IELTS Speaking Test January
(with sample answers)
IELTS Speaking Part 1
Topic | Geography
Do you like geography? Why?/Why not?
Yes, I think it's very interesting because you can learn so much and it covers so many fascinating topics. And it explains a lot of things that occur in the real world.
Do you think geography is useful to study?
Yes, absolutely. Geography is an essential subject to study as it provides us with a better understanding of the world around us, from both a physical and cultural perspective. It helps us to identify regions, countries, and cities, understand their climates and landforms, as well as learn about local customs, traditions, and cultures.
Did you study geography at school?
Yes, I did study geography at school. It was one of my favorite subjects as I could learn about different places around the world and their characteristics.
What do you remember about it?
One of the most memorable things I remember is learning about plate tectonics and how they have shaped our planet. Also, I remember studying the different climates and biomes around the world, such as rainforests, deserts, and coral reefs. Lastly, I recall learning about population distributions and how human activities can affect our environment.
How has the geography of your region changed over time?
Over time, the geography of my region has changed quite significantly. As the population of my area increased over the years, so did the need for physical infrastructure such as roads and housing. This in turn has caused an increase in urban sprawl and a decrease in agricultural land. Additionally, climate change has also affected the region, with increasing temperatures and more extreme weather events such as floods and droughts. All of these changes have had a profound impact on the geographical landscape of my region.
What do you think are the benefits of learning about geography?
Learning about geography can be extremely beneficial, as it allows us to understand our environment and how it has been shaped by human activity and natural processes. This knowledge is important for developing sustainable solutions to the environmental issues that we face today. By studying the physical features of an area, the connections between them, and understanding their impacts on humans, we can develop strategies to combat climate change, prevent floods, manage water resources more efficiently, and protect our environment from the effects of overdevelopment.
What do you think are the challenges of studying geography today?
The biggest challenge of studying geography today is the rapid rate of change in our environment. As human activities such as population growth and increased urbanization cause more drastic changes to the physical landscape, it can be difficult for geographers to keep up with these changes. Additionally, climate change has caused global weather patterns to become increasingly unpredictable and hard to track.
In what ways can technology help people understand geographical concepts better?
Technology is an invaluable tool for geographers who want to better understand our physical world. With satellite imagery, geographic information systems (GIS), and other mapping tools, geographers can more easily observe trends in land use, population growth, climate change, and environmental degradation.
Topic | puzzles
Have you ever solved a puzzle before?
Yes, I have. Puzzles are a great way to challenge your brain and stimulate problem-solving skills. From word searches to crosswords to jigsaw puzzles, there is something for everyone—no matter their age or skill level. Solving a puzzle can be an enjoyable experience that provides a sense of satisfaction once it's complete.
What kind of puzzles do you usually like to solve?
I particularly enjoy jigsaw puzzles. I find them to be quite calming and a nice way to pass the time. I also like Sudoku, which can be quite rewarding when you finally figure out the solution. However, I'm always open to trying something new!
What are the benefits of solving puzzles?
Puzzles can help improve problem-solving skills, as they require you to think critically and use your creativity. They can also help keep the mind sharp and aid in focusing on a task. Additionally, it is a great way to spend time with family and friends or simply relax while completing an activity alone. Finally, they are often entertaining and can bring about a feeling of accomplishment upon completion.
Do you think puzzles are suitable for all ages?
Absolutely! Puzzles come in a variety of difficulty levels, so they can be enjoyable for people of all ages and abilities. They are also great for learning new skills or strengthening existing ones, as well as providing some healthy competition if played with multiple people.
What other benefits could puzzles provide?
Puzzles can have many different benefits depending on the type of puzzle and the person playing. For example, jigsaw puzzles are great for developing visual-spatial skills and are also thought to reduce stress. Word and logic puzzles can help to improve problem-solving skills and critical thinking. All types of puzzles also encourage focus and concentration, which is beneficial for everyone. Additionally, completing a puzzle provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, something that can be particularly helpful for younger children or those struggling with low self-esteem.
What strategies do you think are necessary to solve a complex puzzle?
Generally, it is important to read the instructions carefully and break the puzzle down into smaller pieces. Once you have a clear picture of what is required, it can be helpful to begin by sorting out the pieces according to color or shape. This will help you create a plan for how best to approach the task. It is also important to remain focused.
Do you think puzzles can help elderly people stay mentally active?
Absolutely. Puzzles can be a great way for older people to stay mentally active and sharp. Research has shown that regular mental stimulation can help to slow down age-related cognitive decline, so puzzles are an excellent choice in this regard. Also, the challenge of solving puzzles can provide seniors with a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
What kind of puzzles do you think elderly people might enjoy solving?
There are many types of puzzles that the elderly might enjoy. Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku, and other logic-based games can all be great choices. Additionally, simpler options like word searches or mazes can also provide easy entertainment for those with limited mobility. Ultimately, it is important to find activities that fit the individual’s interests and that can be tailored to their own needs.
How could these activities help the elderly stay physically and mentally active?
Studies have shown that puzzles can help keep the mind sharp and actively engaged, while also improving problem-solving skills. Also, many of these activities are hands-on, so they help with physical dexterity and coordination. They can also provide a great way to socialize with other people, which is important for overall mental health. By stimulating both physical and mental activity, these activities help to keep the elderly healthy in mind and body.
Do you think technology can make it easier for the elderly to solve puzzles?
Yes, technology can make it easier for the elderly to solve puzzles. Computer-based and mobile apps have been created specifically for this purpose, offering a range of different types of puzzles and challenges. These are often designed to be more accessible than paper-based versions, with larger fonts and easier navigation. Also, many of these apps offer tutorials and hints.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 2
Describe a photograph that you took and are very pleased with
You should say:
- when it was taken
- the motivation for taking it
- what it shows
And explain why this photograph makes you feel proud.
I took the photograph in June 2018, when I was on a trip to the Cinque Terre region of Italy with my family. We were staying in a small village near Riomaggiore and I had taken my camera with me, as always. The motivation for taking this particular photo was simply that it was an incredibly beautiful place and I wanted to capture it so that I could cherish the memory for years to come.
The photo shows a small fishing boat when it had just moored at the harbor near Riomaggiore. The clarity of the image is remarkable, given how far away from the boat we were. The way the sunlight glistens off the water and the vibrant colors of the boat create a tranquil atmosphere.
The thing that I love most about this photograph is how it manages to capture the essence of such a beautiful place in one single shot. It was an incredible experience, and I'm so grateful to have been able to take home this vivid reminder of our visit. To me, it's far more than just a picture - it's a timeless memory of an unforgettable trip.
Looking at my photo now always brings back fond memories of exploring Cinque Terre with my family, and feeling utterly awe-stricken by its beauty. The photograph serves as a permanent reminder of why I love traveling so much; discovering new places, learning about different cultures, and making lasting memories with the people I love the most.
