IELTS Speaking - Children - Get The Best Answers

IELTS Speaking Children

Can you tell me about your favorite childhood memory?

Sample Answer

One of my most cherished childhood memories is when my family and I went on a trip to the countryside. We spent an entire day exploring the picturesque landscapes, playing in the open fields, and having a picnic by the river. The serenity and beauty of nature left a strong impression on me, and it's a memory that I'll treasure for the rest of my life.

  • Tip: For this question, provide a clear and concise description of a memorable childhood event. Try to use engaging language and evocative imagery to paint a vivid picture for your examiner.

What do you think are the most important qualities of a good parent?

Sample Answer

In my opinion, some of the most crucial qualities of a good parent include patience, understanding, and unconditional love. Parents should be able to guide and support their children throughout their lives, cultivating a strong bond that fosters mutual trust and respect. Additionally, good parents should give their children the freedom to explore their own interests, while still enforcing reasonable boundaries to ensure their safety and well-being.

  • Tip: When discussing qualities, try to provide thoughtful reasoning for each attribute you mention. Explain why you believe these qualities are important and how they contribute to a strong parent-child relationship.

How have children's daily routines or interests changed compared to previous generations?

Sample Answer

Children's daily routines and interests have evolved significantly in recent years, largely due to advancements in technology. Today, many children spend a great deal of time engaging with electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and video game consoles. This has shifted their interests from outdoor activities and traditional games to digital entertainment and social media platforms. While this change has enabled children to access a wealth of information and learning resources, it has also raised concerns about the impact of excessive screen time on their physical and mental health.

  • Tip: When comparing generational changes, it's essential to provide specific examples and demonstrate an understanding of how societal factors have influenced these shifts.

What type of food/music/movies do you think children typically enjoy most? Why?

Sample Answer

In general, children tend to enjoy foods that are sweet or mild in flavor, such as ice cream, chocolate, and pasta. This preference can be attributed to their developing taste buds, as well as their innate desire for foods that provide a surge of energy. As for music, children often enjoy catchy tunes with simple melodies and repetitive choruses, which can be easy for them to sing along to and remember. In terms of movies, animated films with colorful visuals, engaging characters, and straightforward storylines are typically popular among children, as they cater to their vivid imaginations and develop a sense of empathy.

  • Tip: When discussing children's preferences, it's important to highlight general trends rather than speaking in absolutes. Be sure to provide examples and explanations for your observations.

Tell me about a memorable travel experience you had as a child. How has that experience shaped your personal aspirations?

Sample Answer

When I was a child, my family and I visited a quaint village nestled in the mountains. The stunning vistas and the warm, hospitable nature of the locals left a deep impression on me. Ever since that experience, I've been drawn to explore new places and cultures around the world. This has helped me develop a greater appreciation for different ways of life, as well as hone my skills in adapting to unfamiliar environments. As a result, it has motivated me to pursue a career in international relations so that I can share my passion for travel with others.

  • Tip: In this type of question, you should provide a vivid description of the experience and explain how it has impacted your personal development. Focus on providing concrete details that leave a lasting impression on your examiner.

Do you often come into contact with children? [Where? When?]

Sample Answer

Yes, I often come into contact with children as part of my job. As a teacher, I interact with children daily in the classroom and help them develop their skills and knowledge. Additionally, I volunteer at an after-school program twice a week, where we facilitate activities such as arts and crafts, sports, and music to encourage their creative expression. This allows me to build strong relationships with the children I work with and helps them become more confident in their abilities.

  • Tip: When answering this type of question, provide details about the context and frequency of your interactions with children. And explain how these experiences have enriched your life in a meaningful way.

What do you do when you are with these children?

When I am with these children, I strive to create an environment where they feel supported and valued. My goal is to provide them with guidance while allowing them the freedom to explore their interests and express themselves. We engage in a variety of activities such as reading books, playing educational games, participating in group discussions, and conducting experiments. Through these experiences, I hope to help them expand their knowledge and build strong social skills.

I also ensure that we have fun while learning, so I often incorporate humor into our lessons. This helps the children stay engaged while exploring difficult topics. Additionally, by forming a connection with the children I work with, I can better understand their interests and challenges, which allows me to create more meaningful and effective lessons. In this way, I can foster a safe and encouraging environment that encourages their growth.

  • Tip: When discussing your interactions with children, describe the activities you do together and explain how these experiences help them to grow. Be sure to provide a few concrete examples that demonstrate your commitment to their development.

Do you get along well with children?

Absolutely! I find that children are often eager to learn and open-minded, which makes them great students. I'm also very patient with them and try my best to be understanding of their individual needs. As a result, I can form strong connections with the children I work with, which helps foster trust and mutual respect. Additionally, my enthusiasm for teaching and learning helps to create a positive atmosphere in the classroom, which I believe encourages children to be curious and motivated.

What kind of child were you (when you were little)?

When I was younger, I was quite an inquisitive child. My parents describe me as being very curious, always asking questions, and wanting to know more about the world around me. I loved reading and exploring nature, so my favorite activity was taking walks in the woods with my family. I also enjoyed spending time with my friends at school, playing sports, and engaging in creative activities such as painting and drawing. As I grew older, my curiosity led me to pursue a career in teaching, which allowed me to share my passion for learning with others.

  • Tip: In the IELTS speaking exam, you may be asked to talk about your own childhood. Remember to speak naturally and use descriptive language when discussing your experiences. Being able to reflect on your past can demonstrate a strong level of self-reflection in English.

