Cue Card | A time when you had a problem using a computer

Recent Cue Card Topic:

Describe a time when you had a problem using a computer

You should say:
  • When this happened
  • What you were trying to do
  • What the problem was
And explain how you felt about this problem.

Model Answer | A Problem Using A Computer

I vividly remember encountering a significant computer problem last year while preparing an important presentation for a client.

When this happened

It was a brisk morning in early November, and the deadline for the project I was working on was fast approaching. With just a few hours left before the presentation, I was feeling reasonably confident that everything was under control.

What you were trying to do

I had spent several weeks researching and assembling data for this pivotal presentation. That day, my task was to put the final touches on the slides and rehearse the key points. Unfortunately, my plan was about to encounter a serious hiccup.

What the problem was

As I opened my laptop and tried to access the presentation file, a dreaded blue screen with indecipherable error messages appeared. My computer had crashed, and it seemed like nothing I did would revive it. In a moment of panic, I realized that not only could I not open my presentation, but the potential loss of all my work was a very real possibility.

Explain how you felt about this problem

Initially, I was in a state of disbelief. Then, as the severity of the situation began to sink in, I was consumed by a mix of stress and frustration. There was so much at stake—not just the success of the presentation but my reputation as a thorough and reliable professional. At the same time, I recognized the importance of keeping a level head.

To address the issue, I reached out to a tech-savvy friend who suggested several troubleshooting steps. Together, we managed to boot the computer in Safe Mode and, to my great relief, recover the presentation file. I learned an invaluable lesson about regularly backing up my work.

Looking back, I can say that despite the initial feelings of dread, the experience left me better prepared to handle unexpected technical difficulties and reinforced the importance of having a good support network. It also reminded me of the importance of adapting quickly to unforeseen challenges, which, I believe, is a valuable skill in any professional context.