IELTS Cue Cards | What You Need to Know

IELTS Cue Cards

Answer IELTS cue cards like a pro!

The IELTS cue card is a challenging task for many IELTS test-takers.

To get a high score, it is vital to understand what the examiner is looking for in this second task.

Here are some essential tips on how to answer an IELTS cue card so that you can ace the speaking section of the IELTS test.

1. Talk about the topic for 1-2 minutes without pauses

The examiner wants to see that you can speak fluently about a given topic.

This means that you should try to speak continuously for the entire duration of the allotted time without pausing or taking too long to think about your response.

Of course, if you need a few seconds to gather your thoughts, that's perfectly fine. Just don't let too much dead air go by.

2. Include specific details and examples

To get a high score on content, your answer must be relevant to the question and include specific details and examples.

For instance, if you are asked to describe your hometown, don't just list off a few facts about the location.

Instead, describe what it's like to live there and why you enjoy it so much.

Tell stories about your personal experiences and share your favorite things about the place. The more specific you are, the better.

3. Organize your thoughts using simple language

Use language that is easy to understand and free of grammatical errors.

This doesn't mean that you should use overly simple words or sentences; just avoid using complicated vocabulary or sentence structures that might trip you up or confuse the examiner.

In addition, be sure to organize your thoughts logically so that your answer flows smoothly from one point to the next.

A good way to do this is to use signposting language such as "first," "second," "finally," etc., to transition between ideas.

4. Finish strong with a sincere closing statement

End your answer on a positive note by summing up what you've said or expressing thanks for the question.

For example, you might say something like, "So those are my reasons for loving my hometown! It's truly a special place."

Or, "Thanks for asking me about my hometown! I had a great time talking about it."

A sincere closing statement will leave a good impression on the examiner and could help boost your score on delivery and fluency.

Answering an IELTS cue card may seem daunting at first, but if you follow these essential tips, you'll be well on your way to acing the speaking section of the IELTS test.

Just remember to focus on fluency, content, language use, and delivery, and you'll do great!


In the IELTS speaking section of the test, one of the tasks is to respond to a cue card (in Part 2).

The cue card contains a topic and some instructions, and it's up to you to talk about the particular topic for 1-2 minutes.

Below are some examples of recent IELTS cue card topics so that you know what to expect on test day.

There are also some ideas to help you tackle answering any cue cards for IELTS speaking.

IELTS Cue Card Topics

Describe a peaceful place you have visited IELTS cue card

You should say:
- its location
- what you did there
- why you found it to be peaceful
and explain how the place made you feel.

Ideas to answer this cue card:

  • A beach I visited
  • A forest I hiked in
  • A lake near my hometown
  • An island getaway
  • A quiet hilltop village

How do I start an IELTS Speaking topic?

How to introduce your answer:

  • I'd like to talk about a peaceful place I visited recently. It was (the location of the place), and it really made me feel relaxed and at ease...
  • I'm going to tell you about (the place you visited), and why I found it to be peaceful. I'll explain what I did there, and how the experience made me feel...
  • I'm going to talk about a place I visited recently, called (name the location). It was an extremely peaceful and calming experience for me, and I'd like to share the details with you...

How to describe what you did there:

  • I spent some time exploring the area, taking in its beautiful scenery and enjoying the tranquility that surrounded me. I even had a chance to...
  • I took part in some outdoor activities, such as swimming, fishing, or just simply wandering around...
  • I also got to appreciate the stunning views of nature that surrounded me--the lush green trees and grasses; the bright blue sky; and the vibrant colors of wildflowers...

How to explain how you felt while in that place:

  • Being in (the place) felt like a breath of fresh air. It was so peaceful and calming, that I couldn't help but feel relaxed and content. The atmosphere was serene and I found it to be the perfect getaway.
  • I felt incredibly lucky to have been able to experience (the place). It was unlike anything else I'd ever seen before. There was a feeling of peace and wonder that came over me while I was there, and it's something that I'll never forget.
  • Being in (the place) was an incredibly moving experience for me.

