Advertising - IELTS Speaking Part 3

IELTS Speaking Part 3 | Advertising | Advertisements

Advertising Questions Advertising Quiz

Top Tips for answering IELTS Speaking Part 3 Advertising Questions

  1. Think about the purpose of advertising. Why do companies spend so much money on advertising? What are they trying to achieve?
  2. Be familiar with different types of advertising, such as TV commercials, online ads, and print ads.
  3. Consider the target audience for each ad. Who is the ad aimed at? What message is it trying to convey?
  4. What makes an advertisement effective? Think about the effectiveness of each ad. How well does it achieve its goals? Is it memorable?
  5. Be prepared to discuss both the positive and negative aspects of advertising.

What are popular types of advertising in today's world?

There are many popular types of advertising in today's world. Some of the most common include:

  • Online ads
  • Television commercials
  • Print ads
  • Radio ads
  • Influencer marketing/advertising

Each type of advertising has its own benefits and drawbacks, so if choosing one for your business, do some research.

Online advertising

A great way to reach a large audience quickly and easily. However, it can be expensive, and you may need to hire someone with experience to help you create effective ads.

Television commercials

TV advertising is another popular option, but TV ads can be costly to produce and air.

Print ads

Normally published in newspapers and magazines, they can be an effective way to reach targeted potential customers, but they can be expensive as well.

Radio ads

Radio advertising is another option that can be relatively affordable and reach a wider audience.

Influencer advertising

You may have also heard of influencer advertising, a newer form of marketing that is growing in popularity. Influencer advertising involves working with people with a large following on social media to promote your product or service. This can be an effective way to reach potential customers. But it can be more expensive than other forms of advertising.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing an advertising method.

  • First, you need to consider your budget and what you can afford to spend on advertising.
  • Second, you need to think about your target audience and where they are most likely to see or hear your ad.
  • Finally, you need to consider the type of message you want to communicate and ensure it is appropriate for the medium you choose.
  • IELTS Speaking Part 3 Advertising Questions

    What do you think about advertisements?

    Sometimes they’re good. I mean there have been some funny ones and the video ads on the internet are sometimes fascinating. But generally I don’t pay much attention to advertising, unless I’m really interested in buying something.

    And even then, I’d probably go and read some reviews or stuff like that. I wouldn't make a buying decision based just on an ad.

    Are advertisements effective?

    They must be because companies keep on using them, don’t they?

    You have to define effective though. Because some ads are designed for you to respond to and others are designed to build brand awareness for a company or certain product.

    They're not really intended for you to react to there and then.

    Where the ad appears is important too. Obviously, if the ad is on the side of a bus or other public transportation, you might see it and think about the product or company.

    You could say the same about newspapers. But you’re probably not going to run to the nearest store and buy something.

    But on the internet, you see many ads every day on websites. And all you have to do is just click on them and you can buy something direct from the website, it’s a totally different approach.

    Are advertisements useful for people?

    I suppose they can be. Some of them inform, as well as try to sell.

    They make you aware, sometimes they’re funny. But I’m sure most people could get by in life without seeing ads everywhere they go. So, are they really useful for people? Most advertising is probably not.

    Can you compare advertisements on TV and in magazines?

    Well, TV ads are more visually dynamic and tend to target a wider, more general audience. Many of them are for household products such as detergent, food, toiletries and things like that. These are products that most people consume on a regular basis.

    In magazines, the advertising you see depends on the type of magazine you read. I mean you don’t see a lot of luxury brands advertising in cheap local magazines. But you do see very expensive products being promoted in high quality glossy magazines like Vogue and GQ and publications like that.

    Those ads are more targeted than TV ads. The fact that a person is reading that particular magazine says something about them – and companies can target their advertising more easily.

    TV ads have to be more general because companies really have little idea who’s watching when their ads appear on screen.

    Is the difference only in extent of the audience?

    No, the content is different also, depending on the audience being targeted.

    For example, let’s say a car manufacturer wants to advertise a new model on TV. It will typically be visually impacting, to catch people’s attention. And the whole ad will only be a couple of seconds long. So the company has to create some slogan or buzzwords that people will remember easily, instantly.

    But if the same company advertises in a magazine, they might include more technical details about the benefits of the new model of car. They tend to focus on giving more information rather than creating sensation.

    Because when people are looking at an ad in a magazine, they have more time to absorb such information.

    Are advertising methods always ethical?

    That’s a big debate. I guess the short answer would be, no. Most advertising is okay, but there are always some which cause controversy, so no, they’re not always ethical.

    They’re very creative – but not always ethical. Advertisers use quite a few unethical yet legal ways to get their message across.

    They use subliminal advertising, strong emotionally appealing images and concepts. And sometimes they target desperate individuals.

    I can think of a couple of examples. The ads you see for easy, fast, cash loans which are clearly targeted at people who are already experiencing financial problems.

