How do people start a conversation - Part 3 IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking Practice

How would you answer this question: How do people start a conversation with a stranger?

Below are some IELTS Part 3 discussion questions about conversations with strangers and networking on Facebook and Twitter asked in a recent IELTS Speaking Test.

What might be a reason for a person to start a conversation with a stranger?

Well, I suppose one of the most common situations would be when you might want to ask someone for directions or for help if you are lost in a strange place.

You could need to find out about something and need to ask for information about a product or service and so start a conversation with a customer service representative or salesperson.

And you might find yourself waiting or stuck in a place with some other people unexpectedly and just start talking or complaining about the situation, as a way of killing time until the situation is resolved.

Do you like to start conversations with strangers? [Why/Why not?]

Personally, no, I generally don’t mind if someone talks to me first, but I’m not the one who usually starts a conversation.

I’m quite shy and reserved so I prefer to listen to music or read a book if I have to wait somewhere. I only start conversations with other people if I find myself in a situation as I metioned earlier and I need some information or help.

How often do you do that?

I suppose it doesn’t happen that often, maybe once or twice a month. I remember the last time was a couple of weeks ago when I was going for an interview for an internship and I got confused about the address.

I had to ask two different people to help me find the right building where the interview was to be held, even though I managed to find the correct street on my own.

What is the advantage of network communication, for example through Facebook or Twitter?

The main advantage is probably the fact that you can talk and communicate with people from all over the world. And it’s usually instant or certainly easier than arranging to meet to have a chat.

There are no geographical boundaries so you can be in contact with many more people than those you would normally come into contact with personally in your everyday life.

I regularly chat with people in other countries and I know that I’ll probably never meet them in person, but it’s interesting all the same.

Part 2

How would you answer these IELTS speaking conversation questions?

How do people start a conversation? Is it hard to start a conversation with a stranger?

One way to start a conversation is to simply ask the other person a question about themselves. This allows them to talk about something they're interested in, and it helps you get to know a little about them.

No, it's not hard to start a conversation with a stranger. It can be quite easy if you have some conversation starters in mind. Just remember to be polite and friendly, and the conversation will flow easily from there.

Do you like talking to strangers?

I used to be shy so talking to strangers was hard for me. I've gotten a lot better at it over the years, but it's still not something that comes naturally to me.

However, I think it's really important to be able to talk to people you don't know because you never know when you might need to or when you'll meet someone interesting.

Do you think everyone has the same ability when it comes to talking to strangers?

No, I don't think everyone has the same ability when it comes to talking to strangers. Some people are just naturally more outgoing and social than others. And that's okay!

We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Some people are great at public speaking, and others are better at one-on-one conversations. It's all about finding what works best for you and using your strengths to your advantage.

What do you think are some of the benefits of being able to talk to strangers?

Some of the benefits of being able to talk to strangers include:

  • widening your social circle
  • meeting new and interesting people
  • gaining new perspectives on life
  • increasing your confidence levels
  • practicing your communication skills

Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?

It can be helpful to get advice from strangers online, but it's also important to be careful. You never know who you're talking to, so it's important to use your best judgment. If something feels off, or if you're not comfortable with the person, it's probably best to move on. There are plenty of other people online who you can talk to!

Are there any dangers in starting a conversation with a stranger?

Yes, there are certainly dangers in starting a conversation with a stranger. You never know who the person is or what their intentions may be, and you could end up in a dangerous or even life-threatening situation. Always use caution and common sense when interacting with people you don't know.

Do you feel comfortable if a stranger tries to start a conversation with you?

It all depends on the situation and who the person is. If I'm in a public place and someone I don't know approaches me and tries to start a conversation, I would probably be a little uncomfortable.

However, if the person seems friendly and harmless, I might engage in small talk. But if I'm feeling tired or just not in the mood for socializing, I might politely excuse myself.

Is it easier for men or women to start a conversation with someone they don't know?

It really depends on the person. Some men and women find it equally easy to start a conversation with someone they don't know, while others may find one or the other slightly easier.

Many factors can affect how comfortable someone is with starting a conversation, such as confidence level, social skills, and outgoingness.

So it really varies from person to person. It has nothing to do with if you are a man or woman.

IELTS TIP: Always try to think of at least one example and/or reason to include in your answer.
