Is computer knowledge important in order to be a good employee?

An example of a question from Part 3 of a recent IELTS speaking test.

IELTS Speaking Test | Part 3 | Discussion Questions

Is computer knowledge important in order to be a good employee? Why?

That very much depends on the type of work you do, doesn’t it? I mean, if your work doesn’t involve or need computer skills to do it successfully, then computer knowledge isn’t important. I guess if you were employed to catch fish or lay bricks to build a house, you wouldn’t need to know much about computers to be a good employee.

On the other hand, there are many service and technology-related jobs nowadays which do require quite a good level of computer and technology skills for employees to be able to carry out their duties and responsibilities, so it would certainly be an advantage to have the appropriate computer knowledge if you want to be a valued employee within such an organization.