IELTS Speaking Law | Part 3 What laws do you think should exist to protect children?

IELTS Speaking Law Topics
Part 3 Questions

What laws do you think should exist to protect children?

It’s a good idea that children are protected from any kind of abuse, be it physical, mental or emotional and that they can grow up in a safe and secure environment.

So there need to be, and there are, laws to protect them from being hit, neglected or abused by others. Just like adults, children have their rights as human beings, and these should be protected just the same as those of adults.

Do you think the law is applied equally to all people, no matter what social class they belong to? (give examples)

In most cases I think it’s true – that the law is applied equally – but there are always cases you see reported in the news which show that it’s not always the case.

Sometimes, it seems that wealthy people appear to manage to avoid being fined or imprisoned because their lawyers know how to get them off or at least avoid them going to prison.

There has been a lot of debate about the bankers who were involved in the financial crisis not so long ago – and how none of them have been prosecuted for what some experts have declared were criminal acts.

In some cases, it seems that if you are wealthy or powerful, there are always methods you can use, or your lawyers can use, in order to avoid any severe form of punishment, or in some cases, any punishment at all – and that doesn’t seem fair to most people.

In your country, in what situations do people need to use a lawyer?

Normally, you hire a lawyer when you purchase property, for example, if you buy an apartment or house, also if you are in business and maybe you lease property or need a lawyer to revise business contracts in relation to deals, suppliers, vendors and so on.

Then there are family lawyers, who deal with personal disputes between family members or individuals, and I suppose if you ever appeared in court on criminal charges you would need a lawyer who was experienced in such cases.

Divorce, disputes and traffic accidents can also mean that you need the services of a lawyer, depending on the circumstances of the situation.
