Recent IELTS Speaking Topics Worldwide You Must Know

Are you looking for recent IELTS speaking topics? Look no further! This updated IELTS PDF list of current IELTS speaking topics topics asked in recent IELTS tests will help you prepare for your own IELTS test.

Recent IELTS Speaking Topics

IELTS Speaking Test

Part 1

  • Where do you live? In a village, town, or city?
  • What do you like most about your (village, town, or city)?
  • Do you think it’s a good place to raise a family? Why?
  • What languages do children usually learn in school, in your country?
  • Do you think using songs to teach children their native language is a good idea? Why? Why not?
  • Who is most responsible for teaching children their native language? Why?

Part 2

Describe someone you know (from another country) who speaks your language fluently

You should say
  • who he/she is
  • where he/she comes from
  • how he/she learned your language
and explain your feelings about this person’s language skills.

Part 3

  • Do you think people learn English today the same way as in the past?
  • In your opinion, is it easier for children to learn a foreign language? Why do you think that?
  • Is it more difficult for adults to learn foreign languages than it is for children? Why?
  • How important is the native language in a culture? Why?
  • Is it important for someone to learn a foreign language, to understand the culture? Why? Why not?
  • Is protecting small indigenous language groups an issue in your country? What do you think should be done to protect them?

IELTS Speaking Part 1 (+ Sample Answers)

Examiner: Can you tell me, what makes your hometown famous?

Candidate: Well, my hometown is renowned for its good food, particularly traditional dishes that have been passed down for generations. It's a place where the whole family can enjoy a sumptuous meal together, creating lasting memories.

Examiner: Can you describe the weather there?

Candidate: Sure, our local weather forecasts are usually accurate. Over the last few decades, we've observed a moderate climate, making it perfect for outdoor activities nearly all year round.

Examiner: How would people describe the culture of your hometown?

Candidate: People describe it as a close-knit community where everyone knows each other, and has a good relationship with each other. We encourage people to be good friends and neighbors, which is one of our community's most important qualities.

Examiner: What do people do for entertainment?

Candidate: We watch movies, do outdoor activities, and spend time with friends. Also, we have several festivals which concentrate concentrate nowadays on traditional arts, attracting visitors from afar.

Examiner: Do you think it's easy for someone to fit into your community?

Candidate: Yes. As I mentioned before, we're a welcoming community. Most newcomers integrate into the community without any issues.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 (+ Sample Answer)

Examiner: Now, in this second part, I'd like you to talk about a topic for about 1-2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.

Here's your topic:

IELTS Cue Card: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Jobs

Describe how Artificial Intelligence (AI) might affect employment in the near future.

You should say:
  • How AI might impact various job sectors
  • Its potential benefits for the job market
  • Any potential drawbacks it might have
And explain whether you feel the benefits outweigh any potential drawbacks.

Candidate: The whole job market feels kind of dystopian lately – there's this crazy tech called AI (Artificial Intelligence, for the older folks that's shaking things up even more. Basically, it's like super-smart robots that can learn and stuff.

Anyway, AI is creeping into workplaces everywhere. Remember that factory down the street with the robots? Yeah, well, those bots are getting way smarter with AI. Now they're handling all the repetitive tasks – like, literally the stuff that would put you to sleep after five minutes. My friend Sarah, who works there, says it's actually a good thing. Now she gets to use her brain for more interesting repairs, not just tightening bolts all day.

Hospitals are getting in on the AI action too. Apparently, it's like having a robot doctor assistant who helps analyze scans, suggest treatments, and even deal with all that soul-crushing paperwork. My best friend, a nurse named Emily, swears by it. She says AI frees up her time to actually connect with patients, which is way more important than shuffling endless forms.

But here's the catch – and it's a big one. All these fancy AI robots might mean some jobs, especially those repetitive ones, just disappear. Like, poof, gone. That could lead to major unemployment, especially for people in those routine roles. Not good, right?

Plus, there's this whole privacy thing that's kinda creepy. AI needs a ton of data to function, and that raises red flags about keeping our personal info safe. Who wants their medical records or financial data floating around the internet like a digital ghost?

So, AI at work feels like a double-edged sword. It could make doing the same things everyday way more efficient and free us up for cooler stuff, but we must be careful it doesn't come at the cost of people's jobs or privacy. Here's hoping we can find some balance, because a future with robots as co-workers could be pretty darn awesome, as long as everyone gets to eat (and keep their data safe!).

IELTS Speaking Part 3 (+ Sample Answers)

Examiner: Let's move on to discuss the topic of technology and weather.

How has technology influenced the way we understand and predict weather patterns?

Candidate: Technology has had a huge impact on how we understand and predict weather. Instead of relying on old-school methods, we now have fancy weather equipment and powerful computer models that can crunch a ton of data.

Satellites in space give us real-time pictures and info about the atmosphere, while weather stations on the ground keep an eye on changes all around the world. With all this data and some fancy math, we can make accurate weather predictions, from local forecasts to tracking storms.

It's not just about making life easier, though. It's about being prepared for bad weather and being able to respond quickly, which can be a matter of life and death.

Examiner: Can you discuss the role of technology in mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events?

Candidate: CWell, technology is vital for dealing with extreme weather events. Take early warning systems, for example. They use sophisticated satellites and sensors on the ground to give timely alerts about disasters like hurricanes or floods. This gives people the chance to evacuate or get ready.

And, thanks to advances in data analytics and AI, we can now model disaster scenarios more accurately. This helps us plan and respond better. Plus, we're even using technology to create robust infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather conditions. Think flood-resistant urban design and earthquake-resistant buildings.

So, while we can't stop extreme weather, technology gives us the tools to minimize their impacts effectively. And that's a good thing, right?

Examiner: To what extent do you believe that advancements in technology could help us adapt to climate change?

Candidate: Technology has incredible potential to help us adapt to climate change. It's all about climate modeling, renewable energy, and so much more. We now have fancy computational models to predict climate patterns and see how our actions affect the environment.

Plus, we're working on clean and sustainable energy sources, like solar and wind power, to cut down on greenhouse gases. And AI and IoT are even helping farmers deal with changing weather patterns! It's a big challenge, but I truly believe technology gives us the tools to tackle it head-on.

Examiner: Now, let's shift our discussion to technology and food.

Examiner: How has technology transformed the way we produce and consume food?

Candidate: Well, technology has completely changed how we make and enjoy food. On the production side, things like precision agriculture let farmers use data, robotics, and GPS to get the most out of their crops. And when it comes to eating, online shopping, and food delivery apps make it easier than ever to get our hands on tasty meals.

Examiner: Can you talk about the impacts of technology on the nutritional value of food?

Candidate: The impact of technology on food's nutritional value has been significant. Innovations like GMOs and fortification have made some foods more nutritious. However, we must remember that using tech in food production also raises concerns about health and safety. For example, the use of pesticides in GMO crops has sparked concerns about potential long-term effects on human health.

Examiner: Do you think technological innovation is crucial for ensuring global food security? Why or why not?

Candidate: It's very likely! Technological innovation is super important for making sure everyone has enough to eat. With more and more people in the world, tech can help us grow more food, waste less, and get it to the people who need it faster. And who knows? Maybe in the future, things like vertical farming or lab-grown meat will totally change the way we eat.