I'd encourage everyone to take a similar photo when traveling, as it's an incredible way to document and savor those special moments that make our travels so unique. Snapshots like these become incredibly precious over time, so don't forget to capture them.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 3
Topic | Photographs/Selfies
Are you a selfie-taker? What makes capturing those self-portraits such a compelling hobby for you?
Yes, I'm an avid selfie-taker! For me, taking selfies is a way to capture moments and memories that I can look back on for years. It's also a fun way to document my travels and all the new and exciting places I get to explore. Taking pictures of myself in different locations helps me remember the experiences I've had and allows me to share those experiences with friends and family. Selfies are also great conversation starters when meeting people around the world - everyone loves talking about where they've been or what inspired their last trip! Overall, taking selfies is my way of preserving all my special memories so I can always look back fondly on them.
Do you think examining old photographs can increase our understanding of the past? How?
Yes, I think examining old photographs can increase our understanding of the past. We have access to so much information that we can learn from these photographs such as the way people used to dress, the places they used to visit, and even how people used to interact with each other. Seeing what our ancestors were like, gives us a greater appreciation of their history and helps us understand our place in the world today. It also allows us to see how far we have come and how much has changed over the years. Studying old photographs can also provide insight into social, political, and economic changes that happened in the past. All these factors make exploring old photographs a unique and valuable experience. I love being able to share these experiences with others.
What are some of the benefits of exploring old photographs?
One of the main benefits of exploring old photographs is that it helps us to connect with our past and gain a deeper understanding of our ancestors. It can also help us better appreciate their culture, beliefs, and values. Photographs are also often used in various fields such as history, geography, and archaeology as visual evidence that can help uncover information about the past. Lastly, looking at photos from different eras can give us an appreciation for how far we’ve come as a society and how much things have changed over time. Exploring old photographs is truly a unique experience that reminds us of where we came from and helps shape our view of the world today.
Exploring old photographs could be the key to unlocking hidden stories or giving a feeling of nostalgia, connection, and continuity with our past, as well as an appreciation for the unique beauty of our shared history. There is also something special about being able to share these experiences with others and spark conversations about history that would otherwise not be had.
Old photographs can also stimulate creative thinking and provoke discussion about the future. For example, by studying a photograph of how an agricultural landscape has changed over time, we can draw parallels between past practices and modern trends in crop production and land management. By reflecting on the changes that have happened in the past, we can gain new insights into how to use the land more sustainably in the future. Therefore, photographs of our shared history can inform and improve our decisions today as well as open up new possibilities for tomorrow.
Photographs are powerful tools that allow us to reflect on our past and reimagine our future.
Why can photographs be useful in helping us make decisions?
Photographs capture moments in time and preserve them for future generations. By studying a photograph, we can gain insights into how people and communities used the land in the past. This knowledge can inform our present decision-making processes by providing information on how different land uses could impact our environment and the surrounding communities. Photographs can also help us to identify potential opportunities for development or innovation, and potentially open up new possibilities for the future. Furthermore, photographs are an invaluable resource in helping us to understand how different cultures have interacted with each other throughout history. This shared cultural knowledge can be used to inform our decisions today, helping to create a more harmonious and inclusive society. Ultimately, photographs can be used as a powerful tool in both preservation and progression, allowing us to appreciate the past while striving for a better future.
Would you prefer to look at old photographs or listen to an eyewitness account from the past? Why?
For some people, looking at old photographs may be the best way to connect with the past, as they provide tangible evidence and visual references that can help bring history to life. On the other hand, listening to an eyewitness account from the past can offer an intimate perspective, allowing us to gain insight into how people lived and understood the world around them. Ultimately, both options provide unique opportunities to learn more about history, and it is up to the individual to decide which approach best suits their needs. I would prefer to listen to an eyewitness account, as it allows me to gain a greater understanding of the individual's experience, rather than simply attempting to interpret images. By understanding how people lived in the past, we can apply what we learn to our current lives.
What can we learn from photographs that an eyewitness account cannot provide?
Photographs can offer a unique perspective on the past, enabling us to observe the physical environment and gain a sense of what life was like in a particular place at a particular time. It is also possible to compare photographs from different times or places, allowing us to explore questions of continuity and change. By studying the details within photographs, we can discover more about everyday life and how it has been shaped by broader social, cultural, and political forces. In this way, photographs can provide us with invaluable insight into the past that eyewitness accounts would not be able to offer.
Moreover, looking at photographs from the past allows us to gain a greater appreciation for our own lives and experiences. By understanding how people lived in different times and places, we can gain a better understanding of the present day. For example, when we look at images of poverty during the industrial revolution, it can help us to appreciate our access to modern comforts and technologies. It is also possible that looking at these old photographs could inspire contemporary artworks or design ideas.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 1
Topic | Work/Studies
Are you working or studying?
I'm a student, in my final year of a postgraduate course in International Business.
What do like most about your course?
Well, there are a couple of things I can think of; for example, I like the fact that it has a global perspective and that a lot of what I learn applies to any business anywhere in the world nowadays.
Also, it has helped me develop my critical thinking and strategic planning skills immensely. Although there are a lot of business-related theories to learn, there is also a great emphasis on being able to apply such theories and strategies to real-life business situations. So it's very practical in its approach.
Is this a popular choice for a career in your country?
Yes, I believe it is. There are about 40 of us on this particular course. I originally studied Business Administration and specialized in Marketing, but International Business seems to have become increasingly popular as a career for young people.
I think that may be because it truly does offer you the opportunity to develop an international career, and is not just limited to your own country, as would be the case if you studied law or something particular to one country.
Topic | Holidays
Do you like holidays? Why? Why not?
Yes, I do because they give me a chance to relax and switch off for a bit. It's always nice to have a break from the normal routine - especially when a holiday falls on the day after the weekend, which usually means that you have three days away from work or studying.
Even though I like to relax on a holiday, I always try to do something different as well or something which I wouldn't normally have the opportunity to do normally, so that I make the most of the day off or days off.
Why do you think people consider holidays to be important?
I suppose one of the main reasons is, as I said, it's a nice break from the normal daily routine. For families, it can also be important because it's a time when they can spend more time together, which can sometimes be difficult when everybody is so busy nowadays.
Of course, some holidays are special, such as Independence Day, and religious festivals, which have a special meaning for many people, so these days are important for cultural reasons, not just because it's a day off from school or work.
Topic | Weekends
What do you normally like to do on weekends?
First, I like to sleep a little later than normal, just because it's more relaxing not to have to get up early like I usually do, but I don't like getting up too late in the day because then I feel like I've wasted some of the weekend.
I also like to have lunch or at least one meal with my parents over the weekend, depending on what I'm doing, and what their plans are. Then, sometimes, I like to visit my grandparents, who live in the next town whenever I have enough time at the weekend. Usually, I manage to see them at least every other week at the weekends.