    And the advertisers make it seem so easy, but they don’t explain that it’s highly likely they will actually make people’s situations worse.

    Likewise, the amount of fast food advertising which is targeted at young people and people who are busy.

    But at the same time medical authorities and doctors are warning about obesity, claiming that it is caused by poor diet choices.

    And that it's becoming a very serious health risk for many of the population.

    Advertisement IELTS Speaking Part 3 FAQ

    Can you describe an advertisement you remember well?

    I remember an advertisement from when I was a child that featured a family of four sitting around a dinner table. The father is holding a can of soup and the mother is holding a box of crackers.

    The son is asking his father for some soup and the daughter is asking her mother for some crackers. The mother and father look at each other and then back at their children and say "No, you can't have any soup/crackers until you finish your dinner."

    The children whine and complain but eventually finish their dinner and are rewarded with their soup and crackers.

    This ad always stuck with me because it showed how even though parents may be strict, they usually have our best interests at heart.

    Do you think advertising influences what people buy?

    There is no doubt that advertising plays a significant role in influencing what people buy. Advertisements are designed to create an emotional response in the viewer that encourages them to purchase a product or service.

    Often, advertisers target specific demographics with their ads, which can further influence what people buy. For example, ads for luxury items are often geared towards wealthier individuals, while ads for budget-friendly items may be more likely to appeal to those with less disposable income.

    Ultimately, advertising can have a very powerful impact on what people buy.

    What are popular types of advertising in today’s world?

    Nowadays, advertising is all about getting creative and using every trick in the book to make sure brands stick in our heads. It’s like social media’s the MVP, with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using all that data to send super personalized ads right to your feed.

    And then, there’s the whole world of search engine ads, mostly on Google, where brands go head-to-head trying to catch your eye right when you’re about to buy something.

    Content marketing is big too, with brands playing it cool, offering up helpful and interesting content that kinda nudges you towards their products or services, all while building trust.

    And don’t even get me started on influencer marketing – it’s blown up! Brands are teaming up with popular online faces to sway what you buy.

    Each of these strategies really shows how advertising is evolving with the digital times, tapping into what we’re all into.

    Do you enjoy the advertisements on television?

    Yes, I do enjoy the advertisements on television. They are usually creative and oftentimes provide a good laugh. I also like how they can be informative, such as when a new product is being advertised.

    What I like about them most is that they provide a good break from the show I am watching. It is like a mini-commercial break that I can use to take a quick bathroom break or get a snack.

    Overall, I think that advertisements on television are well done and provide a valuable service.

    Are you interested in watching TV advertisements or internet advertisements?

    Yes, I am interested in watching TV advertisements and internet advertisements. I think that they are a great way to learn about new products and services and to see what other people are saying about them. I also like how commercials can be entertaining, and sometimes even funny.

    Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?

    Yes, sometimes, the climax of the whole advertisement is only at the end. For example, a lot of people would not bother to finish watching an ad after the first 30 seconds.

    However, there are also many people who can’t stand commercials and would mute or change the channel as soon as one comes on.

    Advertising Vocabulary Quiz

    1. What does the term "branding" refer to in advertising?

    A) The process of creating a unique identity for a product or service.
    B) The act of selling products directly to consumers.
    C) The use of humor in advertising campaigns.

    2. What is the purpose of a "call-to-action" in an advertisement?

    A) To introduce a new product or service.
    B) To encourage the audience to take a specific action.
    C) To highlight the benefits of a product or service.

    3. What does the term "target audience" mean in advertising?

    A) The group of people who create advertisements.
    B) The audience at which the advertisement is aimed or directed.
    C) The location where advertisements are displayed.

    4. What is "brand awareness" in advertising?

    A) The total revenue generated by a brand.
    B) The level of familiarity consumers have with a particular brand.
    C) The process of creating a new brand identity.

    5. What does "targeted advertising" involve?

    A) Advertising aimed at a specific demographic or audience.
    B) Advertising without a specific audience in mind.
    C) Advertising on a wide scale without any focus.

    6. What does the term "copywriting" refer to in advertising?

    A) The act of copying other advertisements.
    B) The process of writing text for advertisements.
    C) The legal protection of advertising content.

    7. What is the purpose of "market research" in advertising?

    A) To develop advertising campaigns.
    B) To understand consumer behavior and preferences.
    C) To analyze competitors' advertising strategies.

    8. What is a "slogan" in advertising?

    A) A short and memorable phrase used in advertising.
    B) A detailed description of a product or service.
    C) The main visual element of an advertisement.

    9. What does "ROI" stand for in advertising?

    A) Return on Investment.
    B) Rate of Interest.
    C) Revenue Over Input.

    10. What is "native advertising"?

    A) Advertising that blends in seamlessly with its surrounding content.
    B) Advertising targeted at indigenous communities.
    C) Advertising that promotes nature conservation.