Describe a place in your country that you would recommend others to visit

You should say
– what kind of place it is
– where it is located
– what people can see/do there
And explain why it is worth recommending to others.

Ideas about different places you could talk about to answer this IELTS cue card:

  • A city: e.g. Boston, London, Sydney
  • A natural wonder: e.g. Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon
  • A historical site: e.g. the Taj Mahal, the Great Pyramids

How to introduce your answer:

I would recommend visiting {place} in {city/country}. It's a beautiful/historic/interesting place with plenty to see and do.

How to describe where the place is located:

  • If it's a city: It's located in {state/country}.
  • If it's a natural wonder: It can be found in {city/state/country}.
  • If it's a historical site: It's situated in {city/state/country}.

How to describe the geographical location of the place:

  • It's situated on the {coast/river/border of...}.
  • It's located in the {forest/mountains/valley}.
  • It's set in the {ruins/desert/ ancient city}.

Some typical things people can see/do:

  • Walking around the city/exploring the natural landscape
  • Visiting museums and art galleries
  • Trying the local food

Some possible reasons why it is worth recommending:

  • It's a great place to relax and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
  • There are plenty of things to see and do, so there's something for everyone.
  • It's a great place to learn about {history/culture/art}.
  • It's a great place to take amazing photos.

How to end your talk:

If you're looking for a place with plenty to see and do, I highly recommend visiting {place} in {city/country}. It's a beautiful/historic/interesting/fascinating place that is sure to have something for everyone.

Talk about a person who has inspired you

– who is the person?
– how do you know him/her?
– how did he/she inspire you?
And explain the effect this person has had on your life.

Ideas about different people to talk about to answer this IELTS cue card:

  • A family member
  • A friend
  • A celebrity
  • A teacher
  • A mentor

How to introduce your answer:

I'd like to talk about my {person}. He/She has been a great source of inspiration for me throughout my life.

{person} is someone who I have always looked up to. He/She is a strong and independent person who has overcome many challenges in his/her life.

{person} is one of my biggest idols. He/She is an amazing singer and songwriter who has had a huge impact on the music industry.

{person} was my high school English teacher. He/She was an incredible teacher who really inspired me to pursue my passion for {writing / drama / engineering, etc.}

There have been many people who have inspired me throughout my life, but one person who has had a particularly significant impact is my grandmother. I have always been close to her and she has always been a source of wisdom and guidance for me. Even in her later years, she was still an incredibly active and engaged member of her community. She would always go out of her way to help others, whether it was volunteering at the local food bank or simply offering a kind word to someone who looked like they were having a tough day.

Her selflessness and compassion were truly inspiring, and she taught me the importance of giving back to those less fortunate. She also instilled in me a love of learning; even in her 90s, she was still taking classes and expanding her horizons. She was a remarkable woman, and I am so grateful to have had her in my life.

Because of my grandmother, I have always been interested in social justice issues and giving back to my community. It was she who first showed me the importance of helping others, whether it was volunteering at the local food bank or simply offering a kind word to someone who looked like they were having a tough day.

After graduation, I plan to continue working with youth in some capacity, whether it is through teaching, coaching, or mentoring. I believe that every young person deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential, and I want to do whatever I can to help them achieve that.

In closing, I'd just like to say how much my grandmother meant to me, and how grateful I am to have had her in my life. She was a truly remarkable woman, and I know that she will continue to inspire me even after she is gone.

IELTS cue card topics with answers

Talk about an interesting conversation you had recently

You should say:
- Who you spoke to
- What the conversation was about
- Why you found it interesting
And explain why you enjoyed speaking to this person.
IELTS cue card

How to answer this cue card

- An interesting conversation can be had with anyone on any topic

- It doesn't have to be a deep or meaningful conversation to be interesting

- A good conversation is one where both parties are engaged and interested in what the other has to say

Example introduction to cue card model answer

I recently had an interesting conversation with my friend about her new job. We spoke about her new role, her responsibilities, and the company she's now working for. I found it interesting because it's a very different industry from what she used to work in. She told me about the challenges she's facing and how she's enjoying the change of pace. I enjoyed speaking to her because she's always open to new experiences and is very...

