Did you like science classes when you were young?

IELTS: Which science subjects did you study at school?

IELTS Speaking Topics

  • Free Time Activities
  • Science
  • Scientific research

  • IELTS Speaking Part 1

    Where did you live in your home country?

    I used to live in […] it’s a medium-sized town in the north of the country.

    Did you live with your family or alone?

    With my family. My parents and my two sisters. We had a house in the suburbs, about 20 minutes from the town center.

    What activities did you do with older family members?

    I used to go for walks with my grandmother. She used to love walking because there are some nice parks close to where she lives and when I used to visit her, we would usually end up going for a stroll.

    My grandfather and I used to talk a lot. He would tell me some amazing stories about how life was when he was a young man and he always asked me lots of questions about what was happening in my life.

    We used to talk for hours and hours whenever I visited with him. He is such an interesting person and sometimes we would play chess.

    He taught me how to play chess when I was a little girl and I still enjoy playing a game with him now and then. He usually wins!

    Did you enjoy these activities?

    Yes, a lot. I used to spend more time with them when I was younger but once I started at university it was a bit more difficult because I didn’t have so much free time.

    Anyway, I still tried to go and visit them a couple of times each month because they are both really special for me.

    And the activities were different from the ones I normally do, so that was a nice change too, and something I only ever did with them, which made them even more enjoyable.

    What do you usually do during your spare time?

    Well, I don’t have a lot of free time, but I love to read, or meet up with friends and catch up with what they’ve been doing.

    If I have enough time, I like to travel, you know, go and visit a place I’ve never been to before, or see something special.

    Last weekend my friend and I went to [] and visited some of the attractions there. We saw an old temple, some local artisans and an amazing market where we bought some local crafts.

    Do you like spending it alone or with family/friends?

    Both. I think it’s good to have a balance. I spend time on my own every day, but I also see my friends regularly, and my family too.

    I like having time on my own to reflect and just relax, especially at the end of the day.

    But I also look forward to meeting my friends and going out together, and spending time with my family, whether it’s just at meal times or maybe when we go out someplace to do something together.

    Do you think of yourself as an outgoing person?

    Generally, I think so. I’m no extrovert, but I like meeting new people and socializing and I’m not shy. If I have something to say, I give my opinion and I’m not afraid to speak my mind when I feel strongly about something.

    Science IELTS Speaking Part 2

    Talk about the science subjects you studied in school

    You should say:
    - which subjects you studied
    - if you enjoyed studying the subject(s)
    - if your teachers were good
    and explain which part of the subject(s) you enjoyed the most.

    IELTS Speaking Part 2 Science

    Science IELTS Speaking Sample Answer

    When I was at school, we had to study Biology, Chemistry, and Physics in the first two years, they were compulsory. After that, we chose which subjects we studied in the third and fourth years.

    I remember that I wasn’t very interested in Chemistry, I’m still not sure why, but I found Biology and Physics to be more interesting.

    The Chemistry teacher was an old woman and she was very strict, and not a lot of fun. I can remember we were supposed to memorize many things and I didn’t like that.

    In the Biology classes, I liked learning about the planet and plants and things like photosynthesis – that was interesting.

    But Physics was my favorite science subject, it just seemed very practical and explained a lot of interesting things. Maybe it was because the teacher was quite young and made the lessons very interactive and fun.

    We always did some interesting experiments and the classes were very practical, we built things and did many different projects all related to the different topics we learned about.

    I like it so much that I chose to study it further, but the other two science subjects I stopped after the basic compulsory levels.

    Physics was what started my interest in electricity and electronics, which is what I went on to study at university.

    If I had to give one reason why I enjoyed the classes so much it would be the teacher and the practical projects we did. Like I said, he made learning fun and that made me want to continually learn more. He made me curious about many things.

    The other teachers didn’t manage to do the same. And that was my experience of science subjects at school.

    Follow-up question

    Why did you like science classes when you were young?

