IELTS 10 Speaking Test 4 Part 1 Questions & Answers

IELTS 10 Speaking Test 4 Part 1

IELTS speaking topics: Maps

Part 1 Speaking

Do you (ever) use a map?

Sure. I use maps sometimes. It's always good to have an idea of where you are or where you're going, either for safety reasons or for getting somewhere quickly. And GPS and Google Maps make it so easy.

When do you use a map?

Quite often, maps are one of the best methods for navigating and finding your way around. They can also give you a sense of security about where you are and how to get back home if things go wrong.

When I travel for work, I always make sure somebody else knows where I'm going, in case something happens to me on the way.

I recommend having a map in your car just in case an emergency arises and there's no mobile signal or your GPS stops working.

How did you learn to use (or read) a map?

When I was a child. While on missions, maps were just about the only thing my father had with him. He was an army scout for most of his life and taught me how to read maps as a kid.

I got pretty good at it; he was a good teacher.

My ability to read maps came in handy a few times when friends and I were exploring unknown areas while doing some fieldwork for university.

Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?

I prefer electronic maps because it's easier to see where you're going and I don't have to fold the map up all the time.

It's also easy to update and zoom in and out, but with paper maps, sometimes I run into issues where there is too much detail on one page to find what I want.

Do you prefer to use a map or ask people for directions?

I do both, but if I'm traveling to an unfamiliar destination, it's often better for me to ask people for help with directions.

There are two main reasons why this is my preference. For one thing, when you ask someone from the local area for help navigating around, you'll often get more out of your trip than if you just used an app or map on your phone.

Also, it could be that asking locals may lead them to show you off-beat attractions and offer dining suggestions not covered by other maps or apps. All in all, it could be worth the effort!

How would you answer these questions about maps?

Part 2 Part 3