How would you answer these IELTS speaking practice questions about birthdays?
IELTS Speaking Practice Birthdays Part 1

How do you feel about birthdays?
I love birthdays, as they are a time to celebrate life and show appreciation for those we love. I think it's important to make birthdays special, even if it's just a small celebration with close family and friends. Birthdays are a time to be happy and enjoy the moment!
Do you enjoy your birthday?
Oh, absolutely! Celebrating my birthday is something I genuinely look forward to every year. I love spending time with friends and family, enjoying the little traditions we've created over the years. From the birthday wishes at midnight to the cake-cutting ceremony where I'm notoriously known for making a mess, it's all lighthearted and fun. Plus, it's a great excuse to eat cake for breakfast without anyone judging!
Do you arrange a party on your birthday?
Not every year, to be honest. I tend to keep my birthday celebrations pretty low-key. Some years, it's just a small gathering with close friends and family, where we might have dinner at my place or go out to a cozy restaurant. Other times, I prefer spending the day doing something I love or trying something new, like a day trip or a mini-adventure. It's not about the size of the party for me but about feeling connected and having meaningful moments with the people I care about.
How do you like to celebrate your birthday?
I usually like to spend time with my family and friends on my birthday. Sometimes we will go out to eat or do something special together. I also enjoy getting presents and cake on my birthday!
What did you do on your last birthday?
I had a small party with my close friends and family. We had cake and ice cream and played some games. It was a lot of fun!
Do you think children should celebrate their birthday with a party?
Oh, most definitely! Celebrating a birthday with a party can be a fantastic experience for children. It's not just about the presents or the cake, but about building those happy memories that they'll look back on fondly. A birthday party, whether big or small, gives kids a sense of importance and joy - it's a day that celebrates them! Plus, it's an excellent way for them to socialize, develop friendships, and learn about sharing and caring in a fun, festive environment. In my view, these experiences are invaluable in a child's growth and development.
Is your birthday now still as important to you as when you were a child?
Well, to be quite honest, my birthday doesn't hold the same level of excitement and anticipation as it did when I was a child. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the day and appreciate the love and wishes that come my way from friends and family. But as I've grown older, the significance has shifted somewhat. It's less about the party and presents and more about reflecting on the year that's passed and setting intentions for the year ahead.
What do you usually do on your birthday?
It depends on my birthday and how I'm feeling that year. Sometimes I like to have a big party with all my friends, and other years I prefer a more low-key celebration with just my immediate family. No matter what, I always make sure to eat some birthday cake!
Are people's birthdays very important in your country?
Yes, people's birthdays are very important in my country. We celebrate them with special meals, gifts, and often a party. Birthdays are a time for family and friends to get together and celebrate another year of life.
How do people in your country celebrate birthdays?
People typically celebrate birthdays with a party that includes cake, ice cream, presents, and games. Other common birthday traditions include singing happy birthday, blowing out candles on a cake, and eating favorite foods.
Do people in your country do anything special to celebrate birthdays?
Yes, people in my country do special things to celebrate birthdays. For example, we usually have a big feast with friends and family, and we also often give presents to the birthday person. Sometimes we even have a special birthday cake!
Do people in your country celebrate birthdays?
Many people celebrate their birthday by having a party with family and friends. On the day of their birthday, they may also receive gifts from loved ones. Birthday celebrations usually involve eating cake and singing happy birthday. Some people believe that birthdays are an important occasion to celebrate, as they mark another year of life. Others may view them as just another day.
Nowadays, how do young people in your country celebrate their birthdays?
In my country, young people usually celebrate their birthday by having a party with their friends and family.
Sometimes they will go out to a restaurant or bar to celebrate, but usually, they will have a party at home.
Gifts are usually given to the birthday person by their friends and family. A cake is always eaten on birthdays, and it is customary to sing "Happy Birthday" to the birthday person.
Which birthdays are important in your country?
In Korea, people celebrate their birthdays on the day of their birth according to the lunar calendar. This is called "sol."
Therefore, Koreans have two different ages: the age according to the solar calendar and the age according to the lunar calendar. The first birthday is very important because it means that the person has survived for one year.
Koreans also celebrate their 100th day, 200th day, and 1st birthday. The 100th day is considered the baby's first milestone, and the 200th day is when the baby is considered to be fully grown. The 1st birthday is a special occasion because it means that the person has survived for one full year.
Do people in your country have birthday parties?
Yes, people in my country have birthday parties. In fact, birthdays are quite important to us and are often celebrated with large gatherings of family and friends.
We usually have a big dinner party on the birthday itself, followed by a cake and presents. Sometimes we even have a second smaller party on the weekend so that more people can come.
Do you think it's important for people to celebrate birthdays?
It depends on the person. Some people might think it's important to celebrate their birthday because it marks another year they've lived, while others might not care as much. It ultimately comes down to the individual.
Do you think it's important to remember people's birthdays?
It's special to remember people's birthdays because it's a day to celebrate them and their life. It shows that you care about them and are thinking of them.
Birthdays are also a time for people to reflect on their life, what they've accomplished, and what they hope to achieve in the future.
Do you think it's important to give a special gift to someone on their birthday?
A thoughtful and well-chosen birthday gift can show the recipient that you truly care about them and are thinking of them on this special day. It can be a lasting reminder of your affection and thoughtfulness and can help to strengthen your relationship.
Are birthdays more important for children or for adults?
Everyone places different levels of importance on birthdays. For some, birthdays are a very special occasion that is looked forward to all year long, while others may not give them much thought.
Children generally tend to get more excited about their birthdays than adults, but this isn't always the case. Ultimately, it all comes down to the individual and how they feel about birthdays.
Some people see them as a time to celebrate life and reflect on all that they have accomplished, while others simply view them as another day.
Which birthdays are especially important in your country (in your country's culture)?
There are a few different types of birthdays that are considered important in Chinese culture. The most important birthday is considered to be the "zodiac" birthday, which occurs once every 12 years and corresponds to the animal sign of the Chinese zodiac.
Other significant birthdays include the Lunar New Year (which is celebrated by people of all ages) and the 100th day after a baby is born (known as the "ba ji").
Birthdays are generally happy occasions, and it is common for friends and family to gather together to celebrate. Gifts are often given, and special foods are usually served.
Which birthdays are most important in your country?
Generally, it's your 18th, 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, and 70th birthdays that are considered the most important. In some cultures, however, the 16th birthday is also celebrated with great fanfare.
Which birthday is most important in your country?
In my country, the most important birthday is the person's 18th birthday, because it marks the legal transition from childhood to adulthood.
Other significant birthdays include 21 (the age at which one can legally drink alcohol), 30 (a major milestone in my culture), and 40.
Do you think it's more important for children to celebrate birthdays than adults?
It depends on individual preferences and opinions. Some people may feel that it is more important for children to celebrate birthdays than adults because they are at a stage in their lives where they are growing and developing rapidly.
Others may believe that adults should celebrate their birthdays more than children because they have more life experience and wisdom to share.
Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what is most important to them.
Good luck with your IELTS exam preparation. Make sure you do plenty of IELTS speaking practice to build confidence answering different topics.