Leisure Activities IELTS Speaking Part 3


Free time activities

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions | Leisure & Free Time Activities, Video Games, Technology

Are you preparing for the IELTS Speaking test? Here are some common questions about leisure and free time activities, video games, and technology.

Questions like these commonly come up during IELTS Speaking Part 3 about leisure and free time activities.

Check out these useful tips to help you prepare for these topics.

Good luck!

First, here are some tips for answering IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions so you can confidently answer them during your test:

  • Take a few seconds to think about your answer before speaking. Organize your thoughts so you can give a better answer.
  • Speak fluently and at a natural pace. Don't worry if you make a mistake or pause during your answer. Just relax and keep going.
  • Try to use a variety of vocabulary and grammar structures in your answer. Doing so will show the examiner that you have a good range of English skills.

Now, let's look at some common IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions.

Tip 1: Talk about both the positive and negative points

Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor activities?

When asked a question about the advantages and disadvantages of something, make sure you talk about both the positive and negative points. For example:


There are both advantages and disadvantages to outdoor activities. On the one hand, they can be very good for your health as you get fresh air and exercise. On the other hand, they can be dangerous if you don't take the necessary precautions, such as wearing a helmet when biking.

Tip 2: Use examples

Question: Do you think that TV advertising is effective?

If asked a question about what you think or how you feel about something, include examples to support your answer. For example:


Yes, I do think that TV advertising is effective. I remember seeing a commercial for a new product and then going out and buying it the next day. Also, I think that TV ads are more likely to reach a wider audience than print ads.

Tip 3: Be concise

When you are speaking, be sure to get to the point and make your points clear. Try to avoid going off on tangents or repeating yourself. Also, don't worry about using big words - just use language that is easy to understand.

Tip 4: When asked to compare and contrast, ensure to do just that

Question: How have the leisure activities people do nowadays changed from those people did in the past?


Nowadays, people have a lot more choices when it comes to leisure activities. In the past, people often only had a few options, such as going for a walk or reading a book. Now, many more options are available, such as playing video games, going to the gym, or taking a yoga class. This increase in choices has made it easier for people to find an activity they enjoy that fits their lifestyle.

Do you think it’s important for people to do outdoor activities?

In general, yes, it’s a good idea to get outside and breathe some fresh air. A lot of people spend most of their day inside, especially if they’re working in an office. Like myself, I am inside most of the day almost every day at work. So it’s nice to see something different and also feel the breeze and sun on your skin when you spend time outside.

What benefits can it have?

Personally I love to spend time in the countryside, away from the city, because being outside there just makes me feel so much better. The city can be stifling, so the change is good, it’s refreshing.

So I suppose there are some serious health benefits, the air can be fresher outside, the change of scenery can make you feel happier or more relaxed, and just being in a different environment can sometimes help re-energize you and make you feel better in general.

Have the kind of free time activities people do in your country changed in recent years?

For some people that might be true, especially younger people. But many older people still do the same activities in their free time as they’ve always done. There are some activities which have always been popular, especially sports, so they haven’t changed much at all.

But there are also some newer activities, like the Pilates class I was telling you about that wasn’t available when, for example, my mother was growing up. I guess it’s a case of there just being more options now rather than activities changing.

I think younger people probably change their activities more often, following current trends, and because they like to try new things quite often, they’re more adventurous, and nowadays there’s a lot more choice than in the past as to what activities you can do in your free time.

Can you explain why you think these changes have happened?

Well, it’s the same with everything, isn’t it? New things come along and become popular with a new generation and then they gradually become a normal part of everyday life. Some of the changes are influenced by external sources such as technology. I mean, young people see things on YouTube or other social media sites and they think it’s interesting and want to try it.

If there’s enough demand then usually it becomes popular and then you see lots of places all over offering the same activity. It’s mainly the young people who drive the change because they’re the ones who want to try different things.

Technology has changed what many people now do in their free time. Do you think this change is positive or negative? Why?

Yes, it’s true, my brother is a gaming geek, he’s always playing online and he’s been like that since he was a young boy. But it’s not just gaming – I mean even I spend loads of time texting my friends and chatting on social media, a lot more time than even just a few years ago, so yes, technology now occupies a bigger part of my day than when I was a teenager, for example.

Is it a good thing? Well, it’s just a change, I’ve never really thought about it being positive or negative, in fact really it’s so normal now for people to be using their phones and computers all the time that it’s not really important if it’s a positive or negative thing – it’s already become normal, and I don’t think that will change, unless the technology changes.

Many children spend a lot of time playing video games these days. Is this a good thing? Why? Why not?

Personally, I think it’s a good thing. It’s like they can enter another world, a completely different environment, and escape from everyday life for a while. I actually think it’s very similar to reading a book – you know how if you’re reading a great story, the time just flies past and you don’t want to be disturbed – video games are like that. They can completely hold your attention for ages, and it’s like nothing else exists.

I told you my brother is a gaming fanatic, so I know what it’s like – and he’s just a regular normal person, but in his free time he prefers to be playing games rather than, say, reading or playing soccer, or something like that.

What’s important is that if people enjoy something, then they should do it. There used to be a lot of criticism about children playing video games, but most of it came from adults who didn’t understand the attraction of these games.

And of course they used to say it was a waste of time – but now you see gamers earning a lot of money and some even making a career out of video gaming, so all those people who used to say it was a waste of time were wrong.