Why do you think many people consider the weekend to be important?
I guess it could be for some of the same reasons that people think holidays are important - the weekends are a change of pace from during the week, and many people get a chance to do things they wouldn't have time to during the week. For example, people play sports, visit relatives, or travel to other places.
People generally have more time at the weekend so they spend more time with people they love or doing things they really like rather than just studying or working. And, of course, it's an opportunity to recharge your batteries before returning to work or whatever you do during the week, feeling more energized and ready to face up to the challenges again.
What would your ideal weekend be like?
Never ending! But seriously, I suppose it would include some time with my friends and family and maybe doing something special such as visiting a new place or trying a new activity with my friends.
It would be interesting, but not too busy to be tiring, and I would like to have enough time to chill and relax too. It's hard to be more exact because there are so many possible things you could include in a weekend which would be fun.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 2
Describe a recent holiday you went on.
You should say:
- where you went
- when you went there
- who was with you
and explain why you chose that particular place for a holiday.
IELTS Cue Card | A recent holiday
I recently went on holiday with my friends for a week. We decided to go to a small village on the coast because one of my friends has a relative who owns a small hotel there, and we thought it would be an interesting place to visit and relax also.
So, this would be about two months ago, maybe, when we had all finished university for the year. That was one of the main reasons we thought it would be a good idea to get away from everything for a while and see and do something different.
We had all been extremely busy with exams and some of us were more stressed out than others, so the idea of a holiday sounded great when my friend suggested it to us. Especially when she told us that her uncle owned a hotel near the coast where we could stay.
We traveled by car, there were four of us, and we booked a couple of rooms at the hotel for a week. When we got there it was amazing. The hotel had a view of the ocean and the beach was just a few minutes away – so after saying hello to my friend’s uncle and his wife, we strolled down to the beach to see what it was like.
The beach was beautiful and there weren’t many people there at that time of year as we had gone in the off-season, not the most popular time of the year, but it was good for us because we just wanted to do something different.
On the first evening there my friend’s uncle and wife invited us all to eat with them and they prepared a superb meal which we all enjoyed very much; they were extremely hospitable. The following day we got some tips on what else we could do and see while we were there and went off to explore a few places close by.
The whole week was a lot of fun and it was so good to see a new place and do some different things, especially with my friends there too. It was one of the most enjoyable weeks I’ve had in a long time, and I’d love to go back there again sometime in the future.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 3
Dicussion Topics | children playing, learning skills, individual/team games
Where do children normally play in your country, inside or outside?
It depends on the time of year, and also the age of the children. When the weather is nice, children usually like to play outside most of the time, but in the winter it’s often too cold most of the time to spend a lot of time outdoors, so children tend to do more indoor activities.
Playing inside is also normal if the children are very young and can’t go out without their parents, so they play at home, maybe with other children while their parents are there to supervise and look after them. Older children might be allowed to go out with other children, but even then sometimes they prefer to stay in and play video games or something inside.
What are some of the benefits of playing indoors or outdoors?
I guess when it comes to playing indoors, the major benefit is that it is not weather or time-dependent, and won’t normally have to involve a parent. Children can play inside at any time and they don’t have to worry about if it’s cold or rainy outside.
Also, children don’t have to get ready or change their clothes or make sure they have eaten before playing inside but if they go out someplace to play, especially if it’s some distance from their home, then their parents might have to get them ready and prepare more before leaving – the parents might even have to accompany the children depending on their age.
As for playing outdoors, I suppose the best thing is it’s probably healthier because children can typically be more active outdoors than indoors; they can run around a lot more and maybe climb on things and get more physical than they would normally when they are playing indoors.
It might also be a bit more of an adventure for them, going outside to play; again a lot depends on the age of the children and exactly what the play activity is.
What skills do children learn while playing?
Playing can be responsible for children learning both physical and cognitive skills. If they are participating in physical activities outdoors, for example, this can help develop their motor skills, coordination, balance, stamina, and other physical attributes.
If they are involved in creative playing activities indoors, for example, this can help them develop their fine motor skills, creativity, critical thinking, and analytical skills.
And of course then there are other social skills they can learn such as sharing with others, caring about others, collaborating, and even just how to have fun doing something with other children
In your country, is it more important that children participate in games as part of a team or individually? Why do you think that is so?
What’s important, in my opinion, is that children are allowed to try both. They should experience being part of a team, and all that being a member of a team involves, and they should also experience doing things on their own, whether it’s playing games or other activities.
Most children, in fact, most people, have their preferences. Some like to be part of a team, and perform better when they are with others, while other people prefer to do stuff themselves and don’t feel so comfortable when in a team because they can’t just do whatever they want; they have to collaborate with and respect the other members of the team.
So what’s important is that children experience playing games as part of a team and also playing them on their own against another player or opponent. Sure, they might have their preference, but it’s good for them to learn the different ways of engaging and how to do both when required.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 1
Topic | Watches
Do you often wear a watch?
Yes, I do. As an IELTS test taker, it's important for me to keep track of time during the exams, so wearing a watch is essential. Plus, I just love how watches can make an outfit look more stylish and complete.
Have you ever received a watch as a gift?
Yes, I have. I was given a beautiful watch by my parents for graduation. They said it was as a reminder of the time and dedication that I had put into studying for my exams. It's one of my most treasured possessions.
Do you think that watches will be around in the future?
Yes, I do think so. Even though smartwatches have become increasingly popular lately, traditional watches will still be around for many years to come. Watches are a classic accessory that many people wear as a fashion statement and they also serve an important practical purpose – they help us keep track of time.
What do you think makes a watch special?
For me, it's all about the personal meaning behind the watch. A watch can be a symbol of something that's important to you, like a milestone or a special moment in your life. It can also be an accessory that helps you stay on top of things and keeps you organized.
Topic | Indoor Games
Can you tell me about some indoor games that are popular in your country?
One of the most popular indoor games in my country is carrom. It's a game that originated in India, and is played on a square board with round pieces called 'carrom men'. The goal of the game is to hit the other player's pieces into their pockets using your own pieces. Another game that's becoming increasingly popular is ludo.
Do you like these kinds of games? Why? Why not?
Yes, I really enjoy playing these kinds of games. They're great for both adults and kids, as they require strategy and thinking skills to win. Plus, it's always a fun experience when you have friends over to play. The best part is that they don't require much equipment or space and can be played indoors in any kind of weather.
Which indoor games do you like to play?
My favorite indoor game is card games. I love playing classic card games such as Uno, Blackjack, and Poker with my friends. It's also a great way to practice counting and hone your math skills in an entertaining way. Additionally, there are tons of different variations and rules you can apply to make the game more interesting or challenging for everyone.
Would you be interested in learning new indoor games?
