This IELTS speaking practice example examines the Part 1 question - Do you like the morning or evening?
We also look at some similar and related IELTS questions, and give sample answers for each.
IELTS Speaking Part 1
Do you work or study?
I study. I’m a third-year Economics student at the moment.
Are you a morning or an afternoon person?
Definitely a morning person. I like to get up early and get things done while I feel fresh and energized. I tend to feel a little lazy in the afternoons, so I try to do all the most important things I have to do in the morning and the less urgent things later in the day.
Do you like the morning or evening?
I like the morning. It's a time when I can start the day afresh and get things done. The evening is a time when I can relax and wind down from the day. Another reason I like mornings is that the air is usually fresher and there's a lot less traffic.
Describe a time of the day you like
I really enjoy early mornings, when the air is still cool and fresh. Everything feels new and possible at that time of day, and I like to take advantage of that feeling by getting things done. There's something about the start of a new day that just makes me feel motivated and ready to tackle whatever comes my way.
Do you like morning or evening better? Why?
(Sample answer by a business professional)
Oh, morning, definitely! I’m most productive before 10 AM and I love having a quiet coffee while I check my emails before everyone else gets in to the office.
Describe the time of the day you like best, and why
(Sample answer by a college student)
Evening, for sure. That’s when all my friends are free to hang out and the city just feels more alive. Plus I’m not a morning person - I need like 3 alarms to wake up!
Do you prefer the morning or the evening? Why?
(Sample answer by a fitness instructor)
Morning, hands down. I teach my first class at 6:30 and there’s nothing better than watching the sunrise during my warm up jog. The fresh air just gets me pumped for the whole day.