical buildings?

Well, I can think of a couple of reasons that people might visit historical buildings. For example, to connect with the past. When you walk through an old castle or ancient temple you feel like you’re stepping back in time, like you’re living history.

Or Maybe people are just curious and want to see how people lived hundreds of years ago and compare it to today. I know when I go to see a historic building, I'm ofetn amazed by how much progress we've made since those times. But also fascinated by how they managed to achieve such impressive results all those years ago.

Another reason could be that you can always learn learn something new. There’s a lot you can learn from seeing history up close rather than just reading about it.

There's also the sheer beauty and craftsmanship that is often part of historic buildings. It's a style of architecture hard to find in modern buildings.