Describe An Activity You Do After School/Work

IELTS Speaking Part 2

An Activity You Do After School/Work
This IELTS cue card asks about an activity you do, sometimes the wording of the cue card is a group activity you successfully took part in or an interesting activity you did or an unusual activity you have tried.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card

Describe an activity you do after school/work.
You should say:

  • what you do
  • how often you do it
  • where you do the activity
and explain why you like doing this particular activity.

Describe an Activity You Do after School/Work

IELTS Cue Card Answer:

I love to go for long walks in the park. I usually do this activity with a friend of mine, and we enjoy taking our time to explore new surroundings and talk about all sorts of different things. When I walk through the park, I always find myself noticing little details that I never would have seen before- like flowers on the ground or trees rustling in the wind. It's a great way to get outside and spend some time alone without feeling lonely at all!

One of the things that make it special to me is that I know my dog loves to walk with us too - even if it's scared of the other dogs.

I like this activity because it helps me feel more balanced and calm when I have a lot going on in my life, and also because walking outside is just really relaxing for some reason.

It's always relaxing to do something you like doing all by yourself or with someone else, which is why these walks are so important to me! They're one of the things that ensure I avoid getting too stressed out from work and everything.

There are lots of reasons why I enjoy taking long walks through parks! It gives me time alone without feeling lonely at all while connecting with nature and it's a change of scenery and I never know what I'm going to see! It's also fascinating to look at the wildlife and all of the different types of trees that are around.

I enjoy walking because it gives me time away from screens, plus there’s something very satisfying about being able to go for a long walk without feeling exhausted afterward.

Also, being outside makes me appreciate all the different seasons and helps me to be more mindful of my surroundings. I enjoy taking long walks through parks because they give me time alone while connecting with nature or looking for something new in my own backyard! Plus, I never know what I'm going to see - it's a fun mystery that always unfolds differently.

I also like going on hikes because you get an opportunity to explore parts of nature that are usually unreachable by bus, car, or other means.

Similar Topic - Describe an activity you do with an older person

Describe An Activity You Do After School/Work Sample Answer

About two years ago I started taking a Pilates class with my older sister. It was something we had discussed for some time. We both wanted to try something new and different (for us) but we were looking for something that would help us relax and also be healthy.

We talked about buying bikes and going on bike rides, and we also thought about joining a sports club or gym or something like that, but really we’re not that sporty, so we decided against it.

It was actually a friend of my sister who introduced us to the idea of Pilates because she’s been doing it for a few years now and she was telling us about how good it is and how her health and wellbeing have improved since she started taking classes.

So, one day she invited us to go and watch one of her classes. She’s quite advanced, as she’s been doing it for years, so we sat and watched the class and listened to the instructor explaining what to do.

We thought it looked interesting and easy – so we decided we’d give it a try – but joined a beginner’s class, not the same class as my sister’s friend.

One of the things we liked about it was the fact that we didn’t have to buy any expensive special equipment, and also that it’s an indoor activity, not like the bike riding idea we had.

The classes were three times a week, and were held in the local community center, where they do a lot of activities like that. The instructor was very nice and paid a lot of attention to us when we first started.

Anyway, as I said, we thought it looked easy at first, but after the first class we were sore all over. My body was aching the next day, but I suppose I should’ve expected that since I hadn’t really done any physical exercise for ages.

It might look easy but it’s not. But the good thing is that you soon get used to the different positions and you can feel yourself getting better at each one as the weeks go by. And you can feel yourself getting stronger.

Looking back, it’s probably one of the best decisions we’ve ever made, and we still go about three times a week when we both have free time.

I love the fact that I’m more flexible, stronger, and feel generally healthier than before, so it’s definitely been worth it.

Follow-up questions:

  • What was the most atrocious activity you did as a young child?
  • What is your favorite activity to do with family and friends?
  • Do you have any pet peeves about activities you do regularly? If so, what are they, and how did they come about?
  • Can you recall a time when a particular activity made the day more memorable for you? (e.g., going on vacation with family, going to a concert with your friends, snowboarding down a mountain).
  • What activities have you tried that you would recommend to others?
  • What has been your favorite new activity this year?
  • Have you ever tried something because someone suggested it to you, or encouraged you to try something new?
  • Have any new activities developed into a serious hobby or passion for you?
  • Which regular activity do you enjoy the most out of all the ones you do?

  • How would you describe an activity you do after school/work?

    Good luck in your IELTS exam!