Absolutely! I'm always looking for new ways to pass the time and challenge myself. I think it's great to learn new games because they can help build mental acuity, sharpen problem-solving skills, and of course be a lot of fun. Plus, since most indoor games are relatively easy to pick up, there's often no need to invest in expensive equipment.
Which indoor games did you used to play when you were young?
Oh, I had a lot of favorites! We used to play charades, hide and seek, Monopoly and Clue. Of course card games were always popular too - we'd often spend hours playing Go Fish or Uno. Nowadays I'm especially fond of board games like Ticket To Ride and Catan. They're just so strategic and entertaining. Plus it's nice to have a dedicated game night with friends or family every once in a while!
Topic | Feeling Proud
Tell me about a family member you were proud of, and why?
I'm incredibly proud of my older brother. He's always been wise beyond his years - even when we were kids he had an uncanny ability to solve problems and think creatively. He's graduated from college with a degree in engineering and now works for a prestigious tech firm. Despite all his success, he never let it go to his head.
Do you think that nowadays people easily feel proud?
It depends. There are certainly moments where it's easy to feel proud - like when you see someone you know accomplish something great. But true, lasting pride often comes from within. It's not just about achieving something or having an impressive resume; rather, it's about feeling secure in yourself and your own abilities, no matter the outcome or circumstances.
Is it a good or bad thing that people feel proud about their possessions?
It can be a good or bad thing, depending on the context. On one hand, feeling proud of your possessions is natural and can act as an incentive to work hard and progress further in life. But on the other hand, when people become too attached to their material items it can quickly become a source of unhappiness. The key is to remember that possessions are just that, and should never be a source of one's identity or self-esteem.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 2
Describe a small business you would like to run
You should say:
- what the business is
- what you would need
- where it would be
and explain why you would choose this type of business.
Sample Answer
I've always been fascinated with the idea of running my own business, and I think a small one is a perfect place to start. I would love to open up a coffee shop. It doesn't have to be a huge chain or anything like that – just a cozy little spot where people can come in for a quick cup of coffee, maybe a pastry or two, and just relax.
In order to make this happen, I would need some basic supplies like coffee makers, cups, utensils, and so on. Aside from that, it would be nice to have a few chairs and tables as well as comfortable seating options for people who want to stay a while. I would also need to make sure the space is properly lit and heated/cooled, depending on the season.
Of course, I would need money in order to start and sustain a business like this. That's why I plan on starting small – just enough to cover my initial costs. Once that's taken care of, I can then focus on building up my customer base and expanding. Who knows, maybe someday I can even turn it into a full-fledged café!
But before I can do any of that, I have to answer the big question: how am I going to make money? The answer is simple – by offering quality services and products that people will be willing to pay for. I'm not just talking about coffee, but also snacks, desserts, and other items that can be sold at a profit.
I may even find ways to diversify my income by providing additional services like wi-fi access or hosting events in the café. That way, I can bring in more customers and charge them for the use of my space.
I think a cafe is a good idea because it provides an opportunity to interact with people and share my experience.
Follow up question: Do you think it is better to work for someone or to have your own business?
It depends on your goals and personality. If you want to be able to set your own hours, build something of your own, take risks, and potentially make a lot of money, starting a business can be a great way to go. On the other hand, if you're looking for job security and don't mind having someone else call the shots, working for someone else might be a better option. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what makes the most sense for your goals and lifestyle.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 3
Topic | Business & Success
Which is more important to be successful in business: practical experience or academic education?
It depends on the type of business you're involved in. Generally speaking, both practical experience and academic education are important for successful businesses.
Practical experience is key if you want to understand how a particular industry works and what it takes to make a product or service successful. You'll need to be well-versed in the details of how to create and manage a successful business. Having hands-on experience can help you anticipate potential problems, come up with creative solutions, and understand the overall dynamics of the industry.
On the other hand, academic education provides theoretical knowledge that can be applied in real-world situations. For example, if you want to launch a business in a highly competitive market, you'll need to understand the basic principles of economics and marketing. You'll also need to be able to interpret data, analyze trends, and make evidence-based decisions. By having both practical experience and an understanding of relevant theories, you can make informed choices about how to move forward with your business.
What are some of the characteristics of successful business people?
Successful business people have a range of qualities that make them successful. They are adaptable, able to pivot, and respond quickly to changing situations. They possess strong problem-solving skills, enabling them to come up with effective solutions in challenging scenarios. Additionally, they understand the importance of maintaining relationships with customers and employees alike. They also exhibit strong leadership skills, motivating and inspiring their teams to reach the highest of standards. Finally, successful business people are highly organized, utilizing effective planning and organizational strategies to ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner. These are just some of the key characteristics that contribute to a successful businessperson’s success.
How do you think most people measure success in their professional lives?
Most people measure success in their professional lives by assessing the degree to which they have achieved their goals. This could include reaching a certain level of career advancement, achieving financial success, or making an impact with their work. But, it depends on individuals’ personal ambitions and what is most important to them when it comes to measuring success.
Which kinds of businesses do you think will be most successful in the future? Why?
I think that businesses that are focused on sustainability and providing products or services that meet people’s needs while also having a positive impact on the environment will be the most successful in the future. This is because sustainable practices are becoming increasingly important, and consumers are more likely to choose ethical companies over those that prioritize short-term profits. Also, businesses that focus on innovation and technological advances will be successful, as they are better equipped to handle the ever-changing market. Finally, those businesses that prioritize their customer service and offer personalized experiences will have an edge over their competitors, as people increasingly value quality and convenience. All in all, these are the businesses I believe will be most successful in the future.
Topic | International Business
How important is international trade between countries? Why?
International trade is incredibly important for economies around the world. By engaging in international trade, countries have access to a wider variety of resources, goods, and services that they can use to benefit their citizens. This can help stimulate growth in developing countries through improved access to foreign technology and investments from other parts of the world. Additionally, trading with other nations also helps to diversify a country’s economic portfolio, reducing the risks associated with relying solely on domestic production. Finally, international trade can help build bridges between cultures and foster greater understanding across nations. In summary, international trade is an essential part of a nation’s economy and has far-reaching benefits for both developed and developing countries.
How important is it that people know which country the food they eat comes from?
Knowing the origin of the food we eat is incredibly important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps us make informed decisions about where our food comes from and how it was produced. Understanding what country our food comes from can help us to avoid any ingredients which may have been grown using inhumane methods or chemicals that don’t meet ethical standards.
What are some of the differences between locally made food and imported food?
Locally made food is typically grown within the country, making it fresher and more natural than imported foods. These foods may not have been exposed to as many chemicals or additives in order to keep them fresh for a longer period of time. Additionally, buying locally-made food often helps support local farmers and businesses, which can provide economic benefits for both the farmers and the local community. Imported foods, on the other hand, may be of higher quality or have a longer shelf life due to the different methods used in their production. They also allow us to enjoy ingredients from other parts of the world that may not be available locally.