Recent IELTS Questions

IELTS Speaking Test Part 1

Hometown/Where You Live

  • Describe your hometown, please.
  • Is it a good place to grow up? Why?
  • Have there been any changes in your hometown in recent years?
  • Would you like to live in the countryside?
  • Where would it be?
  • Why do you like this area?
  • How do you feel living in a house or apartment?
  • Where do you live now?
  • What did you like most about the house in which you grew up?
  • Describe your flat or apartment.
  • Do you want to own your a house or an apartment in the future?
  • What changes would you make to your own place?
  • What type of house would you like to have?
Food and Culture
  • Do you enjoy trying foreign food? Why or why not?
  • What's the most interesting foreign dish you've tried recently?
Music and Celebrations
  • How do you feel about listening to foreign music?
  • Are family parties important in your culture? What role does music play in these gatherings?
  • What's your preference between smart clothes and casual clothes? Why?
  • In your opinion, are traditional clothes still relevant in today's world?
Daily Life
  • What is your opinion on snacks between meals?
  • What do you like to have as a snack?
  • When do you usually eat it?
  • How do you usually keep up with the news? Do you prefer online news sources or traditional methods?
  • What do you do to maintain your mental health in today's fast-paced world?


  • Do you like colours?
  • Which coluors do you like?
  • Do you think colours influence you?
  • Are colours important with regard to particular products?
  • Which colours of clothes do you like to wear? Light or dark?
  • Has the way you choose the colour of your clothes changed from when you were a child?
  • Is there any particular colour you would not want to have in your house?
  • What are the colours that you would rather not have in your house?


  • Are you interested in history?
  • Did you study this subject at school?
  • Describe a book you read about history recently?
  • When did you read it?
  • What was it about exactly?
  • Do you like to watch historical films?


  • What kind of music do children like to listen to?
  • Is it different from what you listen to?
  • What kind of music does the older generation like to hear?
  • Why do people like to listen to music?
  • Do you like to sing?
  • Do you think everyone can sing?
  • What are some of the occasions when people sing?
  • Do you think all cultures enjoy singing?
  • What kind of live music can you listen to in your region?
  • What was the last concert you went to or watched on television?

IELTS Speaking Test Part 2

Long Turn

Describe a time when you felt overwhelmed by a crowded place

You should say:
  • where it was
  • what you were doing there
  • how you felt about being there
and explain how you dealt with the situation.

Follow-up question: How do you normally avoid going to crowded places?

Talk about your favourite song

You should say:
  • What is the song about?
  • When did you first hear the song?
  • Why is it your favourite?
And explain how the song makes you feel when you hear it.

Follow-up question: How often do you normally listen to that song? What does it remind you of when you hear it?

Talk about a small business in your community that has a good reputation

You should say:
  • what kind of business it is
  • why it earned a good reputation
  • what you can learn from this company
and explain how you feel about this business.

Follow-up questions: Why do you think many other local businesses can't achieve that level of success?

IELTS Speaking Test Part 3

Society and Education
  • How has university education changed in the past decade?
  • With the rising interest in learning science and technology, what other methods should be incorporated to enhance learning experiences?
  • Do you believe learning online can be as effective as traditional methods?
  • What qualities make a good teacher in today's educational landscape?
Business and Advertising
  • In your opinion, what constitutes a good advertisement?
  • Is it easy to establish a business in your country?
  • What do you think about family owned businesses?
  • Would you like to be a manager of such a business? Why?/Why not?
  • Can you share an experience where bad service significantly affected your perception of a business?
  • How should businesses handle such situations?
Community and Urban Planning
  • How important is urban planning in creating spaces that cater to the needs of elderly people?
Arts and Learning
  • Is it important to have a physical place to learn music, or can it be effectively done online?
  • How does spending time learning a creative skill like music impact an individual's mental health?

IELTS Speaking Part 1

Topic: Teachers
  • Can you recall a teacher from your elementary education days?
  • What do you remember most about that teacher?
  • What are some recent changes in the field of education and the role of educators?
Topic: School Subjects
  • Do you find learning enjoyable? Can you explain your reasons?
  • Was there a particular course in elementary school that you enjoyed more than others? What made it enjoyable?
  • What foreign language was a part of your academic curriculum?
  • Did learning that foreign language benefit you later? How?

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Cue Card

Describe an event or day when you spent a lot of time with a young child.
You should say:
  • the child's name
  • the reason you interacted with them
  • the activities you did together
and say how you felt about the experience.

IELTS Speaking Part 3


Topic: Parents & Children
  • In your view, what should be the extent of parental involvement in disciplining children?
  • Who generally spends more time with children at home, the mother or the father?
  • Do you believe this pattern is universal among families?
  • Can you discuss the significance of parents supervising their child's social activity?
  • Do you believe parents should influence their child's choice of friends?
  • Do children learn more effectively through experience (making errors) or by strict rules? Can you explain why?

IELTS Speaking Part 1

Topic: Meeting Places
  • Can you describe some popular meeting places in your hometown?
  • What do people usually do there?
  • Is there any historical or cultural significance attached to these meeting places?
  • How have these meeting places evolved or changed over the years?
  • Can you share a memorable incident or story associated with any of these places?
Topic: Advertisements
  • What are some typical advertisements you often see?
  • Why do you think those ads are targeted in those places?
  • How do these advertisements influence the behavior or decisions of the consumers?
  • Can you discuss any controversial or standout advertising campaigns that have appeared recently?
  • What role do celebrities play in the advertisements you see, and how effective do you think this is?

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Advertising about Clothing Cue Card

Talk about an advertising campaign for clothing that you've seen recently.
You should say:
- Which clothing brand it was.
- What aspects of the advertising campaign caught your attention.
- If you found it interesting.
And explain how it made you feel about the clothes being promoted.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

Topic: Clothing in the Past
  • How has clothing and fashion changed in your country over the past few decades? To what extent do you think young people play a role in these changes?
  • In your opinion, are people today more or less influenced by fashion trends than in the past? Why do you think this is the case?
  • Do you think advertising influences the way young people dress, and how important is it for fashion brands to target young consumers?
  • In your view, what are some potential pros and cons of young people being heavily influenced by fashion trends, advertising, and the clothing industry as a whole?
Topic: Young People & Fashion
  • Has the fast fashion industry changed the way young people perceive and consume fashion? What are some of the implications of this shift?
  • How do social media platforms and influencers shape the fashion choices of young people? Can you discuss any specific instances or trends that highlight this influence?
  • In your view, how can the fashion industry better promote sustainable and ethical practices, particularly to younger consumers?

Recent IELTS Exam

IELTS Speaking Part 1

Topic: Forgetting Things

  • Can you tell me about a time when you forgot something important and how it affected your day?
  • What techniques do you use to help you remember important tasks and appointments?
  • Do you find it harder to remember information when you are stressed or tired? Why do you think that is?
  • How do you feel when you forget something essential? Does it make you more attentive in the future?
  • In your opinion, is it easier to remember personal experiences or facts and figures? Why?

Topic: Memory

  • How would you assess your memory capacity? Are you able to recall details quickly, or do you struggle at times?
  • What role does memory play in your everyday life, and how important is it for your personal and professional growth?
  • Do you have a good memory, and how does it impact your life?
  • How do you believe age affects memory capacity? Is it possible to improve your memory as you get older?
  • What are some common challenges people face when trying to remember information? How can one overcome them?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a piece of good news that you received recently You should say:
- What the good news was
- How you received it (e.g., phone call, email, letter)
- Who the news was about
And explain how it made you feel and why it was significant.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

Topic: Small Business & Sharing

  • How can small businesses benefit from sharing their accomplishments or good news with the community?
  • What different ways or platforms can small business owners use to share their good news with their customers and community?
  • Considering the importance of positive feedback, how can receiving good news influence the workplace environment and employee morale in a small business?

