IELTS Preparation - How to Speak - Get Better Results!

How to answer IELTS speaking test questions

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Questions

Where are you from?

I come from Bulgaria originally, but I’ve been living here in Melbourne for the last six months.

Do you work or study?

I’m a student at the moment. I’m studying English. I used to work as a research analyst in Bulgaria.

Are you a morning or an afternoon person? Why?

I suppose I’m more of a morning person, probably because I like to wake up very early and do things while I feel fresh and when the day is new. In the afternoons, I tend to feel less energetic. In fact, sometimes I feel positively lazy, so I definitely prefer mornings.

Did you enjoy your high school? Why?

Yes, I suppose I did. I had a lot of good friends and some good teachers, so it was a good time for me, although like many people I didn’t like doing the exams at the end of the year.

What was your favorite subject? Why?

I used to like history because it was about something different from the real world outside if you know what I mean. It was like looking through a window into a different place and learning about the people at that time.

What subject learned in school was helpful later in life? Why?

I could say all of them really. I mean, learning logical thinking through math, how to research things in history, and writing essays and reports and stuff like that are all skills that I’ve used in my adult life.

IELTS Preparation Tips for Answering Part 1 Questions

  • Listen to the question carefully and wait for your turn to speak
  • Think about your answer before you speak
  • Try to give examples to support your points
  • Be natural and relaxed
  • Avoid unnaturally long answers
  • Do not try to memorize answers, just speak from your own experience

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: a historical building

Talk about a historical building in your country or city that you know
You should say:
- What and where is it?
- When was it built? Why?
- What is it known for?
And say what you like about this particular building.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Talk about a historical building

I’d like to talk about a building near where I grew up as a child. It’s called Assen’s Fortress. It’s about two kilometers away from Assenovgrad, where I spent a lot of my childhood. That’s why I know it quite well. The fortress is located on a very steep ridge overlooking the Assenitsa River. It was named Assen’s fortress by the local people following the national liberation of 1878. There is one special building within the fortress which is a church. Its name is Sveta Bogoroditsa Petrichka and it was constructed in the 12th century. I believe it’s now on the world heritage list of historical buildings because of its cultural and national importance.

The original fortress on the site was built by the Thracians as a stronghold for protection some time during the 5th - 4th centuries BC. It was a very busy and important site during the Roman and Byzantine eras. When they excavated the site, they uncovered the walls of the fortress, the feudal lord’s castle, and some water reservoirs. The church, though, was the only building that was well preserved.

It has two levels or floors, a large dome with a cross on top and a wide antechamber. It’s a structure a bit like a porch, with a large square belfry located above it.

This church is famous in Bulgaria because of its incredible architecture, the decoration of the south facade, which was done using plastic, and the remains of some unique 14th-century murals.

I like the building because when I used to visit it, I could imagine what it was like hundreds of years ago when people used to live there, and the view is quite impressive.

IELTS Preparation Tips for Answering Part 2 Cue Card Questions

  • Read the cue card/task card carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked
  • Take 1 minute to think about your answer
  • Speak for 2 minutes without long pauses
  • Try to include some examples or personal experiences to support your points
  • Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures
  • Finish with a strong conclusion

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample Questions

Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?

I like old buildings and history, so it’s a good idea to protect and preserve them. We can learn a lot about our history from the buildings of the past, and it’s fascinating for children to see how people used to live many centuries ago. Old buildings are a very important part of our national heritage.

Is history useful for the coming generations? Why?

If people are interested in it, then it can be useful, yes. You can learn how the world was in the past, which countries had wars with each other and how and why cities developed where they did… and many other interesting things. Without history, we wouldn’t have any sense of belonging to a place as people.

Maybe people many years in the future will look back at us in the 21st century and be amazed at the things we did and how we lived. They’ll probably have more than just buildings to study. They’ll be able to see cars, TVs, and all the other things which make up life for us at the moment. So, yes, it could be useful for them to understand what was happening in the world.

What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?