What are some of the popular imported food products in your country? Why do you think these particular food products are popular?
In my country, one of the most popular imported food products is olive oil. This is because it's a healthier option compared to other kinds of cooking oils and its distinct flavor makes it a great addition to many dishes. Other popular imports include coffee beans, cheese, and various types of spices which are highly sought after due to their unique flavors. Imported food products like these bring something special to the table that can't be found in local cuisines, and they provide us with an opportunity to experience different cultures through their flavors and ingredients.
IELTS Speaking Part 1
Topic | Geography
Do you like geography? Why?/Why not?
Yes, I think it's very interesting because you can learn so much and it covers so many fascinating topics. And it explains a lot of things that occur in the real world.
Do you think geography is useful to study?
Yes, absolutely. Geography is an essential subject to study as it provides us with a better understanding of the world around us, from both a physical and cultural perspective. It helps us to identify regions, countries, and cities, understand their climates and landforms, as well as learn about local customs, traditions, and cultures.
Did you study geography at school?
Yes, I did study geography at school. It was one of my favorite subjects as I could learn about different places around the world and their characteristics.
What do you remember about it?
One of the most memorable things I remember is learning about plate tectonics and how they have shaped our planet. Also, I remember studying the different climates and biomes around the world, such as rainforests, deserts, and coral reefs. Lastly, I recall learning about population distributions and how human activities can affect our environment.
How has the geography of your region changed over time?
Over time, the geography of my region has changed quite significantly. As the population of my area increased over the years, so did the need for physical infrastructure such as roads and housing. This in turn has caused an increase in urban sprawl and a decrease in agricultural land. Additionally, climate change has also affected the region, with increasing temperatures and more extreme weather events such as floods and droughts. All of these changes have had a profound impact on the geographical landscape of my region.
What do you think are the benefits of learning about geography?
Learning about geography can be extremely beneficial, as it allows us to understand our environment and how it has been shaped by human activity and natural processes. This knowledge is important for developing sustainable solutions to the environmental issues that we face today. By studying the physical features of an area, the connections between them, and understanding their impacts on humans, we can develop strategies to combat climate change, prevent floods, manage water resources more efficiently, and protect our environment from the effects of overdevelopment.
What do you think are the challenges of studying geography today?
The biggest challenge of studying geography today is the rapid rate of change in our environment. As human activities such as population growth and increased urbanization cause more drastic changes to the physical landscape, it can be difficult for geographers to keep up with these changes. Additionally, climate change has caused global weather patterns to become increasingly unpredictable and hard to track.
In what ways can technology help people understand geographical concepts better?
Technology is an invaluable tool for geographers who want to better understand our physical world. With satellite imagery, geographic information systems (GIS), and other mapping tools, geographers can more easily observe trends in land use, population growth, climate change, and environmental degradation.
Topic | puzzles
Have you ever solved a puzzle before?
Yes, I have. Puzzles are a great way to challenge your brain and stimulate problem-solving skills. From word searches to crosswords to jigsaw puzzles, there is something for everyone—no matter their age or skill level. Solving a puzzle can be an enjoyable experience that provides a sense of satisfaction once it's complete.
What kind of puzzles do you usually like to solve?
I particularly enjoy jigsaw puzzles. I find them to be quite calming and a nice way to pass the time. I also like Sudoku, which can be quite rewarding when you finally figure out the solution. However, I'm always open to trying something new!
What are the benefits of solving puzzles?
Puzzles can help improve problem-solving skills, as they require you to think critically and use your creativity. They can also help keep the mind sharp and aid in focusing on a task. Additionally, it is a great way to spend time with family and friends or simply relax while completing an activity alone. Finally, they are often entertaining and can bring about a feeling of accomplishment upon completion.
Do you think puzzles are suitable for all ages?
Absolutely! Puzzles come in a variety of difficulty levels, so they can be enjoyable for people of all ages and abilities. They are also great for learning new skills or strengthening existing ones, as well as providing some healthy competition if played with multiple people.
What other benefits could puzzles provide?
Puzzles can have many different benefits depending on the type of puzzle and the person playing. For example, jigsaw puzzles are great for developing visual-spatial skills and are also thought to reduce stress. Word and logic puzzles can help to improve problem-solving skills and critical thinking. All types of puzzles also encourage focus and concentration, which is beneficial for everyone. Additionally, completing a puzzle provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, something that can be particularly helpful for younger children or those struggling with low self-esteem.
What strategies do you think are necessary to solve a complex puzzle?
Generally, it is important to read the instructions carefully and break the puzzle down into smaller pieces. Once you have a clear picture of what is required, it can be helpful to begin by sorting out the pieces according to color or shape. This will help you create a plan for how best to approach the task. It is also important to remain focused.
Do you think puzzles can help elderly people stay mentally active?
Absolutely. Puzzles can be a great way for older people to stay mentally active and sharp. Research has shown that regular mental stimulation can help to slow down age-related cognitive decline, so puzzles are an excellent choice in this regard. Also, the challenge of solving puzzles can provide seniors with a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
What kind of puzzles do you think elderly people might enjoy solving?
There are many types of puzzles that the elderly might enjoy. Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku, and other logic-based games can all be great choices. Additionally, simpler options like word searches or mazes can also provide easy entertainment for those with limited mobility. Ultimately, it is important to find activities that fit the individual’s interests and that can be tailored to their own needs.
How could these activities help the elderly stay physically and mentally active?
Studies have shown that puzzles can help keep the mind sharp and actively engaged, while also improving problem-solving skills. Also, many of these activities are hands-on, so they help with physical dexterity and coordination. They can also provide a great way to socialize with other people, which is important for overall mental health. By stimulating both physical and mental activity, these activities help to keep the elderly healthy in mind and body.
Do you think technology can make it easier for the elderly to solve puzzles?
Yes, technology can make it easier for the elderly to solve puzzles. Computer-based and mobile apps have been created specifically for this purpose, offering a range of different types of puzzles and challenges. These are often designed to be more accessible than paper-based versions, with larger fonts and easier navigation. Also, many of these apps offer tutorials and hints.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 2
You should say:
- when it was taken
- the motivation for taking it
- what it shows
And explain why this photograph makes you feel proud.
I took the photograph in June 2018, when I was on a trip to the Cinque Terre region of Italy with my family. We were staying in a small village near Riomaggiore and I had taken my camera with me, as always. The motivation for taking this particular photo was simply that it was an incredibly beautiful place and I wanted to capture it so that I could cherish the memory for years to come.
The photo shows a small fishing boat when it had just moored at the harbor near Riomaggiore. The clarity of the image is remarkable, given how far away from the boat we were. The way the sunlight glistens off the water and the vibrant colors of the boat create a tranquil atmosphere.