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with my friend John. We were talking about our plans for the future and what we want to do with our lives. I found it interesting because we have very different ideas about what we want to do. He wants to travel the world and see new places, while I want to settle down and start a family. It was interesting to hear his perspective on things and why he feels that way. I enjoyed speaking to him because he is always so open-minded and willing to listen to other people's opinions.

The conversation took place in a cafe. We were both sitting at a table, with our coffee in front of us. The conversation started with him asking me about my plans for the future. I told him that I wanted to settle down and start a family. He seemed surprised by this and asked why I didn't want to travel the world as he does. I explained that I feel like it's important to put roots down somewhere and create a stable life for myself and my future family. He understood what I was saying, but he still doesn't agree with me. He thinks that life is too short to not see as much of it as possible.

I can see his point of view, but I still don't think that I could ever fully commit to the nomadic lifestyle. For me, there's something comforting about having a home to come back to. Even if I do move around a lot, I think I'll always need that anchor in my life.

The conversation ended on a good note and we parted ways, but I can't help but wonder if he'll ever understand where I'm coming from. Maybe one day he'll settle down too and then he'll know how I feel. Or maybe he'll continue to travel the world forever and never look back. Either way, I'm glad that we had that talk. It was eye-opening for both of us.

IELTS cue card topics with answers

Describe a time when you had to use your organizational skills

You should say:
- When this was
- What you had to do
- How you did it
And explain how effective you were.
IELTS speaking cards

Ideas to answer this cue card

- A time at work when you had to organize a project or event

- A time in your life when you had to get organized and make a plan

- A time when you had to help someone else get organized

- A time when you had to study for an exam and had to use your organizational skills to study effectively

- A time when you had to clean your house or apartment and used your organizational skills to do so efficiently

Example cue card Introduction

I'm going to talk about a time when I had to organize a project at work. It was a big project and there were a lot of moving parts, so it required me to be very organized. I had to make sure that everyone on the team knew what they were supposed to be doing, and that the project stayed on track.

At work, I am often required to use my organizational skills in order to complete tasks efficiently. For example, when we are working on a project that requires input from several different departments, I have to make sure that everyone is on the same page and knows what their deadlines are. This can be quite challenging, but luckily I am quite good at keeping track of details and making sure that everything runs smoothly. As a result, my coworkers often come to me when they need help getting things done.

I was once tasked with organizing a company-wide event. This involved coordinating with different teams, booking venues, and dealing with a lot of logistics. It was a lot of work, and we had some challenges along the way. For example, one of the venues we booked ended up being double-booked, so we had to quickly find a new location. But in the end, everything came together and the event was a success.

In my current role, I am responsible for managing our social media accounts. This includes creating and scheduling posts, interacting with followers, and monitoring analytics. It's a lot of work, but I enjoy it because it allows me to be creative and use my marketing skills. Plus, it's a great way to connect with our customers and learn about their needs.

Overall, I have a lot of experience with project management and coordination. I am detail-oriented and good at keeping track of deadlines. I also have excellent communication skills, which is important in coordinating with team members and external partners.

My job is challenging, but I enjoy it because it allows me to use my organizational skills to help others. I am always looking for ways to streamline processes and make things run more smoothly. My ultimate goal is to make my coworkers' lives easier and help our company be as successful as possible.

Talk about the kind of work you would like to do in the future
  • What kind of work is it?
  • Why do you want to do that kind of work?
  • How do you think you can achieve it?
IELTS Cue Card
IELTS cue card questions and answers

Ideas for introducing your answer to this cue card question, before expanding upon specific details of the work:

  1. I would like to work in a field that is creative and helps people in some way. I want to be able to use my imagination and help others as a result. I think I can achieve this by working hard and pursuing my goals.
  2. I would like to find a challenging position that allows me to learn new things and use my skills to solve problems. I think I can achieve this by being adaptable and open to new ideas.
  3. I would like to work in a field that is meaningful to me and makes a difference in the world. I want to be able to help people and make a positive impact. I think I can achieve this by being compassionate and working towards my goals.