I suppose the main difference would be the type of materials used to construct them. Old houses used to be built using stone, and they were also bigger than most houses built today. Most of the houses were built simply as somewhere to provide shelter and a degree of comfort. Nowadays, houses are built with a lot more planning and technology involved. They are designed to be energy efficient, use recyclable raw materials or eco-friendly resources, and optimize space. Their long-term impact on the environment is also considered, apart from providing a comfortable place for people to live.

What are the differences in the sizes of houses? Why?

In general, I believe that houses today are smaller than those built centuries ago. We also tend to build more apartments in cities than houses in the country, so the size is quite different from before. Even large houses nowadays occupy less space than a large house centuries ago.

Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?

I like to have space, but it doesn’t need to be an enormous house. I live in an apartment here in Melbourne at the moment, and it’s really nice. I share with two other students, and we each have our own room. There’s a kitchen and two bathrooms, a living area, a utility room, and a balcony with a nice view. Really, that’s big enough for me. I wouldn’t want to live in a huge house, even if I could afford to buy one – but I wouldn’t want to live in a poky house either. As I said, I prefer some space… I don’t like feeling cramped.

IELTS Preparation Tips for Answering Part 3 Speaking Questions

Part 3 of the IELTS speaking test is a discussion with the examiner. You will be asked a range of questions on a topic. Here are some tips on how to best answer these questions:
  • Learn the test format to help you prepare for the IELTS speaking sections.
  • Listen carefully to the examiner and what he/she asks you.
  • Always try to answer in full sentences. This shows that you have a good command of English and can communicate effectively.
  • Use a range of vocabulary, including synonyms and paraphrasing. This will make your answers more interesting and engaging.
  • Give examples to support your points. This will make your answers more convincing and credible.
  • Speak at a natural pace and use intonation to emphasize key points. This will make you sound more confident and fluent.
  • On the test day, make eye contact with the examiner and smile occasionally. This will create a positive impression and make you feel more comfortable during the IELTS exam.

IELTS Preparation Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare most effectively for the IELTS?

The best way to prepare for the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is to familiarize yourself with the test format and content of each section. You can do this by taking IELTS preparation courses, reading extensively on topics related to the test, and taking IELTS practice tests. You should also make a study plan that includes regular practice in all sections of the IELTS exam.

What should I consider when taking IELTS practice tests?

When taking IELTS practice tests, you should take into account the test format (IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training). You should also pay attention to your timing, accuracy, and speed. Allocate enough time to each section of the test to give yourself the best chance of success. You must become familiar with the types of questions you will face in each section of the IELTS test.

How should I use my study plan to help me prepare for the IELTS test?

Your IELTS prep study plan should include regular practice for the Writing test, Listening test, Speaking test, and IELTS Reading test sections. We recommend at least three hours of practice per day. Make sure to focus on areas where you need improvement and build upon those skills. Be sure to keep track of the topics you have covered and practice with sample questions to test your understanding. Developing excellent time management strategies is essential to get a high score in IELTS.

Are online courses available to help me prepare for the IELTS?

Yes, there are many online IELTS courses and resources available to help you prepare for the IELTS exam. Many courses provide comprehensive preparation for IELTS Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking sections. These courses are designed to help you become familiar with the test format, review important topics, and practice sample questions. Some courses may provide other valuable skills such as time management and test taking strategies.

Is IELTS academic test preparation different from IELTS general test preparation?

Yes, there are some differences between the IELTS Academic and General tests.

The Academic version requires a slightly higher level of English language proficiency and will assess test takers on their understanding of academic texts.

The General version is more focused on general English language usage and is designed for those who need to use English in everyday contexts.

Preparation courses for the Academic IELTS test and General tests may vary slightly in terms of the strategies and materials used, with more focus placed on developing academic language skills for the Academic version.

Choosing the right IELTS preparation course can help test takers become familiar with the structure of each IELTS exam and understand the types of questions they may be asked on the day.

Good luck on your IELTS journey!