
Describe an interesting building | Speaking Topics & Answers

Describe a Popular Public Event, Carnival, Sports or Religious Event

Describe a Difficult Thing You Did Well

English Speaking Topics - A Thing You Bought And Are Happy About

English Conversation Topics - Describe an Advertisement You Like

Describe An Interesting Tradition, Customs & Traditional Lifestyles

Speaking Topic: Describe Something That Is Produced in Your Country

A Book You Would Like to Read Again - An Exciting Book You Read

Describe a Helpful Person Who Gave You Help

Describe A Memorable Event in Your Life

IELTS Cue Cards & Answers | Can you describe a neighbor you know well?

IELTS: What's Your Favorite Foreign Food?

Describe an interesting hobby - IELTS Cue Card Question & Answer

A Popular Place for Swimming - Where's the Best Place to Swim? A Swimming Pool, the Sea, a Lake a River?

IELTS: An Interesting Person You Met Recently

Why do people wear different styles of clothing?

Describe A Hotel You Stayed In - An Interesting, Unusual Experience