Topic: Small Business & the Community

  • How do small businesses contribute to the growth and development of the communities they are a part of?
  • In what ways can communities show their support for local small businesses?
  • How can small businesses and communities work together to address local issues or solve common problems? Share an example if possible.

Recent Cue Cards

Talk about a necessary skill you mastered recently
You should say:
- What the skill is
- How you learned it
- How often you use it
And explain why you think it is a useful skill to have.
Latest IELTS cue cards

I'm going to talk about something I use daily that has been extremely useful to me.

The skill I'm going to talk about is time management. Time management is a skill that everyone needs to learn to be successful in life. We only have so many hours in a day, and we need to learn to use our time wisely. Otherwise, we'll never get anything done!

I learned this skill by taking a time management course. This course taught me different ways to prioritize my tasks, schedule my time effectively, and stay organized. I now use these skills daily, and they've been helpful to me. Without them, I would probably be a lot less productive.

Time management is necessary because it helps us use our time wisely. We can't waste our time if we want to be successful in life. We need to learn how to use our time wisely so that we can get things done and meet our goals. That's why I think time management is such an important skill.

I believe that time management is a useful skill that everyone should learn. It's helped me become more productive and efficient, and I'm sure it can help many people do the same. Anyone who wants to improve their time management skills can find plenty of resources (including courses) that can help.


Tell me about a time when you helped make a difference in a child's life
- Where and when did it happen?
- Who was the child?
- How did you help him/her?
- How did you feel about helping this child?
IELTS speaking topics with answers

Model Answer

I remember one time when I was working as a teaching assistant in an elementary school. The assignment was part of my practicum for my education degree.
I was working with a third-grade student who was having difficulty with math. The child really struggled with numbers and basic concepts. I worked with her one-on-one for about six weeks.
We did a lot of hands-on activities and games to help her understand the material. It was so rewarding to see her progress and eventually succeed in math. She went from hating math to enjoying it, and that made me feel great.

Some of the tactics I used to help her pay better attention in class were to sit with her during lessons, help her organize her notes, and go over the material with her after school.
We also played some memory games and did other activities to help her improve her focus. She was really grateful for the help and she started to understand the material better and her grades improved.

It was a fantastic learning experience for both of us, and I'm so glad I was able to help her out. I'm sure she'll be a math whiz in no time!

Describe a problem you faced while buying in-store or online
- what did you buy?
- where did you buy it?
- what was the problem?
And explain how you felt about the service you receieved.
Latest IELTS cue cards

I love to shop. It's my favorite hobby, and I'll confess that I spend far too much money on clothes, shoes, and accessories than is probably healthy.

But I have to say that lately, I've been really disappointed with the online shopping experience. Whether I'm buying from a small boutique or a major retailer, I've been facing more problems than ever before.

I was buying a dress for a wedding from a small online boutique. I found the perfect dress, and it was even in my size! I added it to my cart and went to check out.

But when I got to the shipping page, I realized that the dress would take four weeks to arrive. There was no way that would work—the wedding was in two weeks! I ended up having to find a different dress at the last minute. It wasn't nearly as nice as the first one, and it cost me twice as much.

I've also had trouble with returns. A few months ago, I bought some shoes online from a major retailer. But when they arrived, they were too small.

No problem, I thought—I'll just return them and get a different size. But when I looked at the return policy, I saw that I would have to pay for shipping both ways!

And on top of that, there was a restocking fee. In the end, it wasn't worth it, so I just kept the shoes and gave them away to charity.

And then there are the scams. Recently, I found an amazing deal on designer jeans online. They were 50% off! So I ordered them right away.

But when they arrived, it was clear that they were fake—the stitching was wrong and the fabric was cheap. Luckily, I was able to return them and get my money back. But it was a close call.

Overall, I feel pretty disappointed with my recent online shopping experiences. Between long shipping times, complicated return policies, and outright scams, it's getting harder and harder to justify buying things online instead of in-store.

That's why these days, you'll find me hitting up my local mall instead of logging onto my favorite retailer's website. At least that way, if there are any problems with my purchase, I can deal with them right away instead of waiting for days or even weeks for an email response from customer service.

IELTS Speaking Part 1

Topic: Friends

  • What do you value most in a friendship?
  • How has your definition of friendship evolved over the years?
  • Can you share an instance when you had to support a friend through a difficult time?
  • How do you think technology has impacted the way we make and maintain friendships?
  • Do you believe that having a diverse group of friends is beneficial? Why or why not?

Topic: Natural Talent

  • Do you think everyone possesses a natural talent?
  • In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of having a natural talent?
  • How can an individual discover their natural talent, and how should they further develop it?
  • Are there any natural talents that you admire or find fascinating?
  • How do you think a society can nurture and support its members' natural talents?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a social media company that you find interesting or successful.
You should say:
- The company's name and what it does
- Why you find it interesting or successful
- How it has impacted the way people communicate
And explain your thoughts on the potential future developments of this company.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

Topic: Technology & Relationships

  • How do you think technology has influenced interpersonal relationships in today's society?
  • What role do you think communication technology plays in long-distance relationships?
  • To what extent do you believe that our reliance on technology for communication has impacted the quality of relationships?

Topic: Technology & Foreign Languages

  • In what ways has technology made learning a foreign language more accessible and engaging?
  • How do you think language learning apps compare to traditional methods of language learning?
  • What potential challenges could arise from relying heavily on technology for language learning?

IELTS Speaking Part 1

Topic: Money

  • How do you usually manage your personal finances or budget?
  • Would you consider yourself a big spender or a saver? Why?
  • What are some things you enjoy spending your money on?
  • How have your spending habits changed over the years?
  • What role do you think money plays in personal happiness?

Topic: Childhood

  • Can you share any memorable experiences from your childhood?
  • How would you describe your childhood in three adjectives?
  • What was your favorite toy or game as a child? Why did you find it interesting?
  • How has your hometown changed since you were a child?
  • Can you recall an interesting thing you remember from your childhood?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 (Cue card)

Talk about a small business you know that is successful
You should say:
- What type of business it is
- How you learned about this business
- What makes it successful
And explain why you think it is an example of a successful small business.

Follow-up question: Have you ever bought anything from this business? Explain why (or why not)

IELTS Speaking Part 3

Topic: Small Companies vs. Big Companies

  • What do you think are the main differences in working for a small company compared to a large corporation?
  • In your opinion, should one support local small businesses over big companies? Why or why not?
  • How do small businesses contribute to a country's economy?

Topic: Technology & Companies

  • In what ways do you think technology is changing the way companies operate today?
  • Will automation and artificial intelligence technology affect the future job market? How?
  • How can companies adapt to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving technological landscape?

General Questions for IELTS Speaking with Answers

Dangerous Sports

There is no one way to get started in a dangerous sport. Some people may be born into a family of adrenaline junkies, while others may become interested in a particular sport after watching it on television or hearing about it from friends. No matter how you become interested in such a sport, it is important to remember that these activities come with inherent risks.

There are many popular sports that are dangerous, such as BASE jumping, big-wave surfing, free solo rock climbing, and bull riding. While some people may be drawn to the thrill of these activities, others may enjoy the challenge of pushing their limits and testing their skills.

These sports can often lead to serious injuries or even death. Some of the dangers associated with these activities include high winds, large waves, cliffs, rock faces, and angry bulls. It is important to be aware of these dangers before participating in any risky sport.

There are a few ways that participants can reduce the risks associated with such sports. First, they should make sure to wear the proper safety gear. Second, they should familiarize themselves with the dangers of the sport and make sure they are comfortable with them. Finally, they should always have a partner or group with them when participating in any high-risk sport.