The thing that I love most about this photograph is how it manages to capture the essence of such a beautiful place in one single shot. It was an incredible experience, and I'm so grateful to have been able to take home this vivid reminder of our visit. To me, it's far more than just a picture - it's a timeless memory of an unforgettable trip.
Looking at my photo now always brings back fond memories of exploring Cinque Terre with my family, and feeling utterly awe-stricken by its beauty. The photograph serves as a permanent reminder of why I love traveling so much; discovering new places, learning about different cultures, and making lasting memories with the people I love the most.
I'd encourage everyone to take a similar photo when traveling, as it's an incredible way to document and savor those special moments that make our travels so unique. Snapshots like these become incredibly precious over time, so don't forget to capture them.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 3
Topic | Photographs/Selfies
Are you a selfie-taker? What makes capturing those self-portraits such a compelling hobby for you?
Yes, I'm an avid selfie-taker! For me, taking selfies is a way to capture moments and memories that I can look back on for years. It's also a fun way to document my travels and all the new and exciting places I get to explore. Taking pictures of myself in different locations helps me remember the experiences I've had and allows me to share those experiences with friends and family. Selfies are also great conversation starters when meeting people around the world - everyone loves talking about where they've been or what inspired their last trip! Overall, taking selfies is my way of preserving all my special memories so I can always look back fondly on them.
Do you think examining old photographs can increase our understanding of the past? How?
Yes, I think examining old photographs can increase our understanding of the past. We have access to so much information that we can learn from these photographs such as the way people used to dress, the places they used to visit, and even how people used to interact with each other. Seeing what our ancestors were like, gives us a greater appreciation of their history and helps us understand our place in the world today. It also allows us to see how far we have come and how much has changed over the years. Studying old photographs can also provide insight into social, political, and economic changes that happened in the past. All these factors make exploring old photographs a unique and valuable experience. I love being able to share these experiences with others.
What are some of the benefits of exploring old photographs?
One of the main benefits of exploring old photographs is that it helps us to connect with our past and gain a deeper understanding of our ancestors. It can also help us better appreciate their culture, beliefs, and values. Photographs are also often used in various fields such as history, geography, and archaeology as visual evidence that can help uncover information about the past. Lastly, looking at photos from different eras can give us an appreciation for how far we’ve come as a society and how much things have changed over time. Exploring old photographs is truly a unique experience that reminds us of where we came from and helps shape our view of the world today.
Exploring old photographs could be the key to unlocking hidden stories or giving a feeling of nostalgia, connection, and continuity with our past, as well as an appreciation for the unique beauty of our shared history. There is also something special about being able to share these experiences with others and spark conversations about history that would otherwise not be had.
Old photographs can also stimulate creative thinking and provoke discussion about the future. For example, by studying a photograph of how an agricultural landscape has changed over time, we can draw parallels between past practices and modern trends in crop production and land management. By reflecting on the changes that have happened in the past, we can gain new insights into how to use the land more sustainably in the future. Therefore, photographs of our shared history can inform and improve our decisions today as well as open up new possibilities for tomorrow.
Photographs are powerful tools that allow us to reflect on our past and reimagine our future.
Why can photographs be useful in helping us make decisions?
Photographs capture moments in time and preserve them for future generations. By studying a photograph, we can gain insights into how people and communities used the land in the past. This knowledge can inform our present decision-making processes by providing information on how different land uses could impact our environment and the surrounding communities. Photographs can also help us to identify potential opportunities for development or innovation, and potentially open up new possibilities for the future. Furthermore, photographs are an invaluable resource in helping us to understand how different cultures have interacted with each other throughout history. This shared cultural knowledge can be used to inform our decisions today, helping to create a more harmonious and inclusive society. Ultimately, photographs can be used as a powerful tool in both preservation and progression, allowing us to appreciate the past while striving for a better future.
Would you prefer to look at old photographs or listen to an eyewitness account from the past? Why?
For some people, looking at old photographs may be the best way to connect with the past, as they provide tangible evidence and visual references that can help bring history to life. On the other hand, listening to an eyewitness account from the past can offer an intimate perspective, allowing us to gain insight into how people lived and understood the world around them. Ultimately, both options provide unique opportunities to learn more about history, and it is up to the individual to decide which approach best suits their needs. I would prefer to listen to an eyewitness account, as it allows me to gain a greater understanding of the individual's experience, rather than simply attempting to interpret images. By understanding how people lived in the past, we can apply what we learn to our current lives.
What can we learn from photographs that an eyewitness account cannot provide?
Photographs can offer a unique perspective on the past, enabling us to observe the physical environment and gain a sense of what life was like in a particular place at a particular time. It is also possible to compare photographs from different times or places, allowing us to explore questions of continuity and change. By studying the details within photographs, we can discover more about everyday life and how it has been shaped by broader social, cultural, and political forces. In this way, photographs can provide us with invaluable insight into the past that eyewitness accounts would not be able to offer.
Moreover, looking at photographs from the past allows us to gain a greater appreciation for our own lives and experiences. By understanding how people lived in different times and places, we can gain a better understanding of the present day. For example, when we look at images of poverty during the industrial revolution, it can help us to appreciate our access to modern comforts and technologies. It is also possible that looking at these old photographs could inspire contemporary artworks or design ideas.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 1
Topic | Work/Studies
Are you working or studying?
I'm a student, in my final year of a postgraduate course in International Business.
What do like most about your course?
Well, there are a couple of things I can think of; for example, I like the fact that it has a global perspective and that a lot of what I learn applies to any business anywhere in the world nowadays.
Also, it has helped me develop my critical thinking and strategic planning skills immensely. Although there are a lot of business-related theories to learn, there is also a great emphasis on being able to apply such theories and strategies to real-life business situations. So it's very practical in its approach.
Is this a popular choice for a career in your country?
Yes, I believe it is. There are about 40 of us on this particular course. I originally studied Business Administration and specialized in Marketing, but International Business seems to have become increasingly popular as a career for young people.
I think that may be because it truly does offer you the opportunity to develop an international career, and is not just limited to your own country, as would be the case if you studied law or something particular to one country.
Topic | Holidays
Do you like holidays? Why? Why not?
Yes, I do because they give me a chance to relax and switch off for a bit. It's always nice to have a break from the normal routine - especially when a holiday falls on the day after the weekend, which usually means that you have three days away from work or studying.
Even though I like to relax on a holiday, I always try to do something different as well or something which I wouldn't normally have the opportunity to do normally, so that I make the most of the day off or days off.
Why do you think people consider holidays to be important?
I suppose one of the main reasons is, as I said, it's a nice break from the normal daily routine. For families, it can also be important because it's a time when they can spend more time together, which can sometimes be difficult when everybody is so busy nowadays.
Of course, some holidays are special, such as Independence Day, and religious festivals, which have a special meaning for many people, so these days are important for cultural reasons, not just because it's a day off from school or work.
