IELTS Questions about Noise

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Noise

Noise IELTS Speaking Part 1

What are some sources of noise pollution?

There are many sources of noise pollution, some natural and some man-made. Natural sources of noise pollution include thunder, volcanoes, and animals like howler monkeys. Man-made sources of noise pollution include things like loudspeakers, traffic, airplanes and construction equipment. Noise pollution can have both short-term and long-term effects on our mental health and needs to be taken seriously.

Noise | Speaking Part 1 IELTS

Do you live in a noisy area?

Yes, I live in a very noisy area. There are always people making noise late at night and it can be very disruptive.

Answer: No, I don't live in a noisy area. It's quite quiet here most of the time.

Answer: It depends. There are times when it can be quite noisy, but other times it's relatively quiet.

Is it a quiet or noisy place to live?

Answer: Sometimes it can be quite noisy, especially at night when people are coming home from work or going out to socialize. There are also a lot of delivery trucks that come through the area early in the morning. But overall it's not too bad and I'm used to it.

Is there much noise around your home?

No, there isn't much noise around my home. I live in a quiet neighborhood and my neighbors are considerate of noise levels.

Yes, there is a lot of noise around my home. I live in a busy area and my neighbors are often quite loud. This can be disruptive when trying to concentrate or sleep.

Do you have any noisy friends?

I've got a few friends who are super lively, which means you can really hear them in a crowd. They're not shy about sharing how they feel or what they think, and they do it with so much energy.

Sure, they can be a bit much sometimes, but they really add a lot of life to our group. It's pretty cool to see how their upbeat vibe can kick a conversation up a notch and bring a special kind of buzz to our meetups. And yeah, their loud laughs and heated debates might fill the room, but it's just them showing their love for life in full volume.

I actually really look up to that. Their enthusiasm is infectious, and it often gets the rest of us, including me, more involved in the chat, making our time together even better.

Noise IELTS Speaking Part 3

Why are there more noises made at home now than in the past?


There are a few reasons why there may be more noise made at home now than in the past.

One reason could be that homes are generally more crowded now than they were in the past. With more people living in close quarters, there are bound to be more noises made.

Additionally, homes now have more electronic devices than ever before, and those devices can make a lot of noise.

Finally, people may simply be making more noise now than they did in the past for any number of reasons.

Whatever the reasons, it seems that noise levels at home are on the rise.

What are some common sources of a lot of noise these days?

Well, a lot depends on where you live, but if you live in a large city, for example, then you probably don’t realize just how much traffic noise there is.

I remember when I first moved here, I thought the noise from the traffic was incredibly loud – but now, having been living here for a few years, I hardly even notice it anymore.

Sometimes there’s an exceedingly noisy truck or an old car or something – but in general, the traffic noise just blends in and becomes like background noise.

One source of noise that is more intrusive and annoying is the noise of construction work.

Some days it seems to be endless, and it’s always a combination of loud drilling, scraping, chattering, clanging, and banging.

The problem in the city is that the sound carries quite far, bouncing off other buildings, so they could be constructing a new building or renovating an old building quite some distance away – but it sounds like it’s right outside your window. That can be very irritating if it goes on and on.

Other common noise sources would probably be airplanes landing and taking off, and loud music coming from clubs and bars, especially at night.

Obviously for many people that’s not a problem but for those who live near the source, it can be devastating to their peace and quiet and a source of stress for them, particularly if it affects their sleep or things like that.

In your opinion, will the level of noise increase in the future?

No, I don’t believe so. I mean, we’re constantly making things less noisy, even things like washing machines and other domestic appliances are now being designed to be quieter and less intrusive.

And if electric cars become more popular and eventually the norm, then a large source of noise – traffic – will have been almost eliminated, or at least seriously reduced in terms of the noise levels in built-up areas such as towns and cities.

I think that we’ve become much more aware of noise pollution as an issue and things will only get better in the future - not worse.

What do you think when you see a person on the street listening to music using headphones?

Nothing really, I mean it’s so common it doesn’t attract any attention anymore.

Loads of people do it, and also talk into their phones using hands-free while driving. That used to puzzle me until I realized what they were doing.

I thought for a while that they were talking to themselves, silly I know, but I soon discovered they were actually talking to someone else on the phone – just not holding it.

As for the headphones, well, who doesn’t do it? I listen to music when I’m out frequently – not every day but certainly several times a week.

I just plug in my earbuds on the bus or when I’m walking along if I know that I’m going to be out for some time. It’s a nice way to block out the background noise and enjoy some music while outside.

What is the reason that some people like to meet other people at a place with loud music?

It might be because if there’s music then there is less pressure to make conversation with the person if it’s someone they are meeting for the first time.

You know, sometimes it can be a bit awkward, and the music takes off some of the pressure to try and say smart things or be funny or stuff like that.

I guess another reason could be, especially in the case of friends going to a club, that loud music just creates a different atmosphere from the one we normally spend most of our time in, like at school, work, or at home.

So it’s just something different and you can just block everything else out and enjoy the music and dance maybe.

How would you answer these IELTS Speaking questions about noise?