Describe an Incident When Someone Apologized to You

Part 1 

Where are you from?

I'm from a small town on the outskirts of Nairobi. I live there with my wife and two kids. 

Do you live in an apartment or a house?

I live in a small three-bedroom house near the city.

Why do you like living in this house?

Well, the house is a stone’s throw away from my workplace so, that's a big reason. I don't have to deal with the crazy traffic to and from work. It's also big enough for my family, and my wife and kids really love it. 

Are there shops in your neighborhood?

Yes! Quite a lot if. I think you can't walk more than two blocks without spotting one.

When was the last time you laughed?

Wow, this morning I believe. My wife showed me a funny cat video, she really loves them! But I may also have laughed on my way here, I have a pretty good sense of humor. 

Do you like comedy movies?

Oh yes. I actually have a rule in my house that 80% of the movies we watch must be comedies. I know it's weird but my family has a thing for comedy movies. We've watched FRIENDS, the sitcom, about six times now!

Do different people find the same things to be funny?

Not always. My friends have actually said that my sense of humor is disturbing. But there are a ton of things we all find funny.

Do you like spending time by yourself?

I wouldn't say I like being alone, because that rarely happens, but I enjoy the few times I get to just sit down and reflect on what's happening in my life. But generally, I'm an extrovert so, most of my time I like spending it with others.

What did you do the last time you were alone?

The last time I was alone was last night, I guess. I stayed up late finishing some assignments I had brought home from work. I also did a crossword puzzle!

What do you like doing when you are alone?

Unless I'm stressed out, you'll find me reading a novel or the day's newspaper. I also practice my guitar skills when no one's around. But that's when I'm home.

At work, I barely get any alone time, but when I do, I sleep! I know it's not normal, but it helps me think clearly once I start working.

Part 2

Describe an incident when someone apologized to you

You should say:

  • Who was it?
  • When was it?
  • What did the person say/do?
And explain why this incident was memorable for you.

IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer

When my son was 14, I got into a really big fight with him. Now, that I think of it, I guess it was because of the 'teenage experience'.

But it all started when I got called to his school and was informed that he was caught doing drugs. I vividly remember that day because I was having a really bad time at work. 

So, I didn't actually talk to my son. I took him home that day and went straight to bed.

This went on for about three days before I sat down with him and shared my frustrations with him. But to date, 

I'm not sure if I used the wrong words, or my son was just arrogant because then he outright accused me of a lot of things, one of them being an absentee father.

And that was it for me, I lost my patience and yelled at him. He ran away to his grandma's place for about a week. 

If there was a point in my life when I was fed up with being a parent, that was it. I knew that I wasn't home enough, but it was because of the new schedules at work, which were only temporary, and I had already told my family.

So, I didn't understand why he would lash out at me that way.

Fast forward, a week later, my son came home crying. His eyes were red, tear stains were still visible on his t-shirt. He came straight towards me and hugged me.

Honestly, I was surprised. He then continuously explained how sorry he was, and how he'll never do drugs again. For a moment, I was about to cry.

Apparently, his grandma had talked some sense into him, I didn't ask what exactly she told him. I was just happy he was home.

I even apologized for not being home more often, and for yelling at him of course. 

Now, I think that that was the moment when I actually become best friends with my son. Since then, he's become more open and honest, and he shares most things with me. At least now when we remember that time, we laugh it off and move on, like it never happened!

Follow up question: Do people in your country apologize often?

Well, yes and no. A lot of people say sorry when they spill their coffee on you, or when they step on your feet. But there's still a number who'd rather 'go to jail' than say sorry. It really depends on who you meet.

Part 3 

What kind of apology means more to you: words or actions?

I'm one of those guys who might not tell you I’m sorry, but I'll do something to show you that I'm sorry. So, I prefer actions. I mean, people say sorry all the time without meaning it, and next time, they still do the same thing. 

Why are some people selfish rather than being considerate of others?

There can be so many reasons, but I guess it all comes down to how they were raised, and the experiences they go through. 

With some people, their parents might have emphasized the wrong values or idea. Things like their lives are the only ones that matter. Or that they have to be number one at everything, and that they can only help themselves.

So, they grow up believing that they are islands, they don't need anyone else. And, they don't care about what other people want or need. 

I also believe that some people, though they have much, are reluctant to share with the less fortunate and even among themselves because they are scared that they may not receive the same measure of kindness in return. 

Nobody wants to feel used, so they resort to selfishness.

What are some examples of people being considerate in your country?

I guess I can say, teachers. I mean, their job is literally about being considerate at all times. For instance, teachers handle students from different social classes, with all kinds of capabilities, with all types of problems every single day. It takes a lot of dedication to do this.

There are also a ton of NGOs which are doing a great job providing food, shelter, medication, and clothes to the less-fortunate all-round the country.

Should we be more considerate? Why/why not?

We definitely should - it's a virtuous act, so why not? And, the world today is really devoid of love. Everyone is caring about themselves only and that's not what we need to ensure our survival on this planet. 

We need to care for each other, love each other, and at the very least, help each other so that we can grow as people.

We need each other and so our acts of kindness should not have limits. 

How can people learn to be considerate?

I think that if people practice empathy, it would really help them to become more considerate. 

By putting yourself in another person's shoes, you get to see clearly what they are going through, how desperate they are, and how you can help.

And this should start right at home. After all, that's where charity begins!

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