There are definitely differences between dangerous and extreme sports. Sports that are dangerous tend to be more unpredictable and can often involve more physical contact. Extreme sports, on the other hand, usually involve more planning and preparation and often have less physical contact.

For example, base jumping is considered an extreme sport, while big wave surfing is considered a dangerous sport. Both can be deadly, but base jumpers usually know exactly what they're doing and have planned their jumps accordingly. Big wave surfers, on the other hand, often deal with more unpredictable conditions and can be caught off guard by a large wave.

Environmental Protection

IELTS speaking topics with answers


There are many methods used to protect the environment, some of which include reducing pollution and waste, conserving energy, and protecting natural resources.

Reducing pollution and waste can be done by recycling, using less water, and using less energy.

Conserving energy can be done by using energy-efficient appliances, using public transportation, and walking or biking instead of driving.

Protecting natural resources can be done by conserving water, planting trees, and avoiding the use of pesticides.


Environmental protection helps to protect our health in many ways. It can reduce air pollution, which can help to improve respiratory health. It can also reduce water pollution, which can help to improve gastrointestinal health.

Additionally, environmental protection can help to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants, which can help to protect overall human health.


There are many ways that we can help to protect the environment. Some of the most effective ways include reducing our energy consumption, recycling and composting, planting trees, and avoiding the use of pesticides.

By taking small steps like these, we can make a big difference in preserving our planet for future generations.


Endangered species are plants and animals that are at risk of becoming extinct.

Many endangered species are on the brink of extinction due to human activity, such as habitat loss, overhunting, and pollution.

It is important to protect these species because they play an important role in our ecosystems.

Additionally, many endangered species are used in traditional medicine and could provide important cures for diseases.

Finally, by protecting endangered species, we are helping to protect the planet as a whole.


There are many challenges facing environmental protection today. One of the biggest challenges is climate change.

Climate change is causing the Earth to warm, and this is causing problems for many plants and animals.

For example, warmer temperatures can cause the bleaching of coral reefs, which means they turn white and die. Warmer temperatures can also cause droughts.

Recent speaking topics & answers

IELTS Speaking Part 1

I live in the southern part of the country.

The main industries in my area are agriculture and tourism.

I have been living there for about 10 years.

The people in my area are friendly and welcoming.

I like the fact that it is a peaceful and quiet place.


My name means "lion" in Arabic.

I love my name! It's unique and it has a special meaning to me.

Some popular names in my country at the moment are Ahmed, Fatima, and Hassan.

Yes, in my culture, specific names are chosen for boys and girls. For example, Mohammed is a popular name for boys, while Fatima is a popular name for girls. Naming a child is an important event in my culture, and is usually done with the help of a Muslim cleric.


I do know a lot of teenagers! I'm actually quite close with a few of them. They're all going through that awkward phase right now, but they're still really great people. I'm sure they'll grow up to be even more amazing adults.

I loved my teenage years! They were some of the best years of my life. I made so many great memories and friends during that time. I'm really grateful for those years.

There were definitely some things I didn't like about being a teenager. It was a time of a lot of change and uncertainty, which can be really tough to deal with. But I think it's all part of growing up and becoming the person you're meant to be.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 2

Describe a car journey that you remember very well.
- where you went
- who was with you
- how long it took
And explain why you remember it so well.
Recent IELTS Candidate Task Card

IELTS speaking questions with answers

I remember a car journey I took a few years ago to go visit some friends who lived in the next town over. It was winter and the roads were really icy, so we had to take things slow and be extra careful. We ended up getting there safe and sound, but it was a pretty tense ride! I guess that's why I remember it so well.

My husband was with me and we went to visit our friends because they had just had a baby and we wanted to meet the new addition to their family. Plus, we hadn't seen them in a while so it was a good excuse to catch up.

The journey took us about an hour, maybe a little longer because of the conditions of the roads. But it was worth it in the end! Normally, the journey only takes us around 30 minutes. So it was a bit of an adventure.

I remember that particular journey because the weather was awful and it was a pretty scary ride! I guess that's why I remember it so well. We hit some bad traffic and my husband was getting a little antsy. Then, when we finally got moving again, we got caught in a rainstorm. It wasn't the best weather conditions to be driving in, but we wanted to get to our destination. We finally made it safe and sound, but it was definitely a ride that I'll remember!

Follow-up question: What was your most memorable road trip?

My most memorable road trip would definitely have to be the one that I took with my husband and our two kids. We drove from California all the way to Florida and back again! It was a great trip and we made some amazing memories. Our kids loved it too! They got to see so many different things and they loved being in the car together. It was a great experience for all of us.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 3


There are many different types of jobs that require good drivers. For example, delivery drivers need to be able to navigate their way around unfamiliar areas and make timely deliveries. Taxi and Uber drivers also need to be good at driving in order to pick up and drop off passengers quickly and safely. And of course, any job that involves driving a company vehicle, such as a truck or van, requires a good driver. Basically, any job that involves driving as part of the duties will require a driver with good skills.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it can vary depending on the country or state in which you live. In general, most people are eligible to obtain a driver's license when they reach the age of 16 or 17. However, there may be some restrictions in place for those under the age of 18, such as only being able to drive during daylight hours or with a parent or guardian present in the car. Additionally, some states have programs in place that allow young drivers to get their licenses at a younger age if they complete a certified driver's education course.

There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. On one hand, issuing driving licenses to high school students could help them become more responsible drivers. On the other hand, it could also lead to more accidents if inexperienced drivers are given too much freedom on the road. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to issue driving licenses to high school students should be made on a case-by-case basis.

Transport, Driverless Cars, Flying Cars

It depends on a number of factors, including the impact of using such transport on the environment and on people's lives. Some people might argue that it is moral to use fossil fuel-powered transport if it is the only way to get around, for example in rural areas where public transport is not available. Others might say that it is never moral to use such transport, as it contributes to climate change and other environmental problems. Ultimately, each person will have to decide what they believe is the right thing to do.

There are a few advantages to driverless cars and trains. One is that they can potentially reduce accidents since the computer can react faster than a human. They can also help ease traffic congestion, since they can be programmed to drive more efficiently. Finally, they can free up people's time, since they don't have to concentrate on driving.

It is possible that we may see cars that fly in the future, but it is not certain. There are many challenges that need to be overcome before this could become a reality, such as designing a vehicle that is both aerodynamic and lightweight. Additionally, the infrastructure for flying cars would need to be created, which would be a significant undertaking. While it is possible that flying cars could become a reality at some point in the future, there are many obstacles to overcome before this could happen.

Part 2 Speaking Topic

Describe a place you would like to live in the future
- where is it?
- what is it like?
- what is the accommodation like?
and explain why you would like to live there.
IELTS speaking topics

Model Answer

I'd love to live in a place like New York City one day. It's an incredible city that never sleeps, and there's always something new to do.

The accommodation options are endless, and you can find anything you need within walking distance. Plus, the city is full of culture and diversity, which I really appreciate.

If I could choose any accommodation, it would be a loft apartment in one of the old buildings in Greenwich Village.

These apartments are really unique and full of character. They often have high ceilings and lots of natural light, which I love.

Plus, they're usually located in the heart of all the action, so you never have to go far to find something to do.

I like that type of place because it feels like home, but it's also full of excitement. There's always something new to explore, and I never get bored.

That's why I think living in New York City is the best option for me. Another reason I'd like to live there is because of the job market.

I'm currently studying to be a graphic designer, and I know that New York City is one of the best places to find work in that field. There are so many opportunities there, and I would love to be able to start my career in such a vibrant and exciting city.

