Cambridge IELTS 10 Speaking Test 2 Part 1 Questions & Answers

IELTS Speaking Topics 2015

Part 2 Part 3

Cambridge IELTS 10 Speaking Test 2 Part 1 Answers

What types of music do you like to listen to?

It’s quite varied really, sometimes I like to listen to pop music and other times I like to listen to movie soundtracks or instrumental music.

I guess it depends on what I’m doing or how I’m feeling, for example, if I’m feeling energetic I’ll probably listen to some high-energy music or something with a good beat to get me going.

On the other hand, if I’m driving or maybe even reading I’ll listen to something more relaxing, maybe some nice instrumental music because I find it helps me concentrate.

At what times of day do you like to listen to music?

I usually listen to music throughout the day, on and off, but I suppose the longest period would be when I’m traveling to work because the journey is almost an hour there and another hour returning at night – and listening to music helps pass the time.

Other times of the day when I normally listen to music would include when I go to the gym to train and sometimes before I go to sleep because it helps me to relax.

Did you learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child?

No, I didn’t. It wasn’t something I was interested in. My parents wanted me to learn how to play the piano but I preferred to do sports and eventually they realized that my interests lay elsewhere.

My brother and sister both play instruments, so I guess I’m the odd one out in my family – but I don’t believe that I have any musical ability. Oddly though, they are terrible at sports but I’m really good at anything physical like that, so in a way I guess we balance each other out.

Do you think all children should learn to play a musical instrument?

It’s not something which should be compulsory, but I do believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn how to play a musical instrument and discover if they have a talent for it – or not.

It’s important that children discover the things they’re good at and develop those skills rather than being forced to do something they’re not really interested in doing. But it’s certainly not necessary for every child to learn how to read music and play it.