Describe a time when you had to give a presentation

  • what the presentation was about
  • who you gave it to
  • how you felt about it
And say if you thought it was successful.
IELTS Cue Card

Examples of when you might have to give a presentation:

  1. At work – you may have to give a presentation to your boss or colleagues about a project you’re working on.
  2. In school – you may have to give a presentation in front of your classmates as part of an assignment.
  3. At a conference – you may have to give a presentation to an audience.

Talk about an interesting experience you had working with someone from another country

  • who the person was
  • what work you did
  • why it was interesting
And say if there were any challenges while working together.
IELTS Cue Card

Examples of this situation:

  1. I had an interesting experience working with someone from another country when I was doing my internship in a ...
  2. When my boss sent me to the United Arab Emirates to work in the company's Dubai branch, I was teamed up with a girl from Egypt ...
  3. I once had to train someone from another country on our computer system, and it was quite challenging...
  4. I worked with a guy from Japan who was an international student when I was doing my final-year project at university.

Talk about your plans for continuing your professional development

  • what you plan to do
  • how you will do it
  • when you hope to achieve it

And say if you think it's important to always learn something new at work.

IELTS cue cards examples

Examples of professional development that people often undertake:

  1. Taking courses or attending workshops to learn new skills related to one's job
  2. Participating in mentorship programs or shadowing more experienced colleagues
  3. Engaging in networking opportunities to meet new people and learn about different approaches to your work

Describe a short journey that you didn't enjoy

  • why did you make the trip?
  • what occurred during it?
  • what didn't you enjoy about it?

And say how you felt after the trip.

IELTS cue cards with answers

Here are some examples of short journeys people don't like:

  1. A long car ride with a screaming baby in the backseat
  2. A crowded and hot subway ride during rush hour
  3. Being stuck in traffic. Whether it's a short journey to the shops or a long commute to work, being stuck in traffic is frustrating and makes people feel angry and stressed.
  4. Making a journey when tired. Whenever we're tired, our patience level dips. We can become irritated quickly. And this can make even the shortest trip/journey seem like an endurance test and much less interesting (describe how bored/miserable you were) during the journey.
Sample Answer

Describe something you received for free

  • What was it?
  • When and where did you receive it?
  • Why did you receive it?

And say how you felt about receiving it.

IELTS cue card

Examples of free items people might receive:

  1. A free sample of a new product at a store
  2. A free ticket to a movie or concert
  3. A free piece of advice from a friend or family member
Sample Answer

Describe a school rule that you had to obey

  • What was the rule?
  • Did you agree with it?
  • Why was the rule put in place?

And say what would happen if students disobeyed the rule.

Examples of typical rules at school:

  1. No running in the halls
  2. No phones during class
  3. No food or drink in the classrooms
Sample Answer

Talk about a married couple you know that inspires you

  • How did you meet them?
  • Why do they inspire you?
  • How long you've known them?

And explain what their secret to a successful marriage is.

IELTS cue card

Secrets to a successful marriage:

  1. Communication: Couples who communicate well are more likely to have a successful marriage. They understand their partner's needs and wants and can express their own clearly.
  2. Mutual respect: Couples who respect each other are more likely to have a successful marriage. They appreciate each other's opinions and make an effort to understand an alternative point of view.
  3. Compromise: Couples willing to compromise are more likely to have a successful marriage. They know that neither person is always going to get their way, and they are willing to meet in the middle to find a solution that works for both of them.
Sample Answer

Talk about a well-paid job that you believe you would be good at

  • What does the job entail?
  • What are the requirements for this position?
  • Why do you feel that you would be an ideal candidate for this role?

And explain any other advantages the job offers?