Overall, I think that life there would just suit me better. I'm a very outgoing and social person, and I feel like I would really thrive in an environment like New York City.

It's just a place that feels full of possibility, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me there.

Follow-up question:
How do you think you would find living in this place compared to where you live now?

Model Answer:

I think that I would find living there to be a very exciting and positive experience. I would love to be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that the city has to offer, and I think I would really thrive in such a vibrant and stimulating environment.

Compared to where I live now, I think life there would be a lot more exciting and fast-paced, but I am confident that I would be able to handle the challenges that come with living in such a big city.

Part 3 questions - accommodation in your country

Model Answer

The most popular type of accommodation is apartments. People generally prefer to have their own space, and apartments offer more privacy than other types of accommodation such as hostels or dormitories.

Apartments are also usually more affordable than other types of accommodation, which makes them a good option for students or young professionals who are on a budget.

Model Answer

One of the challenges that people face when finding accommodation in my country, the same as in many other countries, is that there is often a shortage of available apartments, especially in big cities. This can make it difficult to find an apartment that is both affordable and conveniently located.

Another challenge that people face is that many landlords require tenants to have a good credit history, which can be difficult for young people or people with limited income to obtain.

Model Answer

One of the advantages of living in an apartment is that it is usually more affordable than renting or buying a house.

Another advantage is that apartments are often located in central areas, making it easy to commute to work or school.

A disadvantage of living in an apartment is that there are often restrictions, which can be difficult for people who have pets or who enjoy entertaining guests.

Another disadvantage is that apartments often have smaller living spaces than houses.

Model Answer

One of the things people take into account when they are looking for somewhere to live is the cost. Another thing people take into account is the location.

People also consider the size of the living space and the noise restrictions when they are looking for an apartment to live in.

Whether the neighborhood is safe is also an important consideration for many people. And some people take into account the amenities that are available in the area when they are choosing an apartment to live in.

Model Answer

There is a wide range of accommodation available in my country, from budget-friendly options for little money to more luxurious choices.

I think that there is something for everyone, and overall the accommodation represents good value for money.

Of course, it depends on your individual needs and preferences as to whether you think particular accommodation is good value for money – but in general, I think there are plenty of options available at reasonable prices if you have enough money.

In my country, it is not uncommon for three generations to live together in one house. This includes grandparents, parents, and children.

I think this arrangement has a lot of benefits. For one, it allows children to learn from their elders and gain a better understanding of their family history.

Additionally, it can provide a sense of security and support, especially for grandparents who may need assistance with day-to-day tasks.

Part 3 Discussion Questions: Volunteering


I think that volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and help those in need, so I think everyone should do at least some volunteering. It's a great way to learn new skills, make new friends, and make a difference in the world.


There are many benefits to volunteering, such as gaining new skills, making new friends, and helping those in need. Volunteering is also a great way to learn more about your community and make a difference in the world.


I think there definitely could be more volunteer opportunities available. There are always people who need help and there are always people who want to help, so I think it would be great if there were more opportunities for people to get involved. Additionally, I think it would be beneficial for the community as a whole to have more volunteers because it would help with things like beautification projects, community events, and other things.


I think it's great if people can volunteer for causes they're passionate about, but I also think that people should be willing to volunteer for other causes as well. It's important to be open-minded and to understand that there are many different ways to help out in the world. Additionally, even if you're not passionate about a certain cause, you can still make a difference by volunteering your time and effort.


There are a few different ways to go about finding a reputable volunteering opportunity. One way is to ask friends, family, or acquaintances if they know of any good opportunities. Another way is to do some research online or through local newspapers/bulletins. You can also contact various organizations directly and inquire about opportunities. Finally, you can always check with your local volunteer center; they should have a list of reputable organizations that need volunteers.


I have volunteered before and it was a great experience. I worked with a local organization that helps underprivileged children. It helps teach children and I tutored the kids after school and helped them with their homework. It was really rewarding to see the kids improve and do well in school.

Example of recent IELTS speaking test with answers

IELTS Speaking Part 1

I work, I’m an agricultural engineer.

Yes, sometimes, but it’s not that often. There are times when I take work home with me, usually when I have to finish a research report because I find it easier to write at home than when I’m at work. I also do quite a bit of reading for work at home because there are fewer distractions.

But overall, I don’t usually have too much work to do. I get most of my weekends free and only sometimes have to stay late to finish something if it’s extremely urgent.

It depends on what I need to do. Sometimes I visit my parents, although I prefer to do that at the weekends when I have more time.

Normally, I’ll go home first, maybe have something to eat if I don’t have any plans to go out, or arrange to meet up with some friends at a restaurant or to do something fun, and then later on in the evening maybe do some reading related to my work, or just relax for a while.

If I’m at work, I prefer to wear comfortable shoes because I can be on my feet for hours on end some days. But when I go out socially, like dancing or to a restaurant for a meal, I prefer to dress up and wear heels.

I have done, but normally I prefer to go shopping for shoes with one of my friends and make an afternoon of it. We usually have a wander around the shops and try on different styles and then maybe have something to eat as well and catch up with what’s been happening.

I’ve never really thought about it. I suppose I know a lot of people, but only have one or two really close friends, best friends; the others are just people I would talk to at work or elsewhere because we know each other, but I wouldn’t really confide in them or imagine asking them for help or advice if I needed it.

I try to – but in the last year or so we’ve all been very busy. We used to be inseparable, and spent lots of time together, but nowadays we manage to get together maybe once a week or every other week, which is always great. But we are in constant contact by phone, so it’s not like we miss much of what the others are doing, even though we don’t see each other as often as we used to.

I guess the normal things people do; we chat about our lives, boyfriends, work, life, and go out together either for social events, activities or, like I said, to just meet up and go shopping and grab a bite to eat.

For example, last weekend the three of us went to visit a new restaurant which has just opened in the city. We all love food so we were really excited about it and it was a great evening.

The following day we met up to take my friend’s dog for a walk in the park, and we spent a couple of hours just strolling around, enjoying the fresh air and chatting, so we do lots of different things.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

IELTS Cue Card
Describe a quiet place you like to go to sometimes
You should say:
- where it is
- when you go there
- why you like the place
and what you did the last time you went there.

IELTS Speaking Topics

Describe a quiet place

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Model Answers

As I was telling you I sometimes go to meet my friend and we walk her dog together. We usually go to a park which is close by to where she lives and there’s one particular section of the park which is always nice and quiet. There hardly seems to be anyone else there – I’ve never figured out why.

It’s really peaceful there because there’s no background noise from the traffic, and almost nobody else goes there, all you hear are the birds and sometimes the leaves in the trees rustling in the breeze, and of course my friend’s dog when she’s barking – but apart from that it’s almost silent.

There’s a small river which runs through this part of the park and sometimes we just sit by the river and chat for ages, or sit on the small bridge which crosses the river and watch the water flowing below us.

One of the reasons I particularly like this pace is because it is so quiet. It’s like a little haven from the busy real world - an escape - and it’s almost like walking into a room and closing the door and all the normal noise is shut out.

I love to go there if I’m feeling a bit stressed out or have been working hard and want to relax. The smells, the colors and the silence make me feel really relaxed and I’m always in a better mood when I’ve spent some time there.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

Speaking for IELTS Part 3 Noise

I’m not sure if they prefer it – but it’s normal. I mean, if you’re in an office and you listen carefully, you can always hear some noise in the background; it might just be the sound of the air condition. People’s fingers clicking on keyboards, phone calls, phones ringing or the sound of people receiving texts, there’s always some degree of ambient noise.