Topic | Weekends
What do you normally like to do on weekends?
First, I like to sleep a little later than normal, just because it's more relaxing not to have to get up early like I usually do, but I don't like getting up too late in the day because then I feel like I've wasted some of the weekend.
I also like to have lunch or at least one meal with my parents over the weekend, depending on what I'm doing, and what their plans are. Then, sometimes, I like to visit my grandparents, who live in the next town whenever I have enough time at the weekend. Usually, I manage to see them at least every other week at the weekends.
Why do you think many people consider the weekend to be important?
I guess it could be for some of the same reasons that people think holidays are important - the weekends are a change of pace from during the week, and many people get a chance to do things they wouldn't have time to during the week. For example, people play sports, visit relatives, or travel to other places.
People generally have more time at the weekend so they spend more time with people they love or doing things they really like rather than just studying or working. And, of course, it's an opportunity to recharge your batteries before returning to work or whatever you do during the week, feeling more energized and ready to face up to the challenges again.
What would your ideal weekend be like?
Never ending! But seriously, I suppose it would include some time with my friends and family and maybe doing something special such as visiting a new place or trying a new activity with my friends.
It would be interesting, but not too busy to be tiring, and I would like to have enough time to chill and relax too. It's hard to be more exact because there are so many possible things you could include in a weekend which would be fun.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 2
You should say:
- where you went
- when you went there
- who was with you
and explain why you chose that particular place for a holiday.
IELTS Cue Card | A recent holiday
I recently went on holiday with my friends for a week. We decided to go to a small village on the coast because one of my friends has a relative who owns a small hotel there, and we thought it would be an interesting place to visit and relax also.
So, this would be about two months ago, maybe, when we had all finished university for the year. That was one of the main reasons we thought it would be a good idea to get away from everything for a while and see and do something different.
We had all been extremely busy with exams and some of us were more stressed out than others, so the idea of a holiday sounded great when my friend suggested it to us. Especially when she told us that her uncle owned a hotel near the coast where we could stay.
We traveled by car, there were four of us, and we booked a couple of rooms at the hotel for a week. When we got there it was amazing. The hotel had a view of the ocean and the beach was just a few minutes away – so after saying hello to my friend’s uncle and his wife, we strolled down to the beach to see what it was like.
The beach was beautiful and there weren’t many people there at that time of year as we had gone in the off-season, not the most popular time of the year, but it was good for us because we just wanted to do something different.
On the first evening there my friend’s uncle and wife invited us all to eat with them and they prepared a superb meal which we all enjoyed very much; they were extremely hospitable. The following day we got some tips on what else we could do and see while we were there and went off to explore a few places close by.
The whole week was a lot of fun and it was so good to see a new place and do some different things, especially with my friends there too. It was one of the most enjoyable weeks I’ve had in a long time, and I’d love to go back there again sometime in the future.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 3
Dicussion Topics | children playing, learning skills, individual/team games
Where do children normally play in your country, inside or outside?
It depends on the time of year, and also the age of the children. When the weather is nice, children usually like to play outside most of the time, but in the winter it’s often too cold most of the time to spend a lot of time outdoors, so children tend to do more indoor activities.
Playing inside is also normal if the children are very young and can’t go out without their parents, so they play at home, maybe with other children while their parents are there to supervise and look after them. Older children might be allowed to go out with other children, but even then sometimes they prefer to stay in and play video games or something inside.
What are some of the benefits of playing indoors or outdoors?
I guess when it comes to playing indoors, the major benefit is that it is not weather or time-dependent, and won’t normally have to involve a parent. Children can play inside at any time and they don’t have to worry about if it’s cold or rainy outside.
Also, children don’t have to get ready or change their clothes or make sure they have eaten before playing inside but if they go out someplace to play, especially if it’s some distance from their home, then their parents might have to get them ready and prepare more before leaving – the parents might even have to accompany the children depending on their age.
As for playing outdoors, I suppose the best thing is it’s probably healthier because children can typically be more active outdoors than indoors; they can run around a lot more and maybe climb on things and get more physical than they would normally when they are playing indoors.
It might also be a bit more of an adventure for them, going outside to play; again a lot depends on the age of the children and exactly what the play activity is.
What skills do children learn while playing?
Playing can be responsible for children learning both physical and cognitive skills. If they are participating in physical activities outdoors, for example, this can help develop their motor skills, coordination, balance, stamina, and other physical attributes.
If they are involved in creative playing activities indoors, for example, this can help them develop their fine motor skills, creativity, critical thinking, and analytical skills.
And of course then there are other social skills they can learn such as sharing with others, caring about others, collaborating, and even just how to have fun doing something with other children
In your country, is it more important that children participate in games as part of a team or individually? Why do you think that is so?
What’s important, in my opinion, is that children are allowed to try both. They should experience being part of a team, and all that being a member of a team involves, and they should also experience doing things on their own, whether it’s playing games or other activities.
Most children, in fact, most people, have their preferences. Some like to be part of a team, and perform better when they are with others, while other people prefer to do stuff themselves and don’t feel so comfortable when in a team because they can’t just do whatever they want; they have to collaborate with and respect the other members of the team.
So what’s important is that children experience playing games as part of a team and also playing them on their own against another player or opponent. Sure, they might have their preference, but it’s good for them to learn the different ways of engaging and how to do both when required.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 1
Topic | Watches
Yes, I do. As an IELTS test taker, it's important for me to keep track of time during the exams, so wearing a watch is essential. Plus, I just love how watches can make an outfit look more stylish and complete.
Yes, I have. I was given a beautiful watch by my parents for graduation. They said it was as a reminder of the time and dedication that I had put into studying for my exams. It's one of my most treasured possessions.
Yes, I do think so. Even though smartwatches have become increasingly popular lately, traditional watches will still be around for many years to come. Watches are a classic accessory that many people wear as a fashion statement and they also serve an important practical purpose – they help us keep track of time.
For me, it's all about the personal meaning behind the watch. A watch can be a symbol of something that's important to you, like a milestone or a special moment in your life. It can also be an accessory that helps you stay on top of things and keeps you organized.
Topic | Indoor Games
One of the most popular indoor games in my country is carrom. It's a game that originated in India, and is played on a square board with round pieces called 'carrom men'. The goal of the game is to hit the other player's pieces into their pockets using your own pieces. Another game that's becoming increasingly popular is ludo.
Yes, I really enjoy playing these kinds of games. They're great for both adults and kids, as they require strategy and thinking skills to win. Plus, it's always a fun experience when you have friends over to play. The best part is that they don't require much equipment or space and can be played indoors in any kind of weather.
My favorite indoor game is card games. I love playing classic card games such as Uno, Blackjack, and Poker with my friends. It's also a great way to practice counting and hone your math skills in an entertaining way. Additionally, there are tons of different variations and rules you can apply to make the game more interesting or challenging for everyone.
