Describe Your First Day At Work or The Place Where You Study

How would you answer?
Describe your first day at work or the place where you study

IELTS Speaking Part 1

Are you working or studying?

I'm a student, I'm studying Economics at university, in Beijing.

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

I live with my parents in our family house.

Which room is your favorite at home?

I have two favorite rooms. The first one is my room because I have all the things I love there and I can relax and be peaceful there .. and study. I also love our dining room because it has a great big window which allows a lot of natural light to enter the room ... so it's always very airy and bright, it's a lovely room to sit in and see the garden outside.

Do you use any mobile devices except a mobile phone? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I use a tablet. My father bought it for me a couple of years ago. I use it for checking my email, chatting on social media, and also doing research for university.

When did you first start using mobile devices?

Apart from my mobile phone, I suppose it was when I got my tablet ... I hadn't really had a mobile device before that.

Would you like to swap your mobile device for the latest one? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I talked to my father just the other day about replacing it. It's getting a bit old and worn now after two years of using it continuously. So I think it would be a good idea to replace it with a newer version, one that's more powerful and has more memory.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe your first day at work or the place where you study

Please say:

  • What kind of building was it located in?
  • Why was it important for you to work/study there?
  • How did you feel at the end of the first day?

and explain if you were pleased or disappointed with the experience.

Sample Answer: Describe Your First Day at Work or The Place Where You Study

Okay, so I'd like to talk about my first day at university, which was two years ago. It's the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. It was founded back in 1951, so the building is not new. It's quite big though and has many different parts to it.

The campus has the nickname Hui Garden. There is the main building called Boxue in the northwest of the campus. There is another teaching building on the southeast side called Ningyuan. In the middle of the campus, there is also a structure we call Chengxin.

The newest part of the campus is the library, which opened in 2008. There is also an area for sports, and much of the grounds are landscaped. Some people call it the "Switzerland of Universities in China" because it is quite small but of the highest quality.

I wanted to study there because it has an excellent reputation and there are a lot of foreign students who come to study there also. It has a top-class academic reputation - and many students who graduate from the university obtain positions in the Ministry of Commerce and work for the government.

I had never been to university before, so when I arrived on the first day, everything was strange and new for me. I didn't know anyone there as most of my friends from school chose to study at different places.

I can remember feeling confused and a little apprehensive on the first day, but that soon passed when I met another girl who lives quite close to me, and we became good friends. When I arrived home after the first day at the university, I had a headache and felt very tired, but it was still a good day.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

What do you consider the most important factors relating to where you work/study?

Well, as I said, this university has an excellent academic reputation and an international student body. The staff is good, and many people who work in the Ministry of Commerce studied here in the past.

As I am studying Economics and would like to work in the ministry in the future, these were some reasons why I chose to study here. It seemed the most logical choice.

Should work-at-home jobs be well paid or not? [Why/Why not?]

I think it depends on the job. Nowadays, many executives and professionals do some or all of their work from home. Thanks to technology, it allows them to communicate from wherever they are.

But some people do manual work at home, making things to sell at markets. There is a big difference between the type of work people might be able to do at home, so it's sensible that what they earn depends on what they do - not where they do it.

What is the situation with work-at-home jobs in your country currently?

Honestly, I'm not sure. I know that some artisans work from home. My father is a corporate lawyer, and he spends half his time working from home and the other half in meetings with clients in his office.

Also, in some countries, there are jobs where people work from home using the internet. But here I'm not sure... I've never really thought about it or looked into it.

What do you think will be the situation regarding work-at-home jobs 10 years from now?

I think more people will work from home, especially professionals. There are many advantages; it can save time and travel, allow people to do more work, and many new careers are based on technology. These are perfect for people working from home because they really don't need to go to an office or factory every day to do their work.
