How is getting news today different from in the past?

IELTS questions about:

  • the news
  • news sources
  • the media
  • the role of the media
  • journalists

These are typical questions asked in Part 2 and Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test.

Describe different ways of getting news

You should say:
  • whether you get the news every day
  • if the news is national or international
  • how you get your news (TV, radio, newspaper, internet)
and say how important you think it is to be up to date with news.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 2

Sample Answer

Nowadays, we probably have more sources of news than ever before. It's always good to have choice and variety.

TV news is still the most popular for a lot of people, although maybe my generation gets their news more on the internet than through the traditional TV channels.

My father still reads the newspaper every day, that's another source of news, and my grandfather listened to the daily news on the radio.

TV, radio, internet, and newspapers are the main ways of getting news.

Of course, it depends on the type of news, but national and international news appears mainly in the press and on TV.

Other news would be more personal, for example, a phone call, an email, or a letter, in some cases. But that's only personal news.

I tend to see most of the news on the internet. I visit various sites and my friends sometimes send me links to news pages or articles that they think I would be interested in.

I watch news videos and read as well, but I don't do it every day, I'm not like my father - he sits down every evening at the same time to watch the news on TV.

I usually scan headlines maybe every two or three days, or if someone mentions something interesting to me then I'll look it up and find out what's happening.

Being up to date with what's happening in the world, your country or even your city I suppose is important, more important for some people than others, because you could still live without too many problems if you didn't watch or listen to the news.

I mean, a lot of news is international which might never actually affect your life, even some of the national news might not have an impact on your life.

But if you are, for example, a CEO in a large multinational company then knowing what's happening might be essential so that you can make good decisions about foreign investments and things like that.

Follow-up questions

What are the ways of getting information nowadays?

Today, there are countless ways to get news or access other information. The most common method is through internet-based platforms like news websites, social media, and news apps on our smartphones. These platforms give us up-to-the-minute updates on a wide range of topics. Podcasts have also become incredibly popular, offering an engaging auditory information experience. And let's not forget about traditional sources like print media, television, and radio broadcasts, which still hold relevance for certain groups of people.

Where do you get your news from? or Where do you usually get your news?

Well, personally, I have a multi-faceted approach to keeping up with the latest news. So, first and foremost, I rely on digital news apps that give me comprehensive coverage of both local and global events. And on top of that, I follow a bunch of reputable news outlets on social media, which gives me a fresh perspective on different issues. That way, I stay informed about the world around me, right at my fingertips.

How is getting the news today different from how we got our news in the past?

The way we consume news has changed dramatically with technological advancements. In the past, we relied on newspapers and radio broadcasts as our main sources, having to wait for specific times to get updates. But in the digital age, things are different. Now, we have round-the-clock access to news through internet platforms, giving us real-time updates and instant access to global events. It's a shift from traditional, time-bound methods to constant, unrestricted access.

Do you think the information on the internet is reliable?

Generally, yes, just as reliable as the TV news or newspapers provide. Information, rather than news, on the internet - well, there's a lot of it, but you can always find a reputable site and learn what's considered to be good information.

There is a lot of rubbish on the internet sometimes, but on the whole, even if you check a couple of sites and they basically say the same thing - then you know it's as reliable as almost any other source of information.

What is the most effective way of getting the news?

The most effective? I suppose that would be by radio or TV if it's live. Reporters can send pictures and commentary instantly in some cases - you can't really get it any quicker than that - as it's happening - in some cases.

How effective is it? I think probably the internet is the most effective because a news item on a site can be instantly accessed by almost anyone in the world. TV news programs or newspapers take more time to prepare and organize and many of them do not have global reach.

How do you think reporters gather information?

They do a lot of research, interviews, and talk to people. They tend to know people or have access to people within organizations, who know what's going on.

Obviously it depends on what kind of reporter we're talking about - some of them just interview people, either in person or by phone maybe - and that's how they get their information.

Other reporters visit places with a camera crew and they see what's happening for themselves, and then report based on what they have researched and seen.

What do you think of the importance of privacy?

Related to news and things like that? I think politicians, celebrities, or famous people who make their living through the media can't expect to have total privacy in their lives.

Clearly, it depends on the type of person they are and what exactly they do - but you can't be, for example, a famous TV personality, and expect to escape the attention of the paparazzi.

There have been a lot of scandals though where news reporters and photographers have literally 'invaded' the lives of these people, though - it can be a fine line sometimes between being interested and actually bothering or irritating someone with intense attention all the time.

How do journalists entertain their readers?

I'm not sure they do. They might report on things, or inform us about things, but entertain - that's not an expression I would normally associate with journalists.

What role does the media play in people's lives?

I think that's a really personal issue. Some people are obsessed with a celebrity, or maybe a music artist or something like that, but other people don't seem to care much about the media.

Some people would argue that the media has lost its independence, it's no longer impartial, and manipulates information for its own agenda.

Most people have an idea that the media exists to inform us, but others think that it is simply a propaganda machine.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of different media?

Okay, so let's start with the internet: it's instant, it's cheap, has global reach and you can listen, watch, and read, so I think that's pretty good.

I can't really think of a drawback to it. TV is good too, though it's not as global as the Internet, and I think it's probably a lot more expensive to produce TV programs than a short video on the Internet.

Then there's radio, which's not expensive and can reach people in different parts of the world, and it can be instant as well in terms of reporting the news - so that's good. The big disadvantage of radio, of course, is that it's not visual.

Do you think news coverage should be controlled?

Controlled in what way? If you mean the content, no I don't. Who has the right to control what the people see, read, or hear, if it is the truth?

Of course it's important to make sure that children aren't exposed to stories of images of extreme violence and things that might upset them, but that's the only type of control - a content warning - that I think is necessary.

Is there any kind of news coverage that should be controlled?

Do you mean censored? I don't think censoring is a good idea. people have a right to know the truth, what is really happening. I know it doesn't often happen these days, but censoring is a bad idea.

How would you answer these IELTS speaking test questions about the news, news sources, the media, the role of the media, and journalists?