Absolutely! I'm always looking for new ways to pass the time and challenge myself. I think it's great to learn new games because they can help build mental acuity, sharpen problem-solving skills, and of course be a lot of fun. Plus, since most indoor games are relatively easy to pick up, there's often no need to invest in expensive equipment.
Oh, I had a lot of favorites! We used to play charades, hide and seek, Monopoly and Clue. Of course card games were always popular too - we'd often spend hours playing Go Fish or Uno. Nowadays I'm especially fond of board games like Ticket To Ride and Catan. They're just so strategic and entertaining. Plus it's nice to have a dedicated game night with friends or family every once in a while!
Topic | Feeling Proud
I'm incredibly proud of my older brother. He's always been wise beyond his years - even when we were kids he had an uncanny ability to solve problems and think creatively. He's graduated from college with a degree in engineering and now works for a prestigious tech firm. Despite all his success, he never let it go to his head.
It depends. There are certainly moments where it's easy to feel proud - like when you see someone you know accomplish something great. But true, lasting pride often comes from within. It's not just about achieving something or having an impressive resume; rather, it's about feeling secure in yourself and your own abilities, no matter the outcome or circumstances.
It can be a good or bad thing, depending on the context. On one hand, feeling proud of your possessions is natural and can act as an incentive to work hard and progress further in life. But on the other hand, when people become too attached to their material items it can quickly become a source of unhappiness. The key is to remember that possessions are just that, and should never be a source of one's identity or self-esteem.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 2
You should say:
- what the business is
- what you would need
- where it would be
and explain why you would choose this type of business.
Sample Answer
I've always been fascinated with the idea of running my own business, and I think a small one is a perfect place to start. I would love to open up a coffee shop. It doesn't have to be a huge chain or anything like that – just a cozy little spot where people can come in for a quick cup of coffee, maybe a pastry or two, and just relax.
In order to make this happen, I would need some basic supplies like coffee makers, cups, utensils, and so on. Aside from that, it would be nice to have a few chairs and tables as well as comfortable seating options for people who want to stay a while. I would also need to make sure the space is properly lit and heated/cooled, depending on the season.
Of course, I would need money in order to start and sustain a business like this. That's why I plan on starting small – just enough to cover my initial costs. Once that's taken care of, I can then focus on building up my customer base and expanding. Who knows, maybe someday I can even turn it into a full-fledged café!
But before I can do any of that, I have to answer the big question: how am I going to make money? The answer is simple – by offering quality services and products that people will be willing to pay for. I'm not just talking about coffee, but also snacks, desserts, and other items that can be sold at a profit.
I may even find ways to diversify my income by providing additional services like wi-fi access or hosting events in the café. That way, I can bring in more customers and charge them for the use of my space.
I think a cafe is a good idea because it provides an opportunity to interact with people and share my experience.
Follow up question: Do you think it is better to work for someone or to have your own business?
It depends on your goals and personality. If you want to be able to set your own hours, build something of your own, take risks, and potentially make a lot of money, starting a business can be a great way to go. On the other hand, if you're looking for job security and don't mind having someone else call the shots, working for someone else might be a better option. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what makes the most sense for your goals and lifestyle.
IELTS Speaking Test Part 3
Topic | Business & Success
It depends on the type of business you're involved in. Generally speaking, both practical experience and academic education are important for successful businesses.
Practical experience is key if you want to understand how a particular industry works and what it takes to make a product or service successful. You'll need to be well-versed in the details of how to create and manage a successful business. Having hands-on experience can help you anticipate potential problems, come up with creative solutions, and understand the overall dynamics of the industry.
On the other hand, academic education provides theoretical knowledge that can be applied in real-world situations. For example, if you want to launch a business in a highly competitive market, you'll need to understand the basic principles of economics and marketing. You'll also need to be able to interpret data, analyze trends, and make evidence-based decisions. By having both practical experience and an understanding of relevant theories, you can make informed choices about how to move forward with your business.
Successful business people have a range of qualities that make them successful. They are adaptable, able to pivot, and respond quickly to changing situations. They possess strong problem-solving skills, enabling them to come up with effective solutions in challenging scenarios. Additionally, they understand the importance of maintaining relationships with customers and employees alike. They also exhibit strong leadership skills, motivating and inspiring their teams to reach the highest of standards. Finally, successful business people are highly organized, utilizing effective planning and organizational strategies to ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner. These are just some of the key characteristics that contribute to a successful businessperson’s success.
Most people measure success in their professional lives by assessing the degree to which they have achieved their goals. This could include reaching a certain level of career advancement, achieving financial success, or making an impact with their work. But, it depends on individuals’ personal ambitions and what is most important to them when it comes to measuring success.
I think that businesses that are focused on sustainability and providing products or services that meet people’s needs while also having a positive impact on the environment will be the most successful in the future. This is because sustainable practices are becoming increasingly important, and consumers are more likely to choose ethical companies over those that prioritize short-term profits. Also, businesses that focus on innovation and technological advances will be successful, as they are better equipped to handle the ever-changing market. Finally, those businesses that prioritize their customer service and offer personalized experiences will have an edge over their competitors, as people increasingly value quality and convenience. All in all, these are the businesses I believe will be most successful in the future.
Topic | International Business
International trade is incredibly important for economies around the world. By engaging in international trade, countries have access to a wider variety of resources, goods, and services that they can use to benefit their citizens. This can help stimulate growth in developing countries through improved access to foreign technology and investments from other parts of the world. Additionally, trading with other nations also helps to diversify a country’s economic portfolio, reducing the risks associated with relying solely on domestic production. Finally, international trade can help build bridges between cultures and foster greater understanding across nations. In summary, international trade is an essential part of a nation’s economy and has far-reaching benefits for both developed and developing countries.
Knowing the origin of the food we eat is incredibly important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps us make informed decisions about where our food comes from and how it was produced. Understanding what country our food comes from can help us to avoid any ingredients which may have been grown using inhumane methods or chemicals that don’t meet ethical standards.
Locally made food is typically grown within the country, making it fresher and more natural than imported foods. These foods may not have been exposed to as many chemicals or additives in order to keep them fresh for a longer period of time. Additionally, buying locally-made food often helps support local farmers and businesses, which can provide economic benefits for both the farmers and the local community. Imported foods, on the other hand, may be of higher quality or have a longer shelf life due to the different methods used in their production. They also allow us to enjoy ingredients from other parts of the world that may not be available locally.
In my country, one of the most popular imported food products is olive oil. This is because it's a healthier option compared to other kinds of cooking oils and its distinct flavor makes it a great addition to many dishes. Other popular imports include coffee beans, cheese, and various types of spices which are highly sought after due to their unique flavors. Imported food products like these bring something special to the table that can't be found in local cuisines, and they provide us with an opportunity to experience different cultures through their flavors and ingredients.