I think if people worked in an environment which was actually 100% free of noise they would feel it was extremely strange – almost surreal!

Excluding the typical background noise, like I was saying before, noise which is out of the ordinary is a distraction; it might be loud traffic noise, construction work or any kind of noise which is irregular and not normally present in that particular environment.

Some people find other people’s conversations distracting or don’t want to hear music while they work, so a lot of it depends n the individual and what level of background noise they are accustomed to or able to accept without it becoming a distraction.

Personally, I don’t mind some noise, but anything which is irregular irritates me – like when somebody laughs and then stops but then laughs again a couple of minutes later and it goes on and on for a long time. I'm a patient person, and if they just laughed all the time I would be able to block it out. But the irregularity of it make it a distraction, does that make sense?

External noise? I suppose that might include construction work, airplanes flying over the building, the sound of heavy rain falling on the roof or windows, or if you’re in a manufacturing or industrial environment, or close to an area like that, there could be a whole range of machinery-related noises which are common.

There are already many regulations regarding acceptable noise levels in public places, to try and curb noise pollution, and I believe that in industrial environments there are also strict regulations about the level of noise which is permitted in certain areas or zones.

That’s why workers in such places have to be issued with PPE (personal protective equipment) such as sound-deadening ear plugs, and things like that.

And even cars aren’t permitted to make excessive noise; there are limitations on the noise which can be emitted from the exhaust of your car.

So unless there’s a new noise problem, the government has already legislated for most noisy environments and other sources of noise pollution. I’m sure if another problem related to noise is identified, governments will act to implement relevant regulations.

IELTS Speaking Test

Part 1

What is your full name?

My name is Miguel Alonzo Barerra

Can I see your ID?

Yes, here's my ID card

Where are you from?

I'm from Barcelona in Spain originally

Do you work or study?

I'm working and studying at the moment. I'm studying Engineering and also working part time at the university.

What job do you do?

I'm working part time at the university as a research assistant.

What do you do at your work?

I'm helping collate research data on a project in one of the departments there. It basically involves some data management and analysis skills for a mobile phone provider.

Do you like your job? [Why?]

Yes, I do. It's related to what I'm studying and it's real experience working on a project which is interesting for me, so yes, I really like working there.

Do you like walking? [Why?/Why not?]

Yes, it's actually one of my favorite pastimes. I love waling in the hills near where I live. Usually at the weekends I go with some friends and we walk for a couple of hours.

What I like about it most is the fresh air and the change of scenery, it's such a nice break from the university campus and all the activity there.

Do you think walking in the countryside is better than in the city? [Why?/Why not?]

For me personally, I enjoy walking in the countryside more than walking in the city. I walk in the city mainly to get from A to B, not so much for pleasure.

Out in the countryside it's different, the air is fresher and it's quieter and much more enjoyable to go for a stroll or walk.

Why do you consider walking important [or why not]?

It's important for me because I love doing it, because I spend most of my day sitting down. But I think it's important generally for good health to do some kind of exercise, I'm not very sporty, but I love walking.

What could be done to improve walking in the city?

I can't really think of much else the local authorities could do. It's quite nice walking around here. Traffic is already restricted in some parts of the city and there are plenty of open spaces and parks where you can walk.

I suppose if the banned cars altogether then it would be better, but that would be impractical, wouldn't it?

Do you think you will keep walking as a part of your routine in the future?

Yes, I'm pretty sure I'll still be walking in the future. It's somethig which I love doing, it's good for my health and I find it relaxing, so I hope to continue doing it as long as I can.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics

IELTS Candidate Task Card

Talk about a season or time of the year that you enjoy the most

You should say:
  • What you do during this season
  • What the weather is like.
  • Why you prefer this seasons
and explain how it makes you feel.
In Part 2, you get 1 minute to think and plan your response before you need to start speaking.
Make some brief notes so you don't forget what to say!

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Answer

Where I live there are two marked seasons, summer and winter. Personally, I prefer the summer, the temperature can get a little hot sometimes but I prefer that to the cold weather we have in the winter.

During the summer people spend a lot of time at the beach and going out on boats. My family has a boat and most of my friends also so It’s a great way to spend a day, out on the sea and swimming and relaxing.

Sometimes we sail around the coast to another village and spend some time there, maybe have lunch and see something different.

In the evenings we you can normally see people having parties on the beach. It’s quite common to go with some friends, make a fire and cook something to eat and chill out with your friends.

I can even remember sleeping on the beach a couple of times a few years ago.

As I said, the weather is usually around 30°-35° so it’s hot most of the day and nighttime temperatures are still very warm, sometimes too warm to sleep unless you use airconditioning in your home.

There’s normally no rain for about 7 months, although sometimes it happens, but it’s rare during the summer.

It’s my favourite season because I like to spend a lot of time outside doing activities such as swimming, biking, hiking and sailing. The days seem longer and you don’t need to wear many clothes, just a T-shirt and a pair of shorts most days.

In the winter it’s completely different. It rains frequently and the temperature gets down to around 10°-15° for about 4 months of the year. I don’t like the cold much, it makes me feel sad - so that’s why I prefer the summertime. It's my favourite season.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Discussion Questions


Which is more important in your view: summer or winter? [Why?]

You know, personally, I'm all about the summer vibes. But it's not just a personal preference – it really matters where I live. In summer, we get a ton of tourists flocking here for their vacations.

It's pretty much the backbone of our economy. All the hotels, restaurants, and local shops bank on the summer crowds to make it through the year. Winter's got some tourists too, but it's way quieter.

Honestly, if we didn't have such awesome weather in the summer, I doubt we'd see as many people coming around. And those visitors? Super important for keeping our local economy buzzing.

Which do you think people enjoy more, summer or winter? [Why?]

Overall, most people who live in my town enjoy the summer months better. They enjoy spending days at the beach and swimming and then sitting outside in the evening eating, drinking and relaxing.

Certainly, the tourists who visit prefer the summer, most of them want to get themselves a suntan, and they can do that in a couple of days here. They love the positive change of climate and the fact that they can spend most of the day outside.

What are the disadvantages of working in extremely cold or hot weather?

I suppose it’s difficult working in extreme temperatures. When you work in a very hot climate or environment you can feel tired very quickly.

You also need to hydrate yourself well to maintain your energy. Sometimes when it’s very hot here, even doing something simple can seem like a lot of effort.

But, on the flip side, working in an extremely cold place can be tiring and you need to use appropriate clothing if it’s extremely cold.

And being 'bundled up' can make it difficult to move around if you’re working outside, and you need to eat more I think, to have enough energy to stay warm and do your work.

EXAMINER TIP - Don't forget to try and fully develop your answers in the IELTS speaking questions Part 3, include an example, reason, or cause to help support what you say!

Speaking for IELTS Practice Questions

Recent IELTS speaking test questions

A collection of general questions for IELTS speaking from various recent tests.

Work Environment

What are some common concerns people might have about the work environment nowadays?

Some common concerns people might have about the work environment nowadays include long hours, working in close quarters with others, and not having enough time for breaks or personal time.

Additionally, some people may feel like they are constantly under pressure to perform at a high level and meet deadlines, which can lead to stress and anxiety.

Others may feel like they are not being paid fairly for their work, or that their job is not fulfilling. It is important to remember that everyone has different needs and concerns when it comes to the work environment, so what works for one person may not work for another.

What are the most important factors to you in a work environment?

The most important factor to me in a work environment is that I feel comfortable and respected. I need to be able to trust my colleagues and feel like I am a valued member of the team. Additionally, a good work environment for me is one where I can learn and grow. I want to be able to try new things and expand my skill set.