What activities did you like to do when you were a child?

When I was a child, my favorite activities were reading books and spending time outdoors. I loved exploring nature and going on hikes with my family. During the summer months, I looked forward to camping trips where we would go swimming in the lakes and cook meals over a campfire. I also enjoyed playing sports such as basketball, tennis, and badminton with friends at school. In addition to physical activity, I loved engaging in creative pursuits like drawing and painting. As an adult, these experiences have inspired me to focus on my hobbies while also dedicating time to exploring the world around me.

Do you think childhood experiences shape our lives?

I absolutely believe that childhood experiences shape our lives. From the people we meet to the places we visit, our early years are full of memories that can stay with us and shape how we view the world. As children, we build relationships with people around us and develop an understanding of our own likes and dislikes. Our childhoods also provide us with invaluable opportunities for learning and exploration which in turn help us to form our own values and beliefs. All in all, the experiences we have in our childhoods can have a lasting impact on who we become as adults.

Do you think children today are the same as (or, different from) those in the past?

I believe that, in many ways, children today are similar to those of the past. Just like generations before them, children today are curious and eager to explore and learn about their world. They possess an innate sense of wonder which helps them make connections between their experiences and the larger world around them. Additionally, they have a strong capacity for empathy and compassion, allowing them to form meaningful relationships with those around them.

However, I also believe that children today are different from those in the past due to advancements in technology. With access to the internet and social media, children today have greater access to information and resources than ever before. This has provided them with unprecedented opportunities for learning and exploration which can help shape their future in unexpected and exciting ways. I believe that it's important to embrace both the similarities and differences between children of the past and present to create a better future for all.

All in all, childhood is a unique and precious experience for everyone. It's a time when we can learn about the world around us, build relationships with others, and discover our passions. While the experiences of each generation may differ to some degree, we must strive to create an environment where children are supported and valued so that they can reach their full potential.

Do children today like to do the same things when they play?

No, children today enjoy a wide variety of activities when they play. Just like generations before them, children today love to explore and engage in imaginative play. However, due to advances in technology, they also have access to new forms of entertainment such as video games and virtual reality.

Additionally, many children are interested in outdoor activities such as biking or skateboarding which provide them with an opportunity to develop their physical and mental skills. Children today have more opportunities than ever before when it comes to play, which allows them to explore different activities that can help shape their interests and passions.

Do you think children today benefit from modern technology?

I believe that modern technology can provide children with invaluable opportunities for learning and exploration. With access to the internet, children have information at their fingertips which can help them develop their knowledge and skills in a variety of subjects such as science, math, language arts, and social studies.

Additionally, many forms of modern technology like virtual reality or augmented reality can also provide children with a unique and stimulating way to engage in educational activities. This can help enhance their learning experiences and provide them with an environment that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

However, it's important to remember that technology should be used in moderation as too much screen time can negatively affect a child's development. As such, parents and teachers should strive to create a balance between digital experiences and traditional activities. Overall, modern technology can provide children with many benefits when used in moderation and combined with other forms of learning.

Do you think childhood experiences still remain important in adulthood?

Yes, I believe that childhood experiences remain important in adulthood. Our early years shape who we become as adults and inform our values and beliefs. Childhood memories serve as a reminder of the people we've met, the places we've visited, and the dreams we had when we were young. They help us understand ourselves better and provide us with invaluable lessons that can guide us through life. Even though our understanding of the world evolves as we grow, childhood experiences still remain an integral part of who we are and provide us with a sense of comfort and security in adulthood.

Do you have any advice for parents who want to ensure their children have a happy upbringing?

My advice for parents is to foster an atmosphere where children feel safe and supported. It's important to listen to their feelings and provide them with guidance so that they can develop a sense of self-confidence. Additionally, parents need to spend quality time with their children, engaging in meaningful conversations and activities that allow them to learn about the world around them. Finally, encourage your children to explore their passions and interests and provide them with opportunities to do so. A happy upbringing is one where children feel loved, valued, and free to pursue their dreams.

Cue Card: Children and Social Media

Talk about how children today use social media
You should say:
- What kind of social media they use
- How often they use it
- The potential risks of using social media
And explain your opinion on children using social media.

Sample Answer

Children today are increasingly using social media, such as Tik Tok, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. They use these platforms to keep up with their friends, share stories and images, and interact with others. Unfortunately, many young people also spend a great deal of time online which can lead to an unhealthy reliance on social media.

Children are indeed more exposed to social media compared to previous generations. It has become an integral part of their lives, allowing them to connect with friends, share experiences, and even learn new things.

However, excessive usage can lead to issues like cyberbullying, decreased physical activity, and poor academic performance. Therefore, parents and educators must guide children in using social media responsibly.

There are certainly pros and cons to children using social media.

On the positive side, children can use it as a platform for learning, exchanging ideas, and enhancing their technical skills. It can also foster creativity and global awareness.

On the downside, excessive use can lead to internet addiction, decreased face-to-face socialization, and exposure to inappropriate content.

So, although social media can provide children with valuable opportunities for learning and communication, parents and educators should ensure they use it responsibly.

There should be age-appropriate guidelines in place to ensure that children are not exposed to negative influences online. Additionally, parents should help their children maintain a healthy balance between digital activities and traditional playtime with friends and family.

By doing so, children can benefit from social media without having to worry about potential risks. Overall, I believe that children should be allowed to use social media in moderation if it is done responsibly and with proper guidance from their parents or teachers.