IELTS Speaking Practice | An article you read about healthy living

IELTS Speaking Practice - Describe an article on health you read in a magazine or the internet
IELTS Speaking Practice | An article in a magazine (on the internet) about health, healthy living, healthy lifestyle

IELTS Speaking Practice | Part 2

This IELTS speaking practice cue card questions asks you to describe an article you read about healthy living.

Talk about an article that you read in a magazine about healthy lifestyles

You should say:
  • What the article was about
  • When you read it
  • Were you saw it
and explain what you learned from it.

Sample Answer

I usually skim over magazines but I did read a blog post recently about living healthy lifestyles.

It was penned by a formerly 'big' lady who took her time losing weight and became happier all the way around in the process.

She described some of the challenges overweight people experience, and how it can be hard to stop things that are bad for us or start doing things that we know would be better.

She also mentioned her meals just like things that she would eat every day and how slowly over time, she was able to slightly change how they were prepared or supplemented them with healthier substitutes when possible — for example, switching from sugar-laden snacks such as cookies to fresh fruit and directly swapping those out for some veggies or carrot sticks.

Tara shared that she gained her amazing physique by tracking macronutrients instead of just counting calories.

It made her lose weight without starving herself. Today she probably eats more than ever, but the difference is that today it tends to be good foods and she's far more aware of her daily macronutrient intake.

So, she can still enjoy a quality cheat meal or big meals with her family.

She also touched on another big element of FWTFL (Faster Way To Fat Loss) and that was working out since she never worked out before and now works out every day.

She walks for about 30 mins some days with a friend and they go to the gym where she completes her cardio workout (3–4 times a week) as well as another 25 mins of weight training.

Based on her own experience, she feels more women who want to lose weight and be fit should also consider doing weight training as part of their regimen rather than just resorting to machines like a Stairmaster or treadmill.

Weightlifting is a great way to burn more calories than walking or running!

Altogether, she discussed the top three things she now knows about her time of transition into a healthier lifestyle: motivation, nutrition, and exercise.

She didn't try to pretend that it was a simple transformation, but said she is more happy and healthy than ever before in her life.

Related IELTS Speaking Topics

The examples below show how the specific wording sometimes changes but the cue card topic remains the same:
  • Describe an article on health you read in a magazine or the internet
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  • Talk about an article which you have read about health
  • Talk about an article which you read about health
  • Talk about an article you recently read about health
  • Talk about an article you read online that was about healthy living