IELTS cue card

Advantages well-paid jobs typically offer:

  1. Good pay: Well-paid jobs tend to offer competitive salaries that can help you keep up with the cost of living and save for your future.
  2. Benefits: Many well-paid jobs also come with important benefits like health insurance, paid time off, and retirement savings plans.
  3. Job security: With a well-paid job, you can often count on a certain level of job security, which can give you peace of mind and stability.
Sample Answer

Talk about your favorite building in your city/country

  • Where is it?
  • What does it look like?
  • Why do you like it?
And explain what you can see there.
IELTS speaking cue cards

Examples of favorite types of buildings in your city or country:

  1. I love the old Victorian homes in my city. They are so beautiful and have so much character. I can't help but admire them every time I see one.There is one building in particular, it's...
  2. I really enjoy the modern, sleek skyscrapers that line the skyline. They are so impressive and make me feel like I'm living in a fantasy world. The one building I like best is...
  3. I have a soft spot for quaint little shops and cafes. I love the feeling of exploring new places, and these types of buildings always seem to have something new and interesting waiting for me. My favorite building is ...
Sample Answer

Describe a garden or park where you recently spent some time

  • What did you do there?
  • Why did you go there?
  • What did you like most about it?
And say how you discovered this garden or park.
IELTS cue card samples

Examples of types of gardens or parks where people might spend time that you can use for your answer:

  1. a community / public / private garden
  2. an amusement park / nature park / zoological park
  3. a botanical garden
Sample Answer

Talk about a time when you experienced foreign food

  • When did you eat it?
  • Where did you eat it?
  • How did you feel about it?
And explain why you liked/disliked it.
IELTS speaking cue card

Examples of food and reasons people like/dislike it you could use in your answer:

  1. When I traveled to Italy. I ate at a small, family-run restaurant in Florence and had the most amazing pasta dish I have ever tasted. I loved it because it was so full of flavor and unlike anything that I had ever eaten before.
  2. When I visited my friend in another city, we went to a restaurant that served food from her country. I found it very spicy and intense and didn't enjoy it as much as she did. I think part of the reason is that I'm not used to eating food that is so spicy.
  3. When my family decided to try a new cuisine for dinner one night. We had something called Pho, which is a Vietnamese soup. I found it very savory and hearty, and I enjoyed it.
  4. When I went to a Mexican restaurant for the first time. I tried a dish called tacos al pastor, which are tacos made with pork marinated in a special sauce. I thought they were delicious.

What food can be classed as foreign?

Foreign food can be defined as any cuisine not typically found in your home country. This could include dishes from other cultures or even just foods that are not common in your area.

Sample Answer

Describe a small business you'd like to start

  • What is the business?
  • What would you need to start it?
  • Where would it be?
And explain why you would choose this sort of business.
IELTS candidate task card

Ideas for a small business you can start anywhere:

  1. A mobile pet grooming business where customers can schedule appointments for their pets to be groomed at their home or office. This would require some basic marketing materials and a website. This type of business could be especially successful in bigger cities where pet owners are often busy.
  2. An import/export business specializing in bringing goods between your destination country and your home country. This could be a brick-and-mortar store or an online business and would require some knowledge of international shipping laws and customs regulations. This type of business could take advantage of the growing number of people who emigrate to other countries but miss things from their native culture.
  3. A home-based business that provides concierge services. This could include running errands, scheduling appointments, and making travel arrangements. Concierge services could be popular with busy professionals and families who don't have the time to do these things themselves.
Sample Answer

Talk about an interesting animal you saw

You should say:
- where you saw it
- what it looked like
- what it was doing
and explain why it was interesting

Talk about a particular occasion when you lost your temper

You should say:
- where this happened
- what led to you losing your temper
- how you felt afterwards
and explain why it was out of character for you.

Talk about your favourite singer or band

You should say:
- who they are
- what kind of music they sing
- why you like them
And explain how you discovered them.

Describe a famous person you want to meet

You should say:
- who this person is
- why you would like to meet them
- what you would want to talk about with them
and explain how they became famous.

Describe a practical skill you would like to learn

You should say:
- what this skill is
- how you would use it
- why you want to learn it
and explain how difficult you think it would be to learn.

Talk about your favourite sport when you were a child

You should say:
- what this sport was
- where you would play it
- who you would play it with
and explain why you liked it.

Describe a positive change in your life IELTS cue card

You should say:
- what this change was
- when it took place
- how it came about
and explain how this change has affected you.

