As a child who did you spend more time with your family or your friends? Why?

As a child who did you spend more time with your family or your friends? Why?

Growing up, I spent more time with my family than with friends. My parents always encouraged me to find a balance between spending time with them and exploring the world outside our home.

They also wanted me to establish strong relationships with both sides of my family, so I often visited relatives during the holidays. Additionally, it was important for them that I did well in school and participated in activities at home such as cooking or gardening. All these experiences helped shape who I am today.

I would say that on average I spent about 75% of my time with family and 25% with friends. I value both deeply but in different ways.

Family is a crucial part of my life, as they have always been my main source of support and guidance throughout the years.

Friends, on the other hand, are important to me for companionship and entertainment. They can be great motivators when it comes to achieving goals or trying something new.

Both my family and friends have come together to help me become the best version of myself that I can be.

Speaking topics & Answers | As a child who did you spend more time with your family or your friends, why?