    I loved science classes when I was young because they were so exciting and engaging. We would get to learn about all sorts of interesting things, like space exploration, geology, chemistry experiments, even robots and coding!

    There was always something new to explore and understand, which made every day in class an adventure. Plus the teachers were really passionate about what they were teaching us which helped make it fun and enjoyable as well.

    It's no surprise that I'm still fascinated by science today!

    IELTS Speaking Part 3 Science

    Science speaking questions

    Have you ever made any scientific research?

    Yes, as part of my university course, I have conducted some research in the field of mathematics. My project focused on finding a new way to calculate the value of certain polynomials using a mathematical formula and was ultimately presented at an international conference.

    The experience was incredibly rewarding for me as I had the opportunity to explore my own interests while contributing something valuable to the academic community.

    It also challenged me to think critically and creatively to come up with creative solutions. Overall, it was a great learning experience that gave me valuable skills that I still use today.

    What role does scientific research play in our society? Can you give a practical example of how it has been applied?

    It’s a very important role. If there was no scientific research, then there would be very little progress.

    Most of the inventions that have changed our world and the way we live have been the result of scientific research.

    From mechanical machines, electricity, the light bulb, TV and the technology we use today, scientific research has had a huge impact on society.

    It’s what drives progress and our advancement as a species – and what will probably solve many of the resource problems we face nowadays.

    As for a practical example; take the internet, which was the result of scientific research into how to connect various computers together in military installations originally. It then became commercialized and it would be difficult to imagine our world today without all the technologies which are internet-based or have been spawned by the internet.

    Think of social media, apps, working online, banking, virtual education, medical consultations online, almost every sector of the economy uses this technology today.

    How has scientific research benefited society?

    Well obvious examples would be we’ve been to the moon – and back. The many medical procedures and drugs which have resulted from scientific research and investigation.
    Scientific research has made cars and airplanes possible, and now safer and more efficient than ever.

    It has also enabled us to learn more about our planet, ecosystem, and the causes of global warming – and what we can do to combat it.

    The list is endless. If it wasn’t for scientific research, we would still be living in caves and cooking our meals over a fire.

    Should the government regulate scientific research? Why? Why not? What might be the impact if they did?

    There is no need for regulation of research, if someone or some organization wants to research and investigate something, then it should be able to do it as long as it is ethical.

    Most solutions to problems or new innovations come from the private sector, not from governments. So, if government got involved in regulating or trying to control what was investigated it would probably not be as productive as it is at the moment.

    If the government regulated what could or couldn’t be researched, then there would be less freedom and it would certainly be less democratic. At the moment, much research is needs-driven. Researchers examine something because there is a need to solve a problem or to understand something better.

    If the government decides what is important and what is not, it would become a totalitarian research regime where only the interests of the government are served and not those of commerce and regular people.

    Do you think scientific research is a good or bad thing? Why do you think that?

    Obviously, it’s a good thing – just look at all the amazing things we have today thanks to scientific research. You can argue the merits of some of the research which is done, but, generally, without research, there would be no progress.

    It has helped in agriculture, industry, medicine and in all areas of life. We wouldn’t be where we are today without it.

    Do you think that scientists can stop global warming? If so, what can they do? If not, how can global warming be tackled?

    Probably through the research which has been done they can inform us of what the problems are. It is then up to us as populations or society as a whole to take action, change our habits, and do what is necessary to reduce our impact and the role we play in global warming.

    Global warming as a phenomenon has always existed. The planet has always had fluctuations in temperature, but man’s contribution to it can be controlled so that the impact is lessened.

    What are some of the negative effects of global warming?

    Well, according to the experts, changes in weather, flash floods, rising seawater levels and melting of the polar ice caps are some of the main ones.

    Also, as the Earth heats up it affects many things like agriculture, rain, energy use, plant life, and so on.

    I think the most obvious one is the change in weather. Many regions have experienced extreme weather in recent years. This is probably the most noticeable because most people don’t see the sea levels or the polar ice caps unless it’s on TV.