Talk about an old person you know and admire

You should say:
- who the person is
- how you know them
- what they do that you admire
and explain why you admire what they do.


Frequently asked questions about IELTS cue cards in Part 2 of the IELTS speaking test

What is a cue card?

A cue card is a prompt used by the examiner to give you a topic to talk about. The topics are usually based on everyday situations, past experiences, opinions, or hypothetical situations.

How many cue cards are there in Part 2 of the IELTS speaking test?

There is one cue card. It has the topic and some bullet points to guide you when you answer.

How many minutes do you have to speak on the cue card?

You are given one minute preparation time before you need to speak about the topic on the cue card, and then two minutes to speak.

What should you do if you can't think of anything to say about the topic?

If you can't think of anything to say about the topic, just take a moment to collect your thoughts. You could also try brainstorming by making a list of ideas related to the topic. Once you have some ideas, you can start talking about the topic.

What should you do if you run out of time while speaking?

If you run out of time while speaking, just wrap up your thoughts and finish what you were saying. Thank the examiner for their time, and wait for the next question.

Normally, the IELTS examiner asks a short follow-up question after the cue card section, before moving on to Part 3.

How can you make sure you speak for the full two minutes?

To make sure you can speak for the full two minutes, you can practice and time yourself with a watch or clock. Alternatively, you can set a timer on your phone. Just make sure to start speaking as soon as the timer starts, and to keep talking until it goes off.

In the actual IELTS speaking test, the examiner will tell you when the time is up.

How can I get IELTS cue cards to practice?

There are a few ways that you can get IELTS cue cards to practice. One way is to buy a book of IELTS cue cards, which will usually contain a variety of different types of cue cards for you to practice with. Another way is to find free online resources that provide IELTS cue cards for you to use.

What types of IELTS cue cards are there?

There are a variety of different types of IELTS cue cards. Some common types include personal information, opinions, past experiences, future plans, and hypothetical situations.

What are cue card topics for IELTS?

There is a wide range of potential cue card topics for IELTS. Some possible cue card topics include your hometown, your family, your favorite hobbies, a time when you were disappointed, a time when you were embarrassed, a time when you were proud of yourself, and your hopes and dreams for the future.

Common IELTS Topics

  • talk about your family
  • describe your best friend
  • describe a recent visit
  • describe why you would like to live in a foreign country
  • talk about a time a family member asked you for help
  • describe a historical place you visited
  • describe a crowded place
  • describe a person you admire
  • talk about an occasion when you had to stay awake all night
  • talk about a new and exciting experience you had
  • describe your perfect holiday
  • describe an event you attended in your local area
  • talk about an interesting or expensive hobby
  • describe your first day at a new school when you were a child
  • talk about a popular leisure activity in your country
  • talk about a recent experience on public transport

Examples of cue cards for IELTS

Do IELTS cue cards repeat?

IELTS cue cards can sometimes repeat, but there is no guarantee that any particular cue card will come up again. If you are preparing for the IELTS, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with a wide range of possible cue card topics. That way, you will be better prepared if a cue card topic repeats.

How do you start a cue card?

When you are given a cue card, you should take a few moments to think about what you are going to say before you start speaking. It is often a good idea to make some brief notes about the main points you want to include in your answer. Once you have done this, you can begin speaking confidently about the topic.

How do you organize your answer for IELTS cue cards?

When you are answering a cue card, it is important to remember to include all the required information in the bullet points as part of your answer. Make sure to introduce the topic, give reasons for your answer, and provide examples where appropriate. Try to be as concise as possible, and avoid repeating yourself. Finish your answer by summarizing the main points you have made.

How can I improve my answer for the IELTS cue card section of the speaking test?

Well, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of getting a high band score in the IELTS cue card section of the speaking test.

  • First, make sure that you understand the question and can answer it fully.
  • Second, try to be as natural and fluent as possible in your response.
  • Third, use a variety of vocabulary and grammar structures in your answer.
  • Fourth, try to give a detailed and well-organized answer.
  • Finally, make sure to practice your answers as much as possible before the test.
  • By following these tips, you should be able to improve your score in the IELTS cue card section of the speaking test.

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