How would you like to improve the work environment at your company?

There are a few things that can be done to improve the work environment at my company.

One is to make sure that the employees have what they need to do their jobs properly. This includes having adequate resources and training.

Another way to improve the work environment is by ensuring that there is clear communication between management and employees.

Additionally, creating a positive and supportive work environment can go a long way in making sure that employees are happy and productive.

Finally, addressing any concerns or issues that employees have in a timely and effective manner is essential to maintaining a good work environment.

What do you like best about the work environment at your company?

There are a few things that I really appreciate about the work environment at my company.

First of all, everyone is very friendly and supportive, which makes it a great place to work.

Secondly, the company is always willing to invest in its employees, whether it's through training or development opportunities.

Finally, I really appreciate the flexible working hours, which allow me to better manage my time.

What suggestions do you have to make the workplace more enjoyable for everyone?

I think it would be good to encourage open communication and collaboration among employees.

Another idea would be to promote a healthy work-life balance for all employees. And it would be nice if the company encouraged employees to take breaks during the workday, and provided comfortable break areas.

One final idea would be to implement policies that support employee wellness, such as providing healthy food options and encouraging regular exercise.

Young People

What is your opinion on how young people are portrayed in the media?

I think that sometimes young people are often portrayed in a negative light in the media.

This could be due to the fact that they are often associated with crime or other negative behaviors. Other people might say that young people are portrayed realistically in the media and that it just depends on what type of media you are consuming.

Personally, I think that there is a need for more positive representation of the younger generation in the media so that they can be seen as more than just a stereotype.

For example, young people can be shown as successful professionals, community leaders, or simply happy and well-adjusted individuals. This would help to break down the negative stereotype that is often attached them.

It is important to remember that not all young people fit into the same category. Just as there are good and bad people of all ages, there are also good and bad people.

The media does not always do a good job of representing this fact. Instead, they often portray young people as a monolithic group that is responsible for all the problems in society.

How can young people be encouraged to participate in politics?

There are a number of ways they can be encouraged to participate in politics. One way is to provide them with information and resources that can help them understand the political process and the issues that are important to them.

Another way is to create opportunities for them to get involved, such as internships or volunteer work with political campaigns or organizations.

What are some things young people can do to become more successful in life?

I think success depends on many factors. However, a few suggestions for things young people could do to increase their chances of success in life would be to get a good education, as a solid foundation of knowledge and skills will help you in any career you choose.

Also, try to develop a strong work ethic and learn as much as you can about your chosen field or industry.

Networking is also important, so try to meet as many people as possible and build relationships with those in your chosen field.

Finally, don't be afraid to take risks; sometimes the best opportunities come from taking a chance on something new.

What challenges do young people face today?

There are a number of challenges that a young person might face today.

One of the biggest is trying to find a job that pays a livable wage. Many entry-level jobs only pay minimum wage, which is not enough to cover the cost of living in many parts of the country.

Another challenge is the increasing cost of education. College tuition has been rising steadily for many years, making it difficult for many young people to afford a post-secondary education.

And many students face dealing with student loan debt to pay for their education, and then find themselves struggling to repay those loans after graduation. Very stressful!

Other challenges include the high cost of housing and rent, the increasing cost of healthcare, and the difficulty of saving for retirement on a low income.

All of these challenges can make it difficult for young people to get ahead in life.

Topic: talent

Why do some people not have the same talent for certain things as others do?

There could be a few reasons why some people don't have the same talent for certain things as others do.

One reason could be that they simply haven't had the opportunity to develop that talent. Another reason could be that they have a different brain structure or chemistry that makes it harder for them to learn or excel at certain things.

And, it could also be a matter of motivation or interest – if someone doesn't care about becoming good at something, they probably won't put in the effort necessary to develop that talent.

Do you think it is possible for someone to develop the same talent as someone they admire?

Yes, it is possible for someone to develop the same talent as someone they admire.

If they are willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to reach that level of talent, anything is possible.

There are many success stories of people who have gone from admiring a certain talent to becoming just as talented themselves.

So if you have a role model whose talent you aspire to achieve, don’t be discouraged – with enough commitment, you can make it happen.


How can we improve the standard of living in developing countries?

There are several ways to improve the standard of living in developing countries. For example, invest in education and training, which can help people get better jobs and earn higher incomes.

Promoting economic growth is also a good strategy to improve living standards, as it can create more jobs and opportunities.

Another way to help is to provide targeted assistance to the poorest and most vulnerable people. This can include access to basic services like healthcare, education, and clean water.

There is no quick fix or silver bullet solution to poverty, but by taking a comprehensive and holistic approach, it is possible to make significant progress in improving living standards in developing countries.

What would be the best way to reduce crime rates?

Crime rates can be affected by a variety of factors. However, some methods that could be effective in reducing crime rates include increasing police presence, improving economic conditions, and providing more opportunities for positive social and recreational activities.

Additionally, programs that focus on prevention and early intervention (such as education and job training) can also help reduce crime rates over time.

Overall, there is no silver bullet solution to reducing crime rates. However, implementing a comprehensive approach that addresses the various underlying factors can help make communities safer and reduce crime rates over time.

Do you think that people who break the law should be punished?

Yes, I think that people who break the law should be punished. I think that the punishment should fit the crime and that it should be proportional to the severity of the offense. So for example, if someone breaks into a house, they should be punished more severely than if they jaywalk.

And if someone kills someone, they should be punished more severely than if they steal a car. I think that the death penalty is appropriate for some crimes, but not for all crimes.

I also think that people who commit crimes should have the opportunity to rehabilitate themselves and that they should be treated fairly and humanely while they are incarcerated.

What do you think is the most important thing for a government to do?

I think the most important thing for a government to do is to protect its citizens. That means providing for their defense, ensuring their safety, and helping them to thrive.

It also means respecting their rights and treating them fairly.

How can teachers develop students' awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses?

Teachers can help students become aware of their own strengths and weaknesses by using a variety of assessment techniques and providing positive feedback.

Some specific strategies include using rubrics, conducting self-assessments, and giving formative and summative assessments.

It is also important for teachers to create a safe and supportive environment in which students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

When students are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, they can begin to take steps to improve their areas of need. This ultimately leads to more successful academic performance.

How do family members support each other?

There are many ways that family members can support each other.

One way is by providing emotional support to one another during times of need. This can involve offering words of encouragement, listening to one another's concerns, and offering a shoulder to cry on.

Another way family members can support each other is by providing practical assistance with tasks such as childcare, cooking, cleaning, and running errands. This can help to ease the burden on one family member and make it easier for everyone to get through their day-to-day tasks.

And, family members can also support each other financially by pooling resources and splitting the cost of bills and other expenses. This can help to lighten the financial load for everyone involved.

Ultimately, family support is about being there for one another during both the good times and the bad. By offering love, care, and assistance, families can help to strengthen their bonds and build a solid foundation for the future.

What are the different roles that each family member plays in a person's life?

Each family member has their own role to play in a person's life, and these roles can vary depending on the individual family.

Typically, the parents or guardians are responsible for providing love, support, and guidance to their children, while siblings often play the role of confidante and best friend.

Grandparents may serve as advisers or mentors, and extended family members can fill many different roles within a person's life.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what role each family member plays in their life.

How important are mobile phones to people's lives?

How do you think the mobile phone has changed our lives?

What are your thoughts on watching movies? Do you think it is a good way to spend free time? Why or why not?

What are some interesting conversation topics that you like to talk about with friends or family members?

How do you think people's reading habits have changed since you were a child?

