IELTS Speaking | Furniture | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 & Answers

IELTS Speaking Part 1 | Furniture

Do you have a lot of wooden furniture at home?

Yeah, I've got quite a bit of wooden furniture at home. It's cool, you know? I mean, I love how sturdy and timeless wood looks. And it brings this cosy vibe and personality to the room that other stuff just can't beat. It's like a classic but fits in perfectly with any style - modern or traditional. I just adore that about it!

Which pieces of furniture at home are your favourites?

One of my top picks is this oak bookshelf that I absolutely love. It's not just about how it looks, but because it's where I keep all my favourite books. And then, there's this super cosy, oversized reading chair right next to it. It's like they both come together to create this perfect little spot for me to relax and dive into a good book. I think it's the mix of practicality and the personal touch they bring to my daily routine that really makes them special to me.

Have you ever received furniture as a gift?

Yes. For my birthday, my close friends surprised me with this amazing handcrafted side table made from reclaimed wood! It has such a charming rustic look that warms up my living space.

This side table isn't just for my morning coffee or a vase—it's a symbol of my friends' care and understanding. They really hit the mark by knowing how much I love sustainable living.

It's incredible how a simple gift like this holds so much sentimental value. It was an incredibly thoughtful gift that truly touched my heart!

What was the last piece of furniture you bought? Why did you buy it?

The last piece of furniture I got was this sleek, minimalist desk for my home office. I picked it after realizing my old setup couldn't handle my work-from-home hours.

The design was key; it had to look good and keep things organized. So, I chose this desk to boost my productivity and make my workspace better.

Its clean lines and practical design just clicked with what I needed and liked.

Where do you usually shop for furniture?

I tend to lean towards checking out stuff online and hitting up local boutiques when I'm furniture shopping.

Online is great for the convenience factor - I can browse from my couch. But there's something special about local shops, you know? They've got those one-of-a-kind pieces that really give my place character. It's like a mix of online ease and local charm that guides my shopping trips.

Is there an item of furniture you would like to buy in the future? What is it?

You know what? There's this awesome vintage-style leather armchair I've been eyeing for a while now.

My living room has this cosy corner that just needs a bit of character and warmth. I can totally see this armchair, with its rich texture and classic vibe, not only being a comfy spot for reading but also adding that extra charm to the room.

It's more than just a seat; it's about creating a mini-retreat where I can kick back and relax. I mean, it's that perfect mix of style and practicality that I can't resist.

Do you prefer modern or traditional furniture at home? Why?

Honestly, it's a bit tricky for me because I'm drawn to both modern and traditional furniture for different reasons.

On one hand, I love the clean lines and modern look - it just fits my style. But then there's something about traditional furniture, with all its intricate details and timeless charm, that makes me feel at home. Each piece tells a story and adds so much character to my place.

So, if I had to pick, I'd go for a mix of both - the best of both worlds, you know? It gives my space that perfect balance of function and personality.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 | Furniture

Talk about an old piece of furniture your family has.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • what it looks like
  • what it is used for
and explain why your family has kept it so long.

Sample Answer

Okay, so we have an old sofa at home which we’ve had, well it seems like forever. I remember it when I was a child because I used to fall asleep on it in the afternoons.

I guess it’s really old now. It belonged to my grandmother, my father’s mother originally, so that shows you how old it really is.

When I was a kid, I remember it was a dark brown colour, but it has been reupholstered a couple of times since then and now it’s a light grey colour. A little more modern looking, although we tend to throw a blanket over it because it still looks a bit tatty.

It’s basically a huge, heavy old sofa, I think the frame is made of wood because it weighs a ton. I remember trying to move it once with my father and it was really heavy!

It used to be in our living room, but now it’s in the spare room, well it’s more like a TV room where we chill out and watch movies and stuff.

Even though it’s really old, it’s still amazingly comfortable, which says something about the quality of it. When I visit my parents or sometimes spend the weekend at home, I can still sit on the sofa for hours it’s so comfy.

Actually, last week I even fell asleep on it for a couple of hours just like when I was a kid.

I guess we’ve kept it because it has sentimental value for my father, as it belonged to his mother, and also because it’s always been our favourite sofa. When my parents bought a newer one, my sister and I wouldn’t let them throw the old one away.

We asked them to keep it and put it in the spare room, so we could still use it. It’s almost like part of the family.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 | Furniture

Which type of furniture do you have in your home, modern or traditional?

The furniture in my place is a bit of a mix of modern and traditional vibes. Picture this: the living room rocks this super sleek, minimalistic couch - totally modern, right? But then, there's this old-school oak table, a family heirloom that's been around forever, giving off those traditional feels. It's like a furniture time capsule in my home!

In your family, who decides which furniture to buy?

Well, I suppose that picking furniture in my family is pretty democratic, but my parents usually have the last word. We all pitch in our ideas and check out the choices together, but in the end, it's up to them. They think about what everyone likes but also keep an eye on the budget and what makes sense for us.

What skills are important for furniture designers to have?

I think that for furniture designers, being creative is super important, right? They really need to have a good eye for beauty to make pieces that not only work well but also look great. And it's not just about that - they've got to get ergonomics and material strength down too. I mean, they're making stuff we use every day, so making sure it's comfy and lasts is just as important as how it looks.

What are the differences in buying furniture for an office and a home?

Well, I would say that when you're shopping for furniture, whether it's for your office or your home, there are some key differences to keep in mind.

In an office, it's all about making the most of the space and ensuring everything is functional for the team. Ergonomics is a big deal here since your staff will be using the furniture day in, day out.

At home, comfort is key, but you also get to let your personal style shine and create a cosy atmosphere that's all about you.

What are some of the differences between furniture in the past and now?

When I look at old vs. new furniture, one big thing I notice is how modern designs are all about being versatile and practical. Back in the past, furniture was more about looks and toughness, making it bulky and hard to shift around. But now, furniture is all about simplicity and flexibility, fitting right in with our fast-paced lives today.

In what ways is furniture today better than in the past?

I think the main thing that stands out is that today's furniture is really all about better functionality and meeting users' needs. And with technology in the mix, we've got smart furniture that can charge your devices and keep tabs on your health. Plus, the focus on sustainability in modern design is awesome - more recyclable materials mean a win for the environment - and us!