Speaking Cue Card with Discussion Questions

Cue card introduction questions, discussion questions

IELTS Speaking Exam Part I

What is your full name, please?

Do you work or are you a student at the moment?

What work do you do?

Did you obtain any special training for the work you do?

Do you plan to work there for a long time?

How do you feel when it rains?

How often does it rain where you live?

When it looks like it is going to rain, how do people react?

Does your name have any specific meaning?

What are some popular names in your country?

Why do you think people choose those names?

What special gifts do people give during a naming ceremony?

IELTS Speaking Exam Part 2 - Cue Card

Describe a place where people go to listen to music
You should say:
- the type of people that go there
- the type of music people listen to there
- why people like to go there
and explain how you feel about the music they play there.

IELTS Speaking Exam Part 3

Discussion questions

Has technology improved music? (How?)

How do children listen to music in your country?

Are there any advantages to children listening to music? (What are they?)

Why do you think some people post their songs on the internet for free?

Should music on the internet be free for everybody? (Why? Why not?)

Does the technology available today mean that anyone can create music?

IELTS Cue Card Questions and Answers

What are Cue Card Questions and Answers?

For those of you who are not familiar with the term, cue cards are a type of prompt used in IELTS speaking exams.

Cue cards usually contain one or two questions, and test takers are given 1 minute to prepare their answers before speaking for 1-2 minutes on the topic.

Here is a brief overview of what cue card questions are, how to structure your answers, and some tips on how to do your best on this part of the exam.

We'll also discuss some tips on how to approach these types of questions so that you can give a strong answer on test day.

How to answer cue card questions

When answering a cue card question, it's important to structure your response clearly and logically.

  • First, you'll want to give a brief answer to the question itself (this is your thesis statement).
  • Next, you'll want to provide supporting details for your answer.
  • And finally, you'll want to conclude by summarizing everything that you've said.
  • By following this simple three-part structure, you'll be able to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas in your cue card answers for any topic.

    Cue Card Question #1

    Describe a time when you had to give a presentation.

    This is a fairly common cue card question, and it can be approached in a few different ways.

    One approach would be to talk about a time when you gave an especially successful presentation.

    Another approach would be to talk about a time when you had to give a presentation on short notice or under difficult circumstances.

    Either way, you'll want to make sure to talk about why the presentation was important, what preparation you did, and how you felt afterward.

    How to introduce your cue card answer

    Cue card introduction

    You can begin by saying:

  • "I'm going to talk about a time when I had to give a presentation."
  • "Giving presentations is always a little bit nerve-wracking for me, but there was one time in particular that stands out as being particularly challenging."
  • "I remember one time when I had to give a presentation ..."
  • How to end your cue card answer

    Cue card ending

    You can round up your 1-2 minute answer by saying:

  • "That was a really difficult presentation for me to get through, but I'm glad I did it."
  • "I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life, but it all worked out in the end."
  • "It wasn't my best performance, but I learned a lot from the experience."
  • Cue Card Question #2

    Describe an occasion when you received good service from someone.

    This question gives you the chance to talk about a time when you received excellent service from a professional such as a waiter, doctor, or mechanic.

    When thinking of an example for this question, it's helpful to choose an instance where the person went above and beyond what was expected of them.

    Was the service especially fast? Were they particularly friendly or helpful? Did they go out of their way to accommodate your needs?

    These are the types of details that will make your answer stand out.

    How to begin your cue card answer

    You can start your 1-2 minute talk on the topics by saying

  • "I remember the time when I received excellent service from a {person}."
  • "I was really impressed with the {service} I received from a {person}."
  • "The other day, I had a great experience with a {person} who provided me with {service}."
  • How to end your cue card answer

    You can finish up by saying:

  • "All in all, it was a very positive experience."
  • "I was really pleased with the service I received."
  • "I would definitely recommend this {person/service} to others."
  • Cue Card Question #3

    Talk about an event in your country's history that is important to you.

    For this question, you'll want to choose an event that is truly significant to you personally.

    It could be something like the country's independence day, a major war or conflict, or the enactment of an important law.

    Once you've chosen your event, you'll want to explain why it's important to you and how it has affected your life or the lives of those around you.

    How to introduce your cue card answer

    You can introduce your answer to a cue card by saying:

  • "One event in my country's history that is important to me is the day that we gained our independence. "
  • "The event that I'm going to talk about happened nearly 100 years ago, but it's still very important to me and my family. "
  • " Something that has always been very important to me is ..."
  • How to end your cue card answer

    cue card ending

    You can end your 1-2 minute talk/answer by saying:

  • " That's why this event is so important to me and my family. "
  • " So, even though it happened a long time ago, it's still something that is very important to me. "
  • " I'll never forget what happened that day and how it has affected my life. "
  • Remember to choose an example for each question that is significant to you personally so that your answer will be sincere and passionate.

    With some careful planning and practice, you'll be able to ace these questions with ease!