How do you typically spend your days? Do you have any routines or rituals that you follow in everyday life?

What kinds of jobs require high concentration?

How important is it to pass the family business on to the next generation?

How do family businesses help to maintain traditional values and keep businesses in the family?

Why do think some people collect things as a hobby?

Talk about an interesting song
- What is the song about?
- What do you like about the song?
- Who is the artist?
And explain how the song makes you feel.

How important are watches to people?

Do people wear expensive watches to show off their wealth, or do they use watches to keep track of time?

How do people feel about wearing expensive watches?

IELTS speaking practice test questions: Advertisements

How do you feel about watching TV advertisements?

What are the benefits of watching TV advertisements?

What are some of the negative aspects of TV advertising?

Do internet advertisements irritate you while you are browsing online?

What do you think is the most effective way for companies to advertise their products? Why do you think that?

What makes some TV commercials so memorable that people share these advertisements with their friends?

Do you think that the content of TV commercials is becoming more creative? Why or why not?

Would you say that TV advertisements are more effective than other forms of advertising, such as print or online ads or online advertisements?

What do you think is the least effective way for companies to advertise their products? Why do you think that?

Do you think people feel bored when they see too many commercials? Why or why not?

What do you think is the best way for companies to get people to pay attention to their commercials? Why do you think that?

Questions about Working Conditions / Job Satisfaction

What is your opinion on working conditions in your country?

Do you think that companies should be required to provide their employees with health insurance? Why or why not?

Do you think that all employees should receive paid vacation days? Why or why not?

Do you think that all employees should receive paid sick days? Why or why not?

What could be done to improve working conditions in your country? Do you think that these changes would be beneficial? Why or why not?

Could employers do more to improve employee morale? If so, what do you think they should do?

Do you think that employees are generally satisfied with their jobs? Why or why not?

Do you think that job satisfaction is important? Why or why not?

What do you think are the most important factors for job satisfaction?

Questions about Leisure Time

How do you like to spend time on weekends?

How often do you spend time with your family?

What are some reasons people might choose to volunteer services in the community?

What types of volunteer services are active to help others in your community?

How do you like to spend your leisure time?

What leisure time activities do people in your country enjoy?

Questions about Films / Movies / Cinema

Do you like to watch films on the big screen or at home? Why?

What kind of films do you like to watch? Why?

What was the last film you really enjoyed watching? What did you like most about it?

Do you think that films are reflective of society? In what ways?

Do you think that films can be educational? In what ways?

Questions about Music

What kind of music do you like to listen to? Why?

What was the last concert you went to? What did you think of it?

Why do some people not like going to live concerts?

Do you think that music can be therapeutic? In what ways?

Are music competitions popular with young people? Why / why not?

What is your opinion on traditional music? Is it important to preserve this type of music? Why or why not?

How does traditional music influence your culture?

How can younger people make the most of their lives?

In what ways can younger people better prepare for retirement?

How can traffic jams be reduced?

What are some of the main causes of traffic jams in your city?

What do you normally do when stuck in a traffic jam?

What are some possible solutions to reducing traffic jams?

Has your city implemented any successful strategies to reduce traffic congestion?

IELTS speaking test questions: famous people

Famous people can influence people's lives in many different ways. Some people may be inspired by their success and try to emulate their achievements, while others may be influenced by their style or the way they live their lives.

In some cases, famous people can also have a negative influence on people, especially if they are involved in scandal or controversy.

Overall, though, it is safe to say that famous people have the power to influence the lives of many people, for better or for worse.

One famous person who inspires me is Mahatma Gandhi. He was an incredible leader who fought for what he believed in and helped lead his country to independence. He is an inspiration to me because he showed that it is possible to achieve great things through peaceful means.

Another person who inspires me is Nelson Mandela. He also fought for his beliefs and was willing to sacrifice his own freedom in order to help his people. He is an inspiration to me because he showed that it is possible to overcome great obstacles through perseverance and determination.

It is up to the person to decide how to react to their newfound fame. Some people might let it go to their heads and become negative role models, while others might use their platform to spread awareness and positivity. It really varies from person to person.

In my opinion, though, I think that having more positive role models in the media would have a better impact on society as a whole. It would give people something to strive for and look up to, instead of just being exposed to the negative sides of fame.

Cell Phones

How often do people lose their cell phones in your country? Is it a common problem?

Have you ever lost your cell phone? Did you find it? What did you do?

How do you think the cell phone has changed our society?

In what ways has the cell phone affected the way we communicate with each other?

Do you think a cell phone is a necessity or a luxury?

Why do think some people prefer living in the city or the country?

Do you prefer living in a city or a rural area? Why? What are the benefits?

Yes, collecting things is a popular hobby in my country. Many people collect items such as stamps, coins, comics, and even toy cars. Some people even collect more unique items, such as vintage clothing or antique furniture.

There are many reasons why people enjoy collecting things, including the joy of finding rare or unusual items, the satisfaction of completing a collection, or simply the pleasure of owning and displaying a beautiful or interesting object. No matter what people collect, it is often a enjoyable and rewarding hobby.

Some people might view their collections as an investment, while others might see it as a way to connect to the past or to show off their interests. Other people might even enjoy the challenge of seeking out new and unique items to add to their collection. Whatever the reason, for many people, collecting can be a fun and satisfying hobby.

IELTS speaking topics: watching television

Do you enjoy watching television alone or with others?

How much time do you spend watching television every day?

What do you think is the most positive aspect of watching television? The most negative?

There are a variety of ways that people can celebrate important events. Some people may choose to have a party or gathering with friends and family, while others may prefer to spend time alone or with a small group of close friends. They might get together in-person or use online social media to chat and spend time together.

Some people may also choose to travel to special places or take part in unique activities to mark the occasion. It is up to the individual to decide how they would like to celebrate an important event.


How Can I improve my IELTS speaking skills fast?

There are several things you can do to improve your IELTS speaking skills fast.

One is to get plenty of practice speaking English with native speakers. This will help you to get used to the rhythm and flow of the language, and also pick up on any common errors that you might be making.

Another great way to improve your speaking skills is to listen to native English speakers as often as possible. This will help you to learn how to produce the sounds correctly, and also familiarize yourself with the various intonations and stress patterns used in spoken English.

Finally, it is also a good idea to read aloud as much as possible in English, as this will help to improve your pronunciation and fluency.

What should IELTS test takers focus on during each speaking part of the interview?

IELTS test takers should focus on their fluency and pronunciation during the interview. They should also tryto understand and respond to the questions accurately.

Additionally, test takers should use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures in their answers.

How do you answer the "long walk" cue card question?


Latest IELTS speaking topics

What challenges might individuals face when they move to a foreign country and how can they adapt to different countries? Compare this to living in your own country.

How can certain TV programs harm children's ability to learn? What practices should be adopted to ensure children benefit from TV programs?

What factors affect health awareness in modern society? How can we mitigate safety risks and promote a good trend for public health?

How has modern technology influenced the way people in your country celebrate traditional festivals or produce a traditional product?

Describe an interesting place you visited.

Talk about an interesting animal from your country.

Describe an interesting neighbor you know.

Describe your favorite room at home.

How is a modern house different from traditional residential buildings?

Why is the internet important in daily life? How have electronic devices influenced this importance?

How does growing up in the same place contribute to childhood friendship?

What qualities make these friendships good and lasting?

Describe your hometown's distinct landscape that it's famous for.

How does the weather in your local area influence this landscape?

Disclaimer: The content of this page is purely for educational purposes and has been collected from various online sources. Please consult your local IDP Education Australia or British Council IELTS center for official